Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 461 Idol Su, What Is He Going To Do? (Part 1)

Chapter 461 Idol Su, What Is He Going To Do? (first update)
Chapter 460

"Father..." Su Guo, who was waiting by his side, heard these words, approached with concern and asked in a low voice. "Father, you mean that Wang Wushan?"

Su Dongpo stroked his long beard and said with emotion. "That's right, it's Wang Wushan. The old man once said that he should live at the right side of the old man's seat, but today, the old man understands that the old man should be honored at the same seat with this unparalleled national scholar..."

"Sir, who is the Peerless National Scholar?" Just at this time, I heard another hearty voice from outside the house.Su Dongpo raised his eyes and saw the person coming. It was Lu Tao, his fellow villager and staunch supporter, who was also a leader of the Shu Party, and he couldn't help smiling. "It turned out to be Yuan Jun, haha, it's just in time, let's go for a walk, go to the study, I just want to talk to you..."

After the two came to the study, Su Dongpo told this fellow villager and hardcore supporter what he had said with Wang Yang and his own views.

"If Mr. An Shi hadn't been so aggressive in the past, and the people he used were a bunch of profiteers and ungrateful people, how could Su have stood up to oppose it?"

Su Dongpo thought of Wang Anshi's obstinate and paranoid temper in the past, coupled with his self-willed behavior, even if the emperor hesitated a little, he could threaten him with resignation or resignation.

It can be said that the failure of the reform under Emperor Shenzong had a lot to do with that Wang Anshi was not good at communicating with people, was too radical and extreme in doing things, and could not listen to different opinions.

"Nowadays, what kind of people are the old parties in the court? Yuan Jun, do you still need the old man to tell you? Forming parties for personal gain, corruption prevailing, fighting for power and profit, everything is selfish, and the latter puts the world's society in his mind Too many."

"Unfortunately, the old man can't support himself now, and Fan Xianggong is too simple and loyal..." Su Dongpo's expression couldn't help but look a little sad when he said this.

Lu Tao couldn't help but nodded with emotion. "Above the court, it is true that it is no longer as strong and prosperous as it was at the beginning of the founding of the country. Those who stick to the rules and do not think about making progress will know nothing. If this continues, the Great Song Dynasty will be in danger..."

"It's really refreshing to hear Wang Wushan's views on the reforms in the past today. However, sir, why did you talk about this topic with him, could it be..."

Su Dongpo nodded slightly, and Lu Tao couldn't help but gasped and stood up. "Sir, absolutely not, absolutely not."

"Su certainly knows that in the past, Su was a pioneer in opposing the reform. If he holds high the banner of reform now, I am afraid that not only will he not be a human being inside and outside, but he will also be regarded as a leader and a rat by the world." Su Dongpo smiled bitterly. He laughed at himself.

Hearing this, Lu Tao breathed a sigh of relief, and finally couldn't help but give another piece of advice. "Now the court is controlled by ministers who are opposed to the reform. If you, sir, change your attitude at this time, not to mention many ministers who cannot tolerate you, even the Emperor and the Queen Mother will definitely be upset..."

"Wang Yangwang Wushan's words and deeds really make people feel like a different stream in the court, and he has done a lot of jaw-dropping things, and he is very popular with the emperor and the empress dowager." I have a lot of faith, but it's a pity that I'm too young."

"Youth is not a bad thing. We are all old. When we do things, we look forward and backward, and are timid. On the contrary, this Wang Wushan is really like his "On Young China", full of vigor and courage to forge ahead."

"Mister, what do you mean..." After Lu Tao pondered for a long time, he raised his head and looked at Su Dongpo.

Su Dongpo's fingers gently stroked the exquisitely carved Duan inkstone on the case table, and his smile seemed meaningful. "No hurry, let's take a look first..."

Lu Tao looked at Su Dongpo in front of him in a daze, and finally nodded, without further words.

The renovation of the Royal Street outside the Suzaku Gate is in full swing, refreshing everyone's senses almost every day.What they need is no longer calcined blue bricks, or flat bluestones that require a large number of masons to carve and polish.

All that is needed is to lay ordinary gravel on the ground, and then roll it with huge, now cemented, cement cylinders.

After that, use fine sand and lime mixed with a large amount of cement to start paving the road. After that, let those young or old people who don't have much strength use the tools of masons to smooth the surface and make it smooth. Use the tools that have been prepared a long time ago to press out beautiful and good-looking patterns.

The cement-hardened imperial street from Xuandemen to Zhuquemen is already passable, which surprised all the officials of the capital of the Song Dynasty to discover the great changes brought about by the Yuanyou cement invented by Wang Yang.

On such a road, even after a torrential rain, the road will not be muddy, and the section of Imperial Street is still so clean, flat and smooth, and those beautiful cloud patterns that are deliberately rubbed out stand between Xuandemen and When seen from the gate tower of Suzaku Gate, it became more and more eye-catching.

Wang Yang's name can be said to be very popular in the circle of noble officials in Bianliang of the Song Dynasty, but when talking about recent hot topics, there is no way to bypass this [-]-year-old Jinke who is said to be [-] years old champion.

His literary attainments, even Mr. Dongpo, the only surviving master today, spread the word "You should be able to live in peace at the right of my seat."

And the new things he invented and created made everyone's jaws drop in shock, and it is not an exaggeration to even drop their eyeballs to the ground.

The important thing is that he is not only the most trustworthy minister in the eyes of the impulsive young emperor, even the emperor whose relationship with the young emperor is not harmonious, and the power of the Song Dynasty has always been in his hands The empress dowager's favor towards Wang Yang also made everyone envious.

But the problem is that Wang Yang doesn't care too much about these things. He is very clear about where his reputation and achievements come from. If he really wants to change the fate of himself and his descendants in the future, even the entire Chinese nation In the case of fate, what I have done is far from enough.

The greatest feat, the feat that made everyone speechless, stood firmly on the court and won the emperor's greatest trust.In this way, the Great Song Dynasty was able to change the tragic fate of history by splashing ink like a picture scroll.

Before, when Wang Yang accompanied the emperor to this Jiafang office for a stroll, he was the one who accompanied him all the way. As a result, in less than half a month, Wang Yang made a bunch of things that made his dignified Jiafang office, As well as various new technological innovations by more than [-] craftsmen of Jiafang Department.

And when the Jiafang Department entered Wang Yang's first day, he saw the forged armor pieces of Song and Yuan Youjia brought by Wang Yang, as well as the shiny steel ingots, and even the shining metallic luster. Coking coal with almost no peculiar smell and smoke when burning.

The craftsmen of Jiafang Department, in addition to being convinced, are still convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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