Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 415 Besides, I'm afraid I don't believe it because I'm old and dim-sighted (P

Chapter 415 Besides, I'm afraid I don't even believe it because I'm old and dizzy (first update)
Chapter 414

On the seventh day, Wang Yang once again entered the palace to see the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao. However, as soon as he entered the palace, he met Zhao Xu who was leading the young eunuchs to play Cuju in the square in front of Narihua Gate.

After seeing Wang Yang, Zhao Xu, who was dressed in a style that was almost the same as the Cuju sportswear produced by Wanhong Clothing Store, but the texture was many times taller, greeted him warmly.

"I am here to see you, Your Majesty. Your Majesty is so elegant and happy." Wang Yang quickly put the big wooden box in his arms on the ground and saluted Zhao Xu.

"Sir, this is..." Zhao Xu's curious and probing eyes fell on the big wooden box that Wang Yang put on the ground.

Wang Yang smiled and explained that this was a product for treating the eyes that he was going to dedicate to the Empress Dowager: Glasses, besides glasses, there are also some novelties.

When Zhao Xu heard that there were miraculous things that could cure the emperor's grandmother and other novelty things in it, he was naturally curious, but he was also a majestic emperor of the Song Dynasty, and he would never be like him. Like the eleventh younger brother who is in a hurry, he went straight to rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

"Since that's the case, then I will go there with you. I am also really curious about what kind of objects you will use to restore the emperor's grandmother's sight."

Wang Yang followed Zhao Xu towards the Spring and Autumn Palace where the Empress Dowager was. He was drooping his brows and closing his eyes in the palace. In the palace, several copper plates filled with ice cubes were placed to let the inside of the hall The temperature here is at least five or six degrees cooler than outside the hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, Wang Yang couldn't help but feel a sense of coolness, and Zhao Xu, who was next to him, couldn't help but wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Grandma Huang, it's cool here."

"It turns out that the official family and Wang Qing came here hand in hand. Come and sit down quickly, and you will be rewarded. Give the official family and Wang Qing a bowl of the snow fungus and lotus seed soup that was iced before to get rid of the heat." Gao Taotao saw The two of them also had a faint smile on their faces, and said to Xu Degong.

However, Gao Taotao's eyes were fixed on the large wooden box that Wang Yang had brought. Counting the time, today was already the seventh day since the day Wang Yang promised to him...

Seeing Gao Taotao's gaze, Wang Yang said immediately. "Weichen thanked the lady first, and entrusted the blessing of the lady, the glasses that can restore your eyesight to the original, Weichen has already made it here, why don't you try it first and see how it feels?"

"Already ready?...Okay, okay, bring it here and let Aijia have a try." Although Gao Taotao has been trying his best to maintain his majesty as the empress dowager, his tone still reveals that she is a little excited at the moment Over the top mood.

Wang Yang quickly opened the box and took out a very delicate, long and flat wooden box. After opening the box again, he revealed something that made Zhao Xu next to him stare. Things that catch the eye.

It was a delicate frame that seemed to be made of something like tortoiseshell, and on top of that frame were inlaid two extremely thin, clear and transparent crystal pieces.

"This, this is what you said can restore Aijia's eyesight to its original state? It's quite ingenious and novel..." After Gao Taotao took it in his hand, he was a little confused as to how he should use it.

Over there, Wang Yang quickly took out a long piece of rice paper, with three large characters written on the top: eye chart, and the standard letter "E" in boldface facing various directions.

After calling an eunuch to get a piece of wood to stick this thing on, Wang Yang then took out a pair of glasses of the same style as Gao Taotao's, and put them on as a demonstration beside him.

Only then did Gao Taotao come to a sudden, and put it on like a model. In an instant, Gao Taotao couldn't help but let out a little sigh, and then looked at everything around him curiously.

At this time, Zhao Xu took the pair of glasses that Wang Yang had just used for demonstration, put them on before his eyes, and couldn't help but screamed in surprise. "Oh my God, why do I feel like I'm dizzy all of a sudden, and everything seems to be deformed."

"Your Majesty, hurry up and take it off. You are not nearsighted like your empress. You have normal eyesight. Wearing this thing is naturally harmful, but people with eye diseases like your empress can improve their eyesight."

When Wang Yang explained to Zhao Xu, Gao Taotao had already stood up, holding his glasses in wonder. "This, this really makes things look a lot clearer, hey, if you don't look through this lens, it seems to be the same as before."

"Your Majesty, that's because this kind of polished crystal lens is used to improve your vision. Please stand here first, and then look at the eye chart over here. Don't move, so you can see clearly. One row, just tell me..."

After Wang Yang asked Gao Taotao to stand still, he took the eye chart attached to the wooden board from the hand of the young eunuch, stood a few steps away, about five meters away, and then began to ask Gao Taotao. Start with the boldest letters at the top and work your way down.

In the end, his eyesight was only around [-], and Wang Yang brought another one. This one was even worse, at most [-]. When he changed to the fifth picture, Gao Taotao was able to see clearly. The letter of the position.

"God, such small characters, Aijia, Aijia's dizzy old eyes can see clearly?" Gao Taotao was so excited that he didn't know what to do.

"Congratulations to the emperor's grandmother. I never thought that Wang Qing's exquisite gadget could actually cure the emperor's grandmother's eye disease. It's really..." Zhao Xu was also quite excited, and he never thought that Wang Yang just messed with it. This little gadget actually restored the emperor's grandmother's eyesight to normal.

"Come here, bring over the stele of Wang Youjun that Ai's family treasured..." Gao Taotao ordered loudly, Xu Degong went to fetch it himself after a short time.

After the two eunuchs spread out, this time, Gao Taotao didn't need to get close to squint his eyes, and he could still see it. Now, the stele rubbing is so clear, every stroke is like that clearly visible.

"Okay, it's really a good thing. The Ai family has this thing. It's really appreciated by the Ai family." He excitedly admired the inscriptions of his favorite calligrapher King Youjun, with a beaming face.

"Your Majesty, I didn't cure my mother's eye disease, but just used this little thing to restore my eyesight to normal, and it doesn't take so much effort to see things, but my mother must remember, since you wear it Now, except when you are resting and not using your eyes, it is best to wear them when looking at things, so as to prevent your eye diseases from getting worse."

"Saving Aijia, it feels so good to be able to wear this gadget and see things clearly, haha... This time, Aijia said that he is old and dim-sighted, and Aijia himself doesn't believe it." I can see it, I can see clearly Things really made Gao Taotao feel very comfortable, and he joked with Wang Yang and the emperor.

"By the way, Wang Qing, didn't you say that besides the artifact that was presented to my imperial grandmother, there are other novelty gadgets, and you should quickly take them out, so that I and the imperial grandmother can open their eyes together."

"Oh? Wang Qing made another novelty, the Ai family really wants to see it." Gao Taotao also asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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