Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 405 Mr. Zhuangyuan, this meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time (Part 1)

Chapter 405 Mr. Zhuangyuan, you have to eat this meal one bite at a time (second update)
Chapter 403

Damn, my reputation is not very good, I can’t help it, I often hate people, so Wang Yang really didn’t take it seriously when he was arranged by those literary youths, anyway, if he really let himself hear it, at worst, he would beat those guys up and vent his heart Just hate.

But the problem is that those guys actually changed their strategy now, not only arranging themselves and Li Qingzhao, a cute and soft girl, but even involving Li Gefei, a teacher whom he respects very much, that would be too annoying.

Li Shishi was not afraid at all that Wang Yang would fly into a rage in front of him.On the contrary, he put on an expression of watching a good show and said calmly.

"Master, don't get angry in a hurry, it's useless even if you do. You'd better think carefully about how to explain to Sister Yiyi and Sister Qingzhao..."

Wang Yang rolled his eyes and quickly squatted down. "Sister Yiyi, she didn't hear it, did she?"

"Do you think Sister Yiyi can't hear you?" Li Shishi saw Wang Yang's headless appearance, um... the master's stupid and cute appearance is really too cute.

"Fuck! My heart..." Wang Yang took a bite of the watermelon with a melancholy look on his face. Unfortunately, before the watermelon could be swallowed, Li Shishi choked directly into his trachea.

"Sister Qingzhao came over to play with me today, and she even brought you two jars of fine wine. She said it was the fine wine her father specially asked someone to bring back from Yangzhou. Nuo... is right there."

Following Master Li's gaze, two large wine jars, which must have weighed twenty or thirty kilograms, were placed next to the bookshelf.

"...and sister Qingzhao also said that this kind of wine is called Zhuangyuanhong. It is an extremely rare wine. It just so happens that Brother Wang has become the number one scholar in this department, so I specially gave it to you."

"Oh, champion red, I've heard of it, but I haven't tasted it. I didn't expect sister Qingzhao to be so thoughtful, and to give you such a good wine for the occasion. It's really rare..." A Ling Wang Yang In an instant, a creepy sound floated from not far away.

A faint but fresh and pleasant smell of apple cider vinegar lingered on the tip of the nose, which made the tip of Uncle Wang's nose itchy.

"Yiyi is back? Why are you back now? If I had known you were coming home so early today, I would have gone to pick you up." Wang Yang quickly threw away the melon rind in his hand, turned around, and flicked his long hair. He looked at the enchanting and beautiful figure coming from Pingting with deep eyes.

Seeing Wang Yang's warm and blazing eyes, Liu Yiyi felt a little relieved. She glanced at the stupid young man and walked up with the hem of her skirt lifted. "Oh, it's really a lot. Sister Qingzhao is really thoughtful. Master, please go tell the cook and ask her to add some snacks to our Wang Daguan people tonight."

"Okay, I'll go! Master, please stay with Sister Yiyi..." Master Li ran away happily. The question is, do you, a little girl, look like you are taking pleasure in others' misfortune?Wang Yang thought with disgust.

"Okay, the Nu family is not that kind of evil woman. Besides, the Nu family has been very clear about sister Qingzhao's feelings for you from the beginning."

Seeing Wang Yang's uneasy expression, he hesitated to speak.Liu Yiyi couldn't help but smile, stepped forward, took away the chewed melon rind from his hand and said.

"You should also know that those guys are spreading the word in such a mess that I'm even embarrassed to see Li Xuezheng." Wang Yang said helplessly as he sat down on the couch.

Well, it is true that there is something wrong in my heart. The problem is that if this matter is only spread in a small area, Uncle Wang can still use his extraordinary force to make the other party surrender and admit his mistake.

But the problem is that now it's going to become a gossip trend in Bianliang, Kaifeng. Is it true that Wang Yang is going to publish a statement in his own "Tokyo Hou Bao"?What is this called.

Although the housework is unclear, the work must continue. In addition, the decoration work of the house next door is gradually coming to an end.

Then the purchase of furniture was naturally put on the agenda, and Wang Yang directly handed over the purchasing power to Liu Yiyi. After all, he had a lot of work to do.

Especially since the Empress Dowager approved of him, even if he knew that Ning Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and Zhu Guangting were in the same group, Wang Yang could only bite the bullet.

But before that, Wang Yang carefully made a report again, and calculated in detail the roughly required manpower and material resources.

Originally, Wang Yang only planned to build ten public toilets as a model. Now that he has the approval of the Empress Dowager, Wang Yang naturally no longer continues to make small fuss like at the beginning.

After all, there are more than 200 public toilets in the entire Bianliang City, and there are still many places, because of the increase in the flow of people and people, some new public toilets have been added to meet the needs of the people.

"In total, 230 seven public toilets need to be renovated, and 56 more public toilets need to be added. In terms of the total cost, if a masonry and cement structure is used, it is actually not much different from a new one.

After all, the old toilets in the past were mostly adobe structures, so only a small amount of materials such as beams and tiles can be reused. In this way, the renovation and expansion of each public toilet will cost about 220 yuan.And new ones will need about 280 strings. "

Although Mr. Tu is a bit older, he has always been engaged in engineering. He also failed to pass the Jinshi exam and ended up studying arithmetic.Therefore, the abacus calculation was done very quickly and the final figure was quickly obtained.

"Just the renovation of the public toilets in Bianliang City, plus labor and supplies, the total price is probably almost one hundred thousand guan... This amount of money is really not a small amount." After finishing the calculation, Mr. Tu smashed Smashing his mouth and raising his head.

"That's not counting the renovation of ditches on the same scale, which may be no less than the renovation of public toilets."

A right-hand school superintendent also said with emotion. "Hey, dear, this project is really too big. Not to mention our right school department, I am afraid that the entire general has never done such a big project in the past 30 years. I'm afraid there won't be two copies if it's done like this. I can't finish it in three years..."

"After all, our main job as supervisors is to work for the royal family. There has been no major construction or garden construction in recent years, so naturally we can only do some small repair work."

Wang Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard this. "Three to five years? My goal is to renovate at least the thirty-odd public toilets located in the north of the city and near the Imperial City in three batches before winter comes.

As for the rest of the public toilets, they will be fully launched next year and will be divided into six phases, with about 40 toilets in each phase. It is expected that the renovation will be completed by the end of next autumn. "

Hearing Wang Yang's words, Master Tu and the three officials all raised their eyes and looked at Wang Yang with black lines on their faces.

"Then what is the number one scholar? You have to eat this meal one bite at a time. We have to do it step by step for the project of renovating the public toilets. Don't rush it." Mrs. Tu said a little bit uncomfortably.

How dare you be deceived by the empress dowager for such a short time, and you act like you want to eat a fat man in one bite, okay?
Rome was not built in a day. If you use the speed of surpassing Britain and catching up with the United States, it will easily fail.

(End of this chapter)

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