Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 378 Now that you have done this line, you must fall in love with this line (Part 1)

Chapter 378 Now that you have done this line of work, you must fall in love with this line of work (second more)
Chapter 376

"In our Bianliang Imperial Palace, there are a total of 27 large and small huts, and in Bianliang City, there are more than [-] public toilets...all of which are taken care of by the servants of the Kaifeng County Government..."

Wang Yang did not follow the wish of Mr. Tu, squatting at home to rest for two days before coming back, but early in the morning of the next day, Wang Yang went to the official office, followed by a right school official Flipping through the account books in front of him, he reported to Wang Yang.

"However, since most of these public toilets were built in Bianliang when the capital of the country was established, it seems that it is not enough to make ends meet due to the increasing population in Bianliang, and some public toilets are in disrepair. But we don't have enough money to pull out every year, so we can only repair it a little..."

"In addition, our sewage ditches in Bianliang now seem a bit too narrow. Whenever there is a flood, low-lying areas in the city tend to accumulate water and are difficult to drain..."

"As for the imperial palace, the place where His Majesty lives and the place where the Empress Dowager lived was painted and painted last year, but this year, it is the place where other empresses live..."

While Wang Yang was listening, he was writing and drawing with a quill pen. The affairs of the right school office are not complicated, but the problem is that the work he is doing can definitely be regarded as a very simple and working people's kind. .

Sanitation and cleanliness are all under the jurisdiction of Wang Yang's right school office, and he is also responsible for the city's sewage. This makes Wang Yang feel that his job is like the director of the Environmental Sanitation Bureau and the director of the Public Utilities Bureau.

After listening to the work report all morning, Wang Yang went to inspect the public toilet in Kaifeng in the afternoon before being accompanied by a right school official and several officials.

Some of the public toilets are built with bricks, but there are also those that are completely rammed with soil, with thick grass on the top, which gives Wang Yang the feeling that it is like farmyard manure in the [-]s and [-]s. Accumulated base.

However, Wang Yang couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride when he thought about the fact that urban public toilets had already begun to exist during the Northern Song Dynasty, and when he thought about the situation that even in the 21st century, the capital of those Indian assholes was still full of excrement and urine. Born naturally.

Moreover, the public toilets of this era were not like those of later generations, including the cesspools, which were open-air to facilitate the work of the excrement workers.

And the important thing is that the manure pits are just dug directly, and no bricks are used at all. In this way, feces can easily contaminate groundwater and cause illness.

After some visits, when it was dusk, Wang Yang asked those colleagues who came out to inspect with him to find a restaurant to eat and drink before going back to their respective homes.

"Master is back, thank you for your hard work, isn't it tiring?" Li Shishi, who was sitting and chatting with Liu Yiyi, saw Wang Yang stepping into the yard, cheered, stood up from the corridor and came forward to greet him. .

"It's not that I'm tired, so I'd better take a shower first." Wang Yang saw Li Shishi coming to him, smiled at him, took out a small paper bag of malt caramel and handed it to her , seeing the beaming smile of Master Li, all the fatigue seemed to be swept away.

"Why are you rushing to take a shower as soon as you get home? Could it be that something unclean was stained outside?" Liu Yiyi looked at Wang Yang with a very strange expression and said.

"I'm the chief officer of the right school office. Of course I'm going to check the places under my jurisdiction. Do you think there are any clean things in those places?" Wang Yang rolled his eyes helplessly and said.Could it be that I can still drink flower wine in a smelly body?
After taking a good bath, Wang Yang returned to the room in a comfortable body. "Girl, where are the architectural samples I drew for our house last time? Help me find them."

"Why are you looking for those things? Didn't you mean that the main buildings next door are coming to an end?" Liu Yiyi was taken aback, took the clothes that Wang Yang brought in, turned around and took them out to the servants.

"It has nothing to do with the neighbors. I just want to see if I can find the craftsmen in the palace to be the supervisors of other yamen, and see if they can make what I need."

"Master, it's all here, what do you want to make?"

"Toilet..." Wang Yang said with an extremely serious expression.

"...I said, Brother Wang, you, how can you be like this? You have only been on the job for a few days, and why do you want to pretend to be a public servant? Are you really okay?" Liu Yiyi looked at it with black lines on her face. Looking at Wang Yang in front of him, he said helplessly.

"You're thinking wrong, I'm definitely not doing it for my own selfishness, I'm thinking about the public health safety of the people of Song Dynasty..."

While refuting Liu Yiyi's words, Wang Yang found the section drawing of the toilet, and began to look at it carefully. Wang Yang had seen that kind of large porcelain fired in the palace.

Since the kind of porcelain that is almost half the height of a person can be fired, presumably this kind of porcelain toilet should not have too many problems.

The general supervisor was originally in charge of the production of various utensils inside and outside the palace, or the repairs inside and outside the palace.So, Wang Yang took the blueprint and went to find the yamen of the Colonel's Office.

The lieutenant school office makes me feel really bad. You are obviously from the right school office. You sneaked into our school office and asked us to make things for you. We are not a relationship between superiors and subordinates.

But in the end, after Wang Yang also paid ten pennies to buy five samples, the Commander of the Lieutenant Colonel's Office half-heartedly agreed.

After all, there will be a lot of waste products in every furnace of porcelain firing. Fortunately, the cost of glaze and clay used is very low, which means that firewood is more expensive, but even if five of the samples mentioned by Wang Yang are fired together I'm afraid it won't cost more than three guan to complete it. If I give one guan to those masters as hard work fee, I can also earn some pocket money.

Three days later, the three carriages slowly stopped in front of the official office of the right school office, and Wang Yang finally saw the toilets No. [-] to No. [-] in history.

There are also ceramic tiles that are about one foot square, with one side glazed and one side ceramic.

Although neither the tile nor the toilet is the kind of white porcelain of later generations, nor is it the kind of very elegant celadon. Well, the color is the porcelain of the ordinary farm bowl, but the problem is that the inside of the whole toilet is completely covered. Wrapped in a glass-like cyan glaze.

Although the glaze on the outside is a little uneven, the workmanship has made up for it anyway.At this time, several officials and a deputy from the right school office heard that there were five more things in the open space of the Yamen, so they rushed over to have a look.

"Sir, what are these?" A right-hand school superintendent couldn't help but ask Wang Yang, who was squatting in front of the porcelain toilet and tapping the strips regardless of his appearance.

"Toilet." Wang Yang replied subconsciously.

"...Toilet, porcelain?" A group of officials including the right school official made the whole person feel bad. He had seen a wooden toilet, but he had never seen a porcelain toilet.

And it's still such a weird shape. "Then what kind of adults, this thing is not touched, right?"

"Porcelain is not as durable as wood, but it is clean and resistant to water erosion. The important thing is that with the glaze, it will not hide dirt..." Wang Yang saw the confused faces of these guys, hehe Explained with a smile.

Everyone's hearts are extremely surging. What the hell, the number one scholar was acting conscientiously and courageously a few days ago. Why did he suddenly change his style of painting today? What kind of trouble is this?

"Okay, come on, get a carriage over here, and then call a group of handymen to repair the toilet, and let's go to Duanwangfu."

"?? My lord, is this, is this for the palace?"

"Nonsense, can't I just sit here squatting and playing?" Wang Yang said with an annoyed look at the dry and skinny official.

(End of this chapter)

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