Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1440 What is Emperor Liao trying to do? (Part 1)

Chapter 1440 What is Emperor Liao trying to do? (first update)
Chapter 1449

Yelu Hongji frowned, drank the bowl of bitter soup in one gulp, then took the honey water handed by the eunuch, rinsed his mouth, swallowed it slowly, and felt better.

"What is the grandson doing during this time?..." Yelu Hongji asked after closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Your Majesty, during this period of time, His Royal Highness is still as usual. Apart from studying in the palace and learning how to ride and shoot, he is also listening to Lord Xiao Wuna's lectures."

"Well, Xiao Wunaqing is knowledgeable, loyal and upright, and he is a rare capable official in the court..." After Yelu Hongji nodded slightly, he stopped talking, and he didn't know what he was planning.

In the early morning of the next day, Yelu Hongji wanted to exercise in the morning, but he didn't want to. Just as he got on his horse, he felt dizzy and fell down. Straight to the ground.

However, Yelu Hongji, who was still feeling intense dizziness, held on to his sanity and grabbed the eunuch beside him. "Keep quiet..."

Just finished speaking, before the eunuch agreed, Yelu Hongji fell unconscious.

When Yelu Hongji opened his eyes again, he saw Yelu and Luwo sitting beside him, looking at him with concern.

"Why are you here? Which bastard told you that?!" Yelu Hongji was annoyed, struggling to sit up, but his body was too weak, Yelu and Lu Wo quickly supported Yelu Hongji.

"Your Majesty, please appease your anger. This minister wants to see His Majesty today. I never thought that Your Majesty would ride a horse while you are still ill. Is this appropriate?"

"Your Majesty, what you need most right now is to rest in peace and rest. Don't have any other thoughts. It won't be too late until your body recovers..." Yelu and Luwo looked at the man who had been in a row for a month with some distress. The elder brother who passed out twice was really helpless.

"If anyone dares to spread the news of my unconsciousness out of the palace, they will be killed!" Yelu Hongji glanced coldly at the eunuchs and guards in the palace, and these people were so frightened that they all fell to the ground, saying that they did not dare.

"Then since His Majesty is fine, I will take my leave first..." Seeing that Yelu Hongji had woken up and was fine, Yelu and Luwo wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute, you all stand back..." Yelu Hongji called back the eunuchs and guards in the hall, and beckoned Yelu and Luwo to come closer.

"I'm really tired. During this period of time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to manage. In your opinion..."

Listening to Yelu Hongji's deep voice, Yelu and Luwo couldn't help but frown, and quickly fell to the ground. "Your Majesty must never say such things. The court needs you, and Daliao also needs you..."

"Why would I want to be like this? Get up quickly. You and I are brothers, not outsiders. I want to hear your opinion on this matter..."

A group of guards and eunuchs all huddled outside the door, blowing the biting cold wind, inside, the voices of the emperor and His Highness were so low that they could not be heard at all.

After all the work for the incense sticks had passed, the emperor issued an edict, ordering the grandson of the emperor Yelu Yanxi, Xiao Wuna and Xiao Tabu to also enter the palace to have an audience.

The next day, Yelu Hongji issued a decree that Yelu Yanxi paid homage to the Zhongshuling, the general of the world's soldiers and horses, and began to learn how to handle government affairs. Xiao Wuna and Xiao Tat also assisted him.

In addition, the loss of teachers in the Liaodong Peninsula humiliated the country, so the commander-in-chief Xiao Shennan was dismissed from his official position as the prime minister, and he was fined for one year.

When they heard the announcement, Xiao Wuna, Na Xiao Tabuye, Yelu and Luwo couldn't hide their excitement.

The emperor's successive decrees represent that the young and weak emperor's grandson has finally stepped into the center of political power and will gradually replace the old and frail emperor Yelu Hongji.

And that treacherous minister, Xiao Shen, finally left the court and the political center of Daliao because of his crimes. With Xiao Shen's departure, his party members naturally became a mess, unable to prevent the emperor's grandson from ruling.

And Yelu Jinping replaced Xiao Shen, and went to Dongdong Road of Liao to preside over the military administration and crusade against the Liaodong Peninsula occupied by Song.

It didn't take long for a series of changes in the court of the Northern Liao Dynasty to spread back to the Song Dynasty through the two lines of light and dark, the Huangcheng Division and the Wanhong Trading Company.

"Emperor Yelu Hongji of the Northern Liao Dynasty may have a hard time. The news from the palace is that the emperor of the Northern Liao Dynasty may not have many days, so he let the emperor's grandson preside over the government affairs." The envoy of the Privy Council Lu stroking his long beard and pointing his finger at the thick stack of information from Beiliao said.

Wang Yang also nodded, very satisfied. "It shows that Yelu Hongji was hit hard because of the defeat of the Liaodong Peninsula, and his body was injured in anger. No wonder he drove that confidant, Xiao Shen, out of the court and sent him to the remote Hedong Road work."

"This time, the coach has been replaced by that Yelu Jinping, who was also a veteran of the Northern Liao Dynasty. I just don't know whether this Yelu Jinping will take an offensive or a defensive position after he arrives in Tokyo Road."

Su Dongpo next to him chuckled, stroking his long beard and saying disapprovingly. "After the Battle of the Liaodong Peninsula, the Liao Kingdom's naval forces were completely wiped out, and another [-] troops were lost on the mainland. The female straight people refused to send more troops to Liaodong.

The morale of the Liao army is low, and it is impossible to march in the severe winter. After all, the coldness of the Liao country in Tokyo is worse than that in the northwest. , It is also easy to worry about life. "

"That being said, I'm not afraid of [-], just in case..." Zhang Li lay down on the map, narrowed his eyes and looked at the Liaodong Peninsula, and said after a while.

"What I am worried about now is that the weather is getting colder and colder. If the sea around the Liaodong Peninsula freezes, and if the army of the Northern Liao Dynasty arrives on ice, how should we prevent it?"

"Improbable." Wang Yang thought for a while, just in the winter in the Northeast, marching in winter, hehe... Nima accidentally fell into the snow, maybe one or two hours later, she will have to follow hard Like an ice sculpture.

In Wang Yang's mind, fighting in winter in a high-latitude region like the Northeast, apart from the Ulala of the Zhantou ethnic group who are not afraid of death, there is no other ethnic group that is not afraid of the severe cold and flees to the wilderness in winter to die .

"However, Mr. Zhang reminded that even if it is impossible, there will still be a slight possibility of this after all. We can only tell that kind of teacher to set up more sentries to guard against the sneak attack of the Beiliao people."

"My lords, the information on Beiliao sent by the Imperial City Division..." At this moment, an official from the Privy Council came quickly, and behind him was an official from the Imperial City Division.

Zhang Wei stepped forward, took the information, and after looking it over for a while, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, and turned his head.

"Both of you, come and see..."

"Hundreds of elite palace guards around Yelu Hongqi, Emperor of the Northern Liao Dynasty, left the Zhongjing Road and went south quietly. Some spies recognized that the leader of the team was Xiao Dilu (the official name of the second official in the heart department, meaning as the deputy commander) Yelu Xiongguang..."

"Binxinbu, what does the Liao Emperor want to do? Is the news reliable?" Su Dongpo couldn't help but change his face slightly after hearing the words "Binxinbu".

"The belly..." Wang Yang smacked his lips, his face also full of surprise. "That is the most loyal private elite armed force around the emperor of the Liao Kingdom. From the army of the Liao Kingdom, two thousand of the most elite and brave men are selected. They only obey the orders of the emperor of the Liao Kingdom, and never leave the emperor of the Liao Kingdom. One step later, they actually appeared in Nanjing in Beiliao..."

(End of this chapter)

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