Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1386 The Liaodong Peninsula will be in flames (Part 1)

Chapter 1386 The Liaodong Peninsula will be in flames (first update)
Chapter 1395

"Of course, when there is no other way, this is the only way to gather the morale of the army and boost morale in the shortest possible time. Chong will write a letter to inform the court, and Mr. Wang, I believe that even if the court If you don’t understand, Lord Wang will definitely understand my difficulties.”

"In this case, then Zongmou will write to the court together with the general." Hearing the words of the teacher, Zongze took a deep breath and bowed to the teacher loudly.

Zhong Shidao helped Zongze up, and his eyes fell on the outside of the wide open door, where the bitter and cool sea breeze was blowing. "Thank you Master Zong, if you and I can work together, who in the world can challenge my Liaodong Army?!"

"Treasurer Wan, why do you have time to come to this general today?" Wan Bin, who saw the brocade robes and fine clothes, stepped in and was in the army tent full of worries. Gu Youde forced a smile on the defense of Jiaozhou. nodded and said.

"I have seen General Gu. In fact, Wan Mou came here today. Firstly, he came to pay a visit to the general. Second, I just heard some news from General Zhong about Beiliao's intention to raise troops to attack..."

"What?!" Hearing this, Gu Youde's face turned pale, and the teacup in his hand fell to the ground. He quickly got up, walked to Wan Bin with an earnest expression, and affectionately pulled him to sit beside him road.

"I didn't expect Shopkeeper Wan to care so much about Gu. It seems that Gu didn't make friends. I also ask Shopkeeper Wan to tell Gu about the situation and how many people will come from Liao Kingdom?"

After hearing what shopkeeper Wan said, Gu Youde's complexion was as ugly as that fucking lime wall that had just been painted, white with blue in it.

Gu Youde clapped the case, and said fearfully and angrily. "Have the Beiliao people gone crazy? Well, what should I do? If I had known his mother, I shouldn't have come. How could we be the opponents of Beiliao..."

After venting for a long time, he saw Wan Bin slowly sipping tea, Gu Youde couldn't help but frowned displeasedly.

"Brother Wan, what do you mean? Are you here today to report to someone in Gu, or to see my joke?"

"General Gu, what are you talking about? Wan has been with you for more than two years. In the past two years, don't you still not know what kind of person Wan is?" Wan Bin posed Said with an attitude of being wronged.

"My favorite is to do business with straightforward people like you, General Gu. Of course, I hope you will be safe and sound. It is for this reason that I came here to report the news. I hope you can make preparations early. After all, If the army of the Northern Liao Dynasty was unified, General Gu, even if you wanted to leave at that time, you would not be able to leave."

"After all, it was a wartime, and he fled the battle. Even if the lawsuit came to His Majesty, you, General Gu, would be afraid..." At this point, Wan Bin also put on a regretful expression.

Gu Youde's expression became more and more ugly, he raised his hand, and tried hard to wipe off the oil and sweat on his fat face, which was about the size of Wan Bin's two faces, flustered.

"But I'm running away now, uh, I'm still in the army now, and it's impossible to leave Liaodong."

"Is there no other way?" Wan Bin acted as if I was really worried for you, brother, while Gu Youde was in the tent, staggering around in the tent, every step would make the potbellied Stomach dangling, extraordinarily ugly.

Wan Bin curled his lips when he saw it. Indeed, these guys don't look like a big Song Hu Ben, but they really look like a fat rich man.

Such a coward who is terrified after hearing the war, staying in the land of Liaodong, not only will not be a help to the army and people of Liaodong, but will become a disaster. It is better to go as far as possible.

Gu Youde turned around twice with an extremely ugly face, then turned his head and saluted Wan Bin. "Brother Wan Xian, Gu knows that you have always been resourceful, and I hope you can help me out of our old friendship. Think about Brother Yu and see what we can do..."

"A way... Actually, it's not impossible." Seeing Gu Youde's look of wanting to kneel down and beg him, Wan Bin touched the short words on his chin, and his eyes rolled.

Amid the thousands of thanks from General Gu, Wan Bin left the military tent.Soon, a group of Jiaozhou generals were called into Gu Youde's military account.

Next, Wan Bin, the old driver, sneaked around the military camps in Dengzhou and Mizhou. As a result, people in these three camps were panicked and talked about.

And the turmoil in these three big camps was naturally heard by Zhong Shidao immediately.

Zhong Shidao couldn't help but shake his head and sigh with emotion, this glib old driver Wan Bin is really good, at least he has managed this big event for himself, and next, he needs to go on stage to carry out the last stage of this plan in person ring.

"I've seen the commander..." The generals and schools from Dengzhou, Mizhou and Jiaozhou gathered in front of Zhong Shidao at this moment, standing on the left and right.

Zhong Dao's eyes swept over these generals who had dealt with in the past few days. Whether it was the head of the capital, the commander of the battalion, or the deputy commander, they really didn't have the tenacity and courage of the soldiers of the Song Dynasty.

"Chong called you here today because he has a big matter to discuss with you. You must also know that the land of Liaodong now belongs to our Song Dynasty."

"However, Beiliao is unwilling to admit this fact, and has even sent envoys to intimidate me many times, asking me, Song Dynasty, to evacuate from Liaodong."

"However, Chong Mou came across the sea under the command of the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty. It is not my emperor's order. You must not take a step back..."

"Now, I have received the news that the court of the Northern Liao Dynasty has begun to send a large number of soldiers and horses to Tokyo Road. I am afraid that it will not be long before the Liaodong Peninsula will be raging with war..."

Hearing what Zhong Shidao said, the faces of these generals from Tokyo East Road became extremely ugly in an instant, and several of them even turned extremely pale in an instant. The boat can carry him across the sea and go home to find his mother.

Seeing those generals from the Western Army of the Song Dynasty, they couldn't help but have expressions of contempt on their faces.

"This official will not take a step back. Moreover, all the tigers of the Song Dynasty who have reached the land of Liaodong must not retreat. If anyone retreats, they will be killed!"

"No!" A group of western army tigers roared sharply, while the generals on Jingdong East Road responded cowardly and timidly.

"However, our few troops and horses alone may not be enough. After all, looking at the situation in the Northern Liao Dynasty, a hundred thousand troops may be raised to attack. Therefore, I need more troops and horses now." Shidao's eyes swept over the generals in the room.

"However, there were only so many soldiers and horses transferred to me before the court. Therefore, Chong is a little worried now..."

"Commander, the last general thinks that the general is out, and the king's order is not accepted. The land of Liaodong is far away from the central area. When encountering such a crisis, the commander should make a timely decision and not be afraid of the head and the tail." At this time, Gu Youde The more people came out, the louder the authentic.

(End of this chapter)

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