Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1383 It seems that the emperor of the Northern Liao Dynasty has not lost his mind (Part 2)

Chapter 1383 It seems that the emperor of the Northern Liao Dynasty has not lost his mind (second update)
Chapter 1392

After catching the Ziwu Jinshi on the boat, Wang Yang turned around and saw Xu Zhao staring at him with a very complicated look, which seemed to be both resentful and grateful. In short, it was so complicated that even Wang Daguan was a little confused. Can't analyze it.

"Old Xu, I'm counting on you, these young people." Wang Yang patted Xu Zhao's shoulder heavily, and said earnestly. "After all, you have taught these guys. If you say it, you can suppress them to some extent. At least you can make them make fewer or no mistakes."

"Lord Wang, you really think highly of me..." Xu Zhao smiled bitterly. "You recommended me to His Majesty without saying hello to me. Do you think I should thank you, or..."

"It doesn't matter, you two brothers, no thanks, as long as you don't hate me in the future." Wang Yang slapped Xu Zhao on the shoulder again to interrupt the words.

"..." I really want to hate you right now, okay?Xu Zhao glared at this brazen guy with a black line on his face and complained silently.

"Don't worry, there are military regulations and disciplines for everything anyway, besides, what are you afraid of when there's a tank top over there?" Wang Yang lowered his voice, and tilted the corners of his mouth in the direction of Guo Tan over there.

Xu Zhao took a glance and saw that Guo Yan, who looked extremely bitter, but could only force a smile, almost burst out laughing, um... a typical guy who laughs at fifty steps.

Seeing this guy's appearance, Wang Daguan couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He really saw this guy right, he was a heartless master. It's easy to get tired if you worry about it, and it's easy to think too much.

Wang Yang hoped that Xu Zhao would lead a team once, and by the time he returned to Bianliang, Tokyo, his hair would already be grey-haired because of mental and physical exhaustion, that would be bad.

After Wang Yang bid farewell to Xu Zhao, he walked over to Guo Tan's side, and finally rescued the artillery commander from the hands of those military bosses with warm and friendly smiles on their faces.

Guo Yan wiped the stinky sweat from his forehead, and saluted Wang Yang gratefully. "Thank you, Mr. Wang, I really can't hold on anymore."

"Okay, those adults are also very kind, and hope that their children and grandchildren will be safe and sound. However, everything is impermanent. Since you are the leader of an army, then you must remember that you are the king of the army. The people who are ordered should take the safety of the Great Song Dynasty and Liaodong as the first priority, and the second is to consider the safety of those people."

"If you can't do this, it will be in vain for me and Your Highness to recommend you to be the commander of the artillery this time." Wang Yang patted Guo Lin's shoulder and said earnestly.

"My lord and Your Highness, please don't worry. The teachings of your lord and Your Highness have always been engraved in Guo's heart, and I dare not forget it for a moment." Guo Yan hurriedly saluted Wang Yang and Duan Wang Zhao Ji, and replied solemnly.

"Okay, the soldiers have already boarded the ship, and you, the commander, should also set off. When you return from victory, Wang will definitely clean up the dust for you with His Highness." Wang Yang nodded and smiled.

At this moment, a thousand elite artillerymen are forming a neat team and stepping onto the sailboats lined up on the pier. As for the artillery, they have already been shipped to Liaodong two days ago.

Guo Yan nodded, and looked back, just in time to see those military bigwigs staring affectionately at the ships carrying those warriors, he could only shake his head helplessly, and turned to Wang Yang. After saying goodbye to Zhao Ji, he boarded the ship and left.

"They should be all right?" Zhao Ji touched his bare chin, looked at the ships that had already raised their sails and were sailing away from the dock, and asked Wang Yang in a low voice.

"Don't worry, as long as they don't kill themselves, generally speaking, nothing will happen." Wang Yang said with a leisurely smile.Throughout the ages, especially since the occupation of artillery, the place where artillery is located is often the last position.

As long as the Song Dynasty can hold on to the Liaodong Peninsula, the artillery will never be in any danger. After all, compared with the shooters of the Liao Army in the north, the Song Dynasty's artillery is like an elite with a sniper rifle The shooters, a kid with a slingshot for shooting birds, are up against each other.

The question is, what kind of reaction will the Northern Liao Dynasty have to the Song Dynasty occupying the land in Liaodong? Should they send out their troops to launch a crazy attack as soon as possible, or should they be polite first and then attack with troops?

However, now that Tokyo Road in Beiliao has almost been corrupted by the women's tribes, where are they going to gather the army?Unless it is said that their emperor Yelu Hongji dared to let the Liao army give up the confrontation with the female straight people at the first time, and went straight to attack regardless of their heads.

But that would mean the fall of the entire Tokyo Road in Beiliao. I believe that as long as Yelu Hongji, the emperor of Beiliao, hadn't lost his mind, he would definitely not be so reckless.

It is more likely that Beiliao will attack from the sea. However, the Jiaodong Navy with the full support of Wang Daguan is already far superior to the Liao navy. It is simply a dream for them to win.

There is also another possibility, that is to send troops from other places to retake the Liaodong Peninsula. Just by doing so, when the army really arrives at the Liaodong Peninsula, it is afraid that there will already be a strong fortress built by the Song Dynasty. surrounded.

At that time, facing the strong fortress of the Song Dynasty, as well as powerful long-range and powerful firearms such as the Yuanyou catapult and the Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon, I believe that the people of Beiliao will soon realize that at that time they want to regain The Liaodong Peninsula can only be a delusion.

"In another 20 days, at most a month, if the Northern Liao Army does not march to the Liaodong Peninsula during this period, and gives me enough time for the Song Dynasty to calmly deploy defenses, then they will not have any recapture of the Liaodong Peninsula. Opportunity."

After hearing Wang Yang's words, Duan Wang Zhao Ji let out a sigh of relief and nodded in agreement. "Yes, I hope that my ancestors in the Song Dynasty will bless you."

Wang Yang glanced at the superstitious His Royal Highness, and his eyes fell on the shadows of sails that were drifting away. He remained silent for a long time, but at this time, a fast horse was galloping towards this side.

"Bei Liao's envoy? I really didn't expect that the Song Dynasty won the Liaodong Peninsula. It is less than ten days today, and the Beiliao's envoy has already arrived in Bianliang, Tokyo. It seems that this time they are really impatient. .” Wang Yang and Zhao Ji sat in the carriage, and lowered the curtains to block the hot sunlight.

At the moment, Zhao Ji, who was sitting opposite, was holding a glass filled with wine and two ice fish in it, and took a sip happily. In the scorching summer, it is really refreshing to have a sip of chilled grape wine To the apex.

"But now that they're here, I can feel more at ease." Wang Yang happily admired the ice fish swaying in his cup, hitting the cup from time to time, making pleasant sounds.

Facing the questioning gaze cast by Duan Wang Zhao Ji, the corners of Wang Yang's mouth twitched. "That at least means that the emperor of the Northern Liao Dynasty has not lost his mind. Since he has not lost his mind, he will definitely not let the army of the Northern Liao Dynasty in Tokyo Road give up the confrontation with the female straight and attack the Liaodong Peninsula in the first place."

(End of this chapter)

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