Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1204 My King Wushan Never Do Things Uncertain (Part 2)

Chapter 1204 My King Wushan Never Do Things Uncertain (Second Update)
Chapter 1213

Because what they want to criticize is that Wang Wushan did not do his best to appease and resettle the refugees, or acted outrageously.But the problem is that the refugees have all become tenants of his king Wushan.

What can they do?In such a short period of time, Wang Yang has obtained the tenant contracts among the more than 3000 households of refugees from Xiangfu County Government for signature and certification.

Let them want to find a loophole, but they have no chance, and finally with the end of the court meeting.A group of civil and military ministers had no choice but to leave the court.And they carefully prepared the memorials to attack Wang Wushan's laxity and dereliction of duty to appease the refugees.After today's court meeting, it has become useless waste paper.

In the imperial study of the emperor.Wang Yang and Wu Shan faced the emperor Zhao Xu and Su Dongpo.Inform the process of resettling and comforting the refugees in detail.

As for Wang Yangshan's use of such a coquettish operation to solve the problem of resettlement and appeasement of refugees.Whether it is the emperor Zhao Xu or Su Dongpo, they all have to admit that this guy's method is indeed powerful.

Got the approval of these two.Wang Yang smiled shyly. "Actually, this approach of the minister is not a whimsical idea. It is just that the minister wants to save a little more money. I also hope that the common people will have more motivation to support their families."

Emperor Zhao Xu nodded in agreement.

"Qing, you don't need to be so modest. I see your every move. If the matter is as easy as you describe, I am afraid that those ministers in the court have long fought for the position of the Jingji Road appeasement envoy." Got bloody all over.

However, even though those common people have become your tenants, you have to do well.Don't make any more troubles, let those ministers in the court have a chance to use this to trouble you. "

"Your Majesty is right. Wang Wushan, don't forget that Huanglongze is still a large swamp that cannot be cultivated. The 6 people have to spend a lot of property and food every day. "

Su Dongpo nodded with his brow furrowed, and said in agreement.

"When I was working in Hangzhou in the past, I used to dredge silt to make fields, and I know the hardships involved. If you want to make tens of thousands of people live and work in peace, it will not be achieved overnight..."

"Su Qing's family is right. You, Wang Wushan, are building roads and houses in Huanglongze, dredging silt to make fields, and buying a lot of livestock. These can really solve the problem. The livelihood of more than [-] refugees?" Emperor Zhao Xu also asked Wang Yang with a worried look.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I don't actually plan to completely dredge that piece of swamp land into fields, but just clear out about [-] mu."

"As for the remaining swampland, it is planned to be preserved and used to raise poultry."

"Fifty thousand acres of paddy fields can only feed more than [-] people at most. Do you think you can feed the refugees by raising livestock?" At this time, Su Dongpo, who was familiar with the people's customs and civil affairs, couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

It shouldn't be, it's not that Wang Yang hasn't worked as a magistrate before, he was really successful in Shaanxi North Road, why did he suddenly change?
"Su Xiang, I know what you are worried about. I appreciate your kind nephew, but please rest assured that I, Wang Wushan, never do anything that is not sure." Seeing Su Dongpo's expression, Wang Yang naturally knew that he was worried. What, he smiled and said sincerely after saluting this old driver who cared about him.

"Since you also understand, the old man won't say much..." Su Dongpo heard that there was something in Wang Yang's words, so he didn't bother to say more.

Over there, the emperor touched his chin with great interest. "Since Wang Wushan is so confident, I will naturally not say anything more. If there is any difficulty, just come to me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Your Majesty trusts me so much. I will repay Your Majesty's kindness with all my heart." Wang Yang replied immediately.Although Wang Yang said this sentence to the emperor countless times, he still seemed so sincere every time.

"By the way, there is one more thing. There is news from the north. Come and take a look..."

In a short time, Ma Shang handed Wang Yang the news from Liaodong, that is, the Tokyo Road in Northern Liao.

Previously, according to the discussion of Wang Yang, Zhang Wei, Su Dongpo and other members of the Privy Council, after obtaining the approval of the emperor Zhao Xu, Song Dynasty secretly dispatched the Imperial City Division staff, pretending to be traders, to Tokyo Road in Beiliao.

Although Zhang Ashu, the head of the Women's Straight Alliance, led the Women's Straight tribes, he won one victory after another in the confrontation with the Liao Kingdom.

However, he was still very guilty in his heart. After all, compared to the Daliao with millions of soldiers, the total population of women is probably not as large as the number of soldiers in Liao.

Therefore, even with so many victories, and even now, all the women's tribes have come to vote, so that he has gathered more than [-] capable women warriors under his command, but he still has no idea.

At this time, a wealthy businessman from the Song Dynasty unexpectedly appeared, bringing them food, salt, and over a thousand weapons that were urgently needed by the female tribes.

Looking at this gift is enough to make them, poor ghosts who have been living in the deep mountains and old forests, almost drooling.Chang A Shu, the leader of the female straight alliance, suddenly realized that if he could become friends with Song State, which was comparable in strength to Liao State, no, even if he became a vassal of Song State, then, I believe Song State would definitely not be stingy with sending women straight Come for more supplies.

If the State of Song could take action and help the northern barbarians such as Nvzhi contain the main force of the Beiliao, allowing them to gain more room to move, it would reduce the pressure on them from the Beiliao.

Maybe, the female straight tribes will not only become stronger as they fight, but one day they will be able to completely occupy this land of white mountains and black waters. Just like Xixia, there is a great possibility that they can establish their own country and no longer be enslaved by the Northern Liao Dynasty. of.

It was based on such a dream that after careful consideration and many exchanges with the merchant of the Song Dynasty, Chang Ashu made the decision to send a mission to pay tribute to the Song Dynasty and was willing to bow his head to the Song Dynasty.

What's important is that this guy actually played tricks and let people spread the news, saying that the women's straight tribes had already received the instruction of Song Dynasty, and they decided to bow their heads to the Song Dynasty.

"I didn't expect that the head of the female straight alliance actually has such a brain." Wang Yang couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this, and complained loudly.

"Being able to become the head of a clan, and then able to gather many female tribes together to fight against Beiliao. How can such a person be stupid." Su Dongpo gave Wang Yang an angry look.

This guy always talks like that, making it look like he's the only smart guy in the world.

Wang Yang chuckled, nodded and said. "His move is completely a plan to kill three birds with one stone. I, Da Song, also calculated it together. The calculation is quite good, so you have to be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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