Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1080 You don’t even know the national conditions of the Great Song Dynasty very well (Part 2

Chapter 1080 You don’t even know the national conditions of the Song Dynasty very well (Second update)
Chapter 1089

"My Great Song, when did I become so powerful?" A group of ministers couldn't help but have such questions in their minds.

Yes, in the past, or two years ago, from the defeat of Yongle City to two years ago, whether it was Beiliao or Xixia, whenever there was a war with the Song Dynasty, almost every In the war, it was Song Dynasty who had the greatest disadvantage.

Either it is to lose troops and lose generals, or it is to cede territory to seek peace and show favor with compensation. There has hardly been a war that can boost people's morale.

However, it seems that since Wang Yang followed Su Dongpo to Shaanxi, the situation seemed to have been magically reversed.First there was the great victory at Hongdezhai, then the air raid on Yanzhou, then the great victory over Wuyan Ancient City, and finally the surrender of Liang Yibu to Yuzhou and Hongzhou.

And when Xixia and Northern Liao Xingbing came, first it was an offensive and defensive battle in Yuzhou. Wang Yang used tens of thousands of frontier troops to stop Liaoxia's 50 coalition forces in Youzhou for more than a month.

Afterwards, they raided Xixia Xingqing Mansion, destroyed its imperial mausoleum, burned its Xingqing warehouse, and then took Longzhou and Yinzhou in succession.Afterwards, relying on strong negotiations, Shengsheng obtained Shizhou from the hands of Xi Xia, leaving no Xia people on the south bank of the Wuding River.

Now, less than a year has passed between the Song Dynasty and Xixia and Northern Liao. Wang Wushan has brazenly provoked a border provocation because of the people of the Song Dynasty.

The important thing is that this guy did not have the support of the court, or even mobilized the full strength of North Shaanxi Road.

But just let that kind of teacher lead his troops across the Wuding River, carrying eight Yuanyou trebuchets, smashing them wildly for an hour and a half, oh ho... Da Song won his mother's victory again.

On the other hand, Yelu Dadun, the general manager of the Hedong Road, led 8 people at the Sanchakou Fort, and the dog's brain was about to come out, but he still couldn't violently attack a mere fortress in the Song Dynasty.

It gave everyone the feeling that his king Wushan was simply the incarnation of the god of victory, invincible and invincible.

"We can't let him continue to act so recklessly. The Song Dynasty can't always keep its sights on the Shaanxi North Road. If he continues to do this, will there be a day when we can turn around in the future?"

With a gloomy face, Jia Yi looked at Liang Tao, Wang Yansou, Liu Anshi, Lu Dalin, You Ye and other old party backbones on the left and right, and spoke eloquently.

Jia Yi's words also made the old party bosses present nod their heads in agreement.

"But now that his king, Wushan, is both powerful and favored, how can we do anything to win over him? Before, when His Majesty issued an order to reprimand him, if the talented people sent by the Third Division could find enough evidence, he would be punished. Wang Wushan suppressed it a lot, so how did it come to be today?"

"...My lords, it is not that the officials we have chosen are stupid, but you are not unaware of the talents of those three lords. If you want to blame them, we can only blame that King Wushan for being too cunning and cunning."

"That being said, we can't continue to watch Wang Wushan continue to gain power in North Shaanxi Road like this, can we? Everyone, don't forget that in the past few years, the Great Song Dynasty has fought many times, laboring people and money, and it's finally over. Less than a year of quiet days. Now there is another border war."

"But the problem is, this time it was the fault of the Liao Kingdom. Since we are the officials of the Song Kingdom, how can we stand on the standpoint of the Liao Kingdom and speak out? Don't forget, Su Xueshi and His Majesty, both It's on the side of Wang Wushan."

"Master Liu is right, but Lu believes that if Wang Yang continues to operate on North Shaanxi Road, with the prestige established by his military power and political power over the past few years, it may be difficult for me in the future. Waiting for a place to step in..."

"Well... in the past, in the eyes of many people, the six prefectures on the North Shaanxi Road, except Yanzhou, had some advantages, and the rest of the prefectures were deserted, and all businesses were withered. After Wang Wushan's hands, it became different."

"Some time ago, the old man checked the household registration delivered by Shaanxi North Road in the household department. Do you know how many people are there in the six prefectures on Shaanxi North Road?" Liang Tao said in a deep voice, scanning the ministers present.

"How many people can there be? Your Majesty ordered the Xiang army from all over the world to relocate, causing public dissatisfaction. Many local officials wrote letters to impeach Wang Wushan. If it weren't for His Majesty and Su Dongpo's efforts to protect him, how could he have the opportunity to stay on Shaanxi North Road today?" ?” A military servant couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Liang Tao couldn't help but frowned impatiently. "Shilang Chen, now is not the time to talk about this..."

"The Ministry of War is very clear about the population there. The original population of Yan, You, and Hongna prefectures was only 15. Afterwards, we moved 35 households in the Song Dynasty, with a total of [-] people. Enter the land of the three states."

"As for the three states of Silver, Stone, and Dragon, because of the agreement between the Song Dynasty and Xixia, almost all the population, except for a small number of Han people, moved to the Xia Kingdom. Those three states can be said to be almost empty. , because of this, His Majesty specially recruited another 12 military households, a total of 60 people, to move to the North Shaanxi Road..."

"It was only at the end of spring this year that the migration task of 12 Xiang troops was completed. Now, the population of the six states on Shaanxi North Road must be around 120 million."

Seeing the military minister showing off in front of him, Liang Tao couldn't help but sneer. "It's just that the court passed through the Ministry of War. Today, there are a total of 36 households on Shaanxi North Road."

"It's only 36...Huh? Mr. Liang, you said it was 36 households?!" Chen Shilang's eyes immediately stood up.He stared straight at Liang Tao with a look of disbelief.

All the ministers present also looked horrified.

Liu Anshi had a gloomy face and said in disbelief. "This, is this impossible? The court clearly only moved 17 Xiang troops to the North Shaanxi Road. This has already accounted for nearly [-]% of our Song Dynasty Xiang troops. Even if all the Xiang troops were moved to The Shaanxi North Road is not enough either..."

Liang Tao smiled bitterly. "It seems that you really don't know. To tell you the truth, the permanent population of Yanzhou on the North Shaanxi Road alone has reached 38, while Hongzhou, which is slightly lower, also has a population of nearly 35. "

"As for Youzhou, it is the state with the smallest population among the six states, but it still has a population of 25."

"Lord Liang, where did those people come from? Could it be that Wang Wushan lied to the court?" Jia Yi narrowed his eyes with a cold light.

"Those populations are formed by the migration of people from Shaanxi Road, Hedong Road, and even Jingxi Road, Qinfeng Road, and Lizhou Road."

"What?! What do those local officials do for food? Such things happen, aren't they afraid of civil uprisings?"

"People's Revolution?" Liang Tao shook his head slowly. "It seems that you have lived in the temple for a long time, and you don't even know the current national conditions of the Song Dynasty..."

(End of this chapter)

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