arcane stars

Chapter 21 The real scapegoat

Chapter 21 The real scapegoat

Chaotic Star Sea, as the name suggests, is a special area formed by the gathering of countless meteorite belts.

The only way for the tribute envoys of the Black Dragon Galaxy to go to the main star of the Lei Ze Empire.

If you want to bypass this place, you have to pass through the border of the Federation of Radiance. The Earl of Black Dragon is not so courageous, and those who captured the Federation dared to pass the gate of the Federation openly.

This is the reason why they are sure that Earl Black Dragon's people will pass through the sea of ​​rocks and stars.

The fleet of natural disasters has been deployed in advance. The best thing about this place is that there are many meteorites, which is easy to hide.

The disadvantage is that the efficiency of the battleship will be greatly affected in such a meteorite belt.

Because of the dense meteorites, the fleet had to move separately.

As a member of Isa's team, Ye Ming naturally stayed on the main ship.

Every time he saw a meteorite larger than a ship flying past the hull, Ye Ming felt terrified. This kind of experience was really uncomfortable.

But Ye Ming was still a little excited.

He felt like he was mentally like a child who knew he was about to do something bad.

He was eager to take that step, but the educational concepts he had received in the past were holding him back.

"Commander, what is my mission?"

Ye Ming asked with some expectation.

He suddenly realized that until now, Alessa and Isa hadn't told him what he should do in this mission.

You can't let him come to the show, can you?
Alessa closed her eyes and did not even open her eyes, she just asked in surprise, "Did Isa not tell you yet?"

Isha, who was paying attention to the course ahead, said in surprise:
"Oops! Forgot!"


Ye Ming didn't know if she really forgot or didn't say it on purpose.

In short, this woman's words are very unbelievable.

Elissa didn't say much after hearing the words, but said: "You act together with Isa, just follow her command."

The atmosphere became quiet again.

Ye Ming also closed his eyes and didn't ask any more questions. Only Yisha was busy searching for the target.

After a while, Ye Ming heard Yisha clapping her hands and saying:
"Oh! I finally found it. It's really hidden!"

Hearing this, Alessa opened her eyes:
"I'll leave it to you next."

"Relax! Guaranteed to complete the task."

Isha smiled and said something, and then said to Ye Ming: "Then, talented newcomer, let's go!"


On the other side, the Black Dragon Fleet.

After entering Chaotic Star Sea, their formation had to be dispersed.

On the main ship, Deans in an arcane robe stood on the deck and looked at the rocky front, his face was not relaxed.

He knew there would be no peace on the tribute road this time.

"Deans, what are you worried about?"

A young man came over and smiled.

Upon hearing this, Deans replied respectfully: "Master Saeki, I was just wondering whether we could reach our destination smoothly this time."

The young master Saeki was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

Deans' blunt answer left him at a loss for what to say.

"Why do you say that?"

But soon he recovered and asked with a smile.

Deans' complexion darkened, staring at the meteorite group in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "Because they have already arrived."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zoe saw several warships appearing in front of them.

"The Scourge Pirates? Why did they appear here!"

Saeki said dumbfounded.

Deans glanced at Saeki. This young master's mind was always not very bright, but if he was smart, he wouldn't rush to take on this hot task.

"Of course someone doesn't want us to leave here, ready to fight!"

Deans turned and walked back without looking back.

Saeki hurriedly followed.

There was not much nervousness on Deans' face. He was already ready to retreat. Their group was just used to attract firepower.

The elven slaves on the surface are just news that was released on purpose.

The real tribute should be advancing quickly on the other side of the Chaotic Star Sea. As long as they delay for a while, the real sacrifice will be able to leave the Chaotic Star Sea.

There are people from the empire outside to help.

"Fire! Hold 'em!"

Deans ordered.

The nearby black dragon ships were ordered immediately, and the battle was imminent.

The two fleets exchanged fire directly between the meteorite belts.

The meteorite continued to shatter under the cover of firepower, and for a while the dark starry sky seemed to be lit up with bright fireworks.

Not long after Ye Ming and Yisha left the mothership in a small spaceship, Ye Ming turned around and saw a light in the distant darkness.

Obviously, it was natural disasters and the Black Dragon Fleet had already exchanged fire.

But he still doesn't know where to go.

"Where are we going?"

Ye Ming couldn't help asking.

Isa drove the spaceship and explained briefly with a smile: "We are going to find the real tribute!"

"A real tribute?"

Ye Ming didn't understand, isn't the tribute the elf slave?

Because elves are very handsome regardless of men and women, they are loved by many imperial chaebols, and the business of selling elves has also emerged.

It is not surprising that the Earl of the Black Dragon pays tribute to the elf slaves as he likes.

But Isa obviously meant to tell him that those elf slaves were not real tributes.

He really wanted to see what the elves looked like.

Ye Ming felt a little regretful.

Yisha nodded, and asked with a smile: "You don't really think that the head of the group accepts this commission simply because the secret spirit will give you more rewards?"

"Is not it?"

Ye Ming was stunned again, the pirates were not for star coins, why else?
Could it be to save the poor elf?

Are you kidding, they are a pirate group, not a charity organization.

"Of course it's for real tribute!"

Isa smiled smugly.

Ye Ming suddenly realized the point, and looked at Yisha quietly: "So you don't actually know what the real tribute is?"

"Hehe, you found out!"

Isa didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said as a matter of course: "Anyway, what Earl Black Dragon pays to the empire is definitely valuable."

"That's true."

Ye Ming thought about it for a while and it was true, but he still had a question: "But how do you know that those elf slaves are not real tributes?"

"Of course we have our own news channels."

Yisha obviously didn't want to tell Ye Ming more.

Ye Ming wisely didn't ask too much, sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

He could also guess some situations, which were nothing more than two possibilities. One was that the Natural Disaster Pirates had an unimaginable intelligence network, and the other was that the Natural Disaster Pirates had support from forces he didn't know about.

Ye Ming thinks the latter is more likely.

It's just that these are not what he can know in his current position.

You can use this time to get some benefits, anyway, everyone is black and white.

Only now did he understand that the commission from the Mystic Spirit Society was just a cover, even if there was no natural disaster from the Mystic Spirit Society, there would be this action.

Rather than saying that the Mystery Society wants the natural disaster to offend the Earl of the Black Dragon for them, it is better to say that the Mystic Spirit will take the blame for the natural disaster.

"found it!"

At this moment, he shouted in surprise.

Ye Ming saw a transport ship displayed on the spaceship detection star map.

(End of this chapter)

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