Chapter 33
"Wife, you can really tell me what you have. Even if I can't help you, I can give you advice, can't I?"

If it was changed to before, Gu Yifan's words would definitely make Lin Ruyan's mood worse, because he stayed at home all day, washing clothes, cooking and taking care of the children. It's okay to be poked in the back by relatives and neighbors at home.

It's just hopeless!

But now, Lin Ruyan also felt some changes from him, and there were so many incredible things, so her opinion of him also changed a little.

It's not that I hope, but at least I can look forward to it a little bit and fantasize about it.

Maybe he can really make a difference?
If it is impossible, doesn't he also make many impossible things possible?

Grandma's birthday banquet, the battle with the Hell Bull Terrier, and even the incident at the Blue Moon last night all happened before Lin Ruyan's eyes. How could she really turn a blind eye?

Sometimes, miracles are around you, you just don't feel it.

Now, Lin Ruyan really has great difficulties and pressure, even if she just talks about it, she can relieve it!

"Okay, I'll tell you now."

Lin Ruyan pointed to the passenger door: "Come up and sit down. Yiyi doesn't get out of school for more than ten minutes anyway."


Gu Yifan obediently opened the car door and sat in.

Lin Ruyan brushed her hair, as if she was thinking about where to start, but he didn't rush, just waited quietly.

"The matter started two weeks ago. After we had a batch of imported cosmetics, they were sent to various beauty salons. It was a very good skin foundation, which can effectively improve the skin quality of customers and shrink pores. of."

Lin Ruyan smiled: "That's not the point, and you won't be interested."

"It's okay, you can say whatever you want."

Gu Yifan looked at her dotingly.

"I strictly control the quality of that batch of goods. Whether it is from the purchase channel, or the formula, I have carefully explained to our marketing department, everyone, everyone!"

"and then?"

"Then something happened. Many customers complained that there was something wrong with the lotion. After using it, their faces became flaky, red, swollen, and blistered. They went to the beauty salon to demand compensation. Of course, they will find us in the end."

Lin Ruyan sighed.

"Can you take it to the relevant department for appraisal?"

Gu Yifan already had some thoughts in his mind, but he didn't say them out.

"It's been identified, there is no problem, but the customers have bitten to death and said that the accident happened after using our products. Where are you going to reason?"

Lin Ruyan sighed again: "Cosmetics are not suitable for everyone. If you use them well, others may be allergic. If you use them, they may be effective, but others may not."

"They want to ask you for an explanation?"

"Yes, not only the customers, but also the beauty salon, all jointly sued me in court. Do you know how much compensation they are asking for?"

Gu Yifan shook his head.

"A person is 100, and a beauty salon is [-] million. Think about it in Hangzhou, how many beauty salons do I deal with?"

Lin Ruyan smiled wryly: "If I lose the lawsuit, my Ruyan beauty makeup will have to be seized, and the court will auction it off, so I can only file for bankruptcy."

"so serious?"

Gu Yifan felt more and more uncomfortable. How could this silly woman bear so much by herself?
The sooner you speak up, the sooner it may have been resolved!
"It's very serious. It's much more serious than I imagined. The customers seem to be colluding, and the beauty salon is the same. It seems that they will never stop until they break me."

Lin Ruyan rubbed her temples with a headache: "All the mouths make money, and the accumulation destroys the bones. I have enough evidence and it is useless, because the product can always have different accidents in different links, and there is no guarantee that it will be 100% safe."

"Yes, you can also tell your lawyer about this, can't you? Since you can't guarantee that everyone can use it well, it's normal for accidents to happen."

"No, there are too many of them, and I can't convince everyone."

Lin Ruyan looked at Gu Yifan: "Uncle said, Lin Jiao can settle this matter, but I must hand over the company."

"You want to too?"

"I don't want to do anything, I can't really just go bankrupt like this, can I? Leave it to them, and I can start a new one!"

Lin Ruyan was actually quite strong, she secretly cried in the car, and didn't complain everywhere.

"No, wife, not for them."

Gu Yifan looked at Lin Ruyan: "Don't you find it weird that they are so well informed?"

"you mean"

"Is it possible that those so-called victims were pretended by Lin Jiao? Her goal is your beautiful makeup."

In fact, even if Gu Yifan didn't say anything, Lin Ruyan also thought of this possibility, but because there was no evidence, and the court's summons had already come down, it was too late to apply for an investigation. After all, the faces of those people really appeared. All kinds of accidents.

"Yifan, I feel very sad. Ruyan Beauty Makeup is my painstaking effort. If I continue to fight, it will go bankrupt and go bankrupt. If I don't fight, I will have to give it up to others. Alas, I can only choose the other in a dilemma. light."

Lin Ruyan's eyes were red again.

"Don't be like this wife, it's no big deal! In this way, after you go home today, have a good meal, and I'll help you prepare a delicious bubble bath. You take a bath with Yiyi, and then have a good sleep. I will accompany you to the company tomorrow morning .”

Gu Yifan rubbed Lin Ruyan's shoulder.

"Are you going? Yifan, I know you have changed a lot recently, but luck is not always with you, so don't go."

Lin Ruyan knew very well what kind of existence Gu Yifan was in the eyes of Lin Jiao's family!What's more, on grandma's birthday a few days ago, he offended his uncle's son-in-law, Qiao Guanhua!

If he really went, wouldn't the new and old grudges be counted together?
Forced by the current situation, it is a last resort to give up Ruyan Beauty Makeup. If she is humiliated and suppressed by Lin Jiao and the others, it will be even more embarrassing.

"No, you are my wife. Ruyan Beauty Makeup is your child, and it is also mine. I treat it as my own!"

Gu Yifan comforted Lin Ruyan with a smile.

"You, are you really going?"

Lin Ruyan hesitated.

"I'm definitely going. Maybe I'm your lucky star. After I go, all problems will be solved?"

Gu Yifan seemed to be joking, but there was deep affection in his eyes, which shocked Lin Ruyan, and she nodded inexplicably.

"Well, that's fine!"

"Okay, I'll wait in line to pick up Yiyi now."

(End of this chapter)

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