Chapter 55

Before the interview begins, there is also a handshake that represents friendship.

It was Zhang Chuyan's turn to shake hands with Xiangguo.

Xiang Guo opened his mouth with a complicated expression, as if he wanted to express something.It's a pity that before the brewing was finished, Xiao Ming who was next to him grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

Xiangguo shook her immovable curly hair and wanted to struggle again, so Xiao Ming hurriedly beeped softly. "Brother Guo, hurry up, or you will be exposed later!"


Faced with Xiangguo's puzzled expression, Xiao Ming patiently explained. "You have to know that when you want to kill someone, you can't hide your eyes..."

The center of the competition stage.

"Okay, here comes the interview session that everyone loves to hear."

"Through the several outstanding performances of the domestic Soning team and the Dynasty team, I believe that most netizens have already remembered the name Zhang Chuyan."

"Especially Qiyana just now, it completely overturned my understanding of this hero!"

The commentary doll first said a few words politely, then looked at the boy on the opposite sofa and said. "Most of the audience now hopes to get to know you better. Let me see, here are the questions with the most votes from the audience..."

The commentary doll roughly scanned the tablet in his hand, inadvertently the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and finally chose to skip the first eight and start reading the ninth. "Okay, cough! The first question is about the legend of the son of the dragon."

Having said that, I explained one more sentence. "Through these few games, everyone is very curious about why you can always accurately control the blood volume of Xiaolong? Is there any trick here?"

Zhang Chuyan didn't answer in a hurry, thinking about what the coach told him before going on stage: try to talk as little as possible, if you have to explain, then think more about the old thief next to you.

Thinking of Gao Leng's teammates, Zhang Chuyan was silent for a while, always feeling that such perfunctory answers like "En" and "Oh" were really not good.

But the coach must be right.

"First of all, you must have a stable mentality."

The boy sitting on the sofa answered seriously. "Of course, keep your hands steady."

After hearing this quite serious but outrageous answer, the commentator was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, he pinched his thighs and suppressed his laughter: This newcomer is too upright!

Sometimes, even if you are telling the truth, if you express it too directly, it can easily be misunderstood.

Just like "love at first sight" mostly exists in novels, there are more matters that need to be considered comprehensively in reality.

When you think a girl is very 'OK', go up and say, 'Stop, let's get married. ' That's probably going to be labeled 'this person is extremely dangerous'.

Peace of mind?Steady hand?
What kind of fairy answer is this?The audience in the game live broadcast room felt as if they were being shown off.

'Why don't you keep a distance from me? ? ? '

'First this, then that, and finally this? '

'I'm ready to take notes, you just show me this? '

'Oh I got it! '

'Master, I am useless! '

There was a few seconds of silence on the stage.

The commentary doll took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. "Stable hands and steady mind, can you talk about the specific method?"

Zhang Chuyan nodded and recalled for a while. "The main thing is to practice more. Before the game, I can read a book for a while, which can calm down my mood."

Hearing this answer, the director understood very well and began to play the interview screen on the screen: that handsome young man who always likes to hold professional textbooks appeared on the big screen again...

As a result, there was a commotion in the auditorium.

Zhang Chuyan didn't know, because of his inadvertent action today, the professional books on "Civil Engineering" in major bookstores suddenly became bestsellers.

The owners of major bookstores are also confused.Until I stopped a few young people who bought books, the answers they got were messy 'wild king's cheats', 'great god's code', and even more outrageous 'how to get the favor of a rich woman'.It was the outrageous mother who opened the door for the outrageous family!
"It seems that contestant Chu Yan answered very carefully. The classmate who had to take notes just now can put down the big sword in his hand and spare him."

As a joke, the commentator glanced at the tablet in his hand and then asked the second question. "We noticed that after you jumped the tower and killed the prince, facing the encirclement of the Dynasty team's upper and middle lanes, you suddenly threw a big move towards the wall, and finally successfully interrupted the top laner Shen's TP."

"This wave of operations can be described as very exciting! Did you have a premonition at the time?"

The same question has completely different effects when explained by the commentator and when spoken by the players.

Most of the time, commentators need to stand from a neutral perspective, otherwise they will face condemnation from team fans and even affect the public image of the League of Legends organizer.

The contestants are not so strict, it is a good time to spark topicality, and it can also be said to be a good time to set up people.

But faced with this problem, the rookie jungler from the EDward G team still looked calm and calm. "No, it's just slipping."

Doll questioned and added hints. "Is there no prediction at all?"

But Zhang Chuyan's answer was still straightforward. "I was in a hurry when I got out of the tower, so I didn't think too much about it."

Boy, how could you be so upright! ?

Hearing this, the commentator doll sitting directly opposite on the sofa suddenly felt numb all over. Is this another interview mudslide about to happen again?

During the rest of the interview, the commentary doll asked some questions about the team, and Zhang Chuyan answered them truthfully.But the people on the stage did not expect it at all.Because after this incident, competition memes suddenly became popular on the Internet.

'If you want to take the dragon, you need to be steady'

'You're talking nonsense, I can't. '

'Hand slipped, don't think too much'

"A person needs to be handsome, but his words can also be cruel..."

At the same moment when the game ended, the First Hospital of Taiyuan Medical University.

Zhang Donglin still had an unshaven appearance, and his body was half leaning against the wooden frame of the bed.When he saw the words of victory in the game, he turned his head with a light smile and looked at another middle-aged man in the room who was wearing a hospital suit and sitting in a wheelchair. "Old Chen, you've watched the game, so take a break."

The middle-aged man had a quiet smile on his face, but he waved his hands and looked out the window. At this time, there were still a few chubby sparrows on the branches, bouncing around very gratifyingly. "The weather is nice today, I want to go outside and have a look."


Zhang Donglin followed the man's gaze and nodded. "I'll push it for you."

Although it was sunny outside, it was winter in the north after all.

The middle-aged man in the wheelchair coughed twice, and Zhang Donglin helped him tuck his clothes again.

Looking at this middle-aged man with gray hair and thin figure sitting in a wheelchair, Zhang Donglin's eyes flashed with emotion.This burly man who used to be a black boxer in the world has become so haggard now.


(End of this chapter)

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