Chapter 44
Chapter 44 The Old Madam's Change
Do not!
He can't stand this situation!

In the next second, Fang Shitian closed his eyes and passed out!

However, no one dared to step forward to stop it. Nonsense, the other party was the Wangu Group and they personally took action. If they dared to block anything, the consequences could be imagined.

"This, this is a small punishment from my Wangu Group. If anyone dares to commit the crime again in the future, he will end up worse than him. Do you all understand?"

Wan Tianlong looked at everyone in the Ye family, and said in a cold voice, the others nodded, and even Ye Xiaoxiao froze in place, not knowing what to do!
"In that case, I'm leaving!"

Wan Tianlong said something, nodded slightly to Lin Jun, then turned around and left here, what he should do has been done, and it will be up to Lin Jun.

After Wan Tianlong left, everyone in the Ye family breathed a sigh of relief. Faced with such a strong coercion, they didn't even dare to lift their waists!

This is Vanguard Group's Prestige!

"You better get someone to take him to the hospital, if you don't want him to bleed to death!"

At this moment, Jun Lin suddenly opened his mouth to feel depressed, which woke up the members of the Ye family. Indeed, if Fang Shitian really died in the Ye family, they would have to bear all the anger of the Fang family!
They are just a small family, but they can't bear the Fang family!

"Quick! Send Fang Shitian to the hospital!"

The old lady spoke directly. Fortunately, she responded quickly, otherwise things would have become more troublesome.

"Ye Xiaoxiao, do you still think this contract belongs to the Wangu Group?"

Lin Jun said, although he didn't know what method Fang Shitian used to get these things, but what's the point?
As soon as Wan Tianlong appears, any conspiracy will be quickly returned to its original form. This kind of trick is nothing more than to deceive them, but it is impossible to deceive Lin Jun!

Ye Chuchu didn't know what to say, she just felt that Jun Lin in front of her made him feel very strange, as if she was a different person from before!
But at this time Ye Chuchu still felt a strong sense of security, at least, she didn't have to be bullied by Ye's family like before.


In the next second, Ye Xiaoxiao tore up the contract in her hand and threw it on the ground!

This is not from the Vanguard Group at all, she doesn't want this kind of liar at all, but she also deeply understands that Ye Chuchu won this time...

"Xiaoxiao, don't tear it up. Anyway, this is still an 8000 million contract. If you just tear it up like this, what should we do next?"

"Yeah, you are really too impulsive. No matter what, this contract must be kept. Otherwise, what else does our Ye family have?"

"It really shouldn't be!"

Listening to everyone's words, although Ye Xiaoxiao also understood this truth, but she was very angry in her heart, and she couldn't care less now!

Anyway, it's just a contract anyway, and he can get it from other places, but now she really can't suppress the anger in her heart.


Ye Xiaoxiao roared angrily, "It's so noisy!"

"Isn't it just a contract? It's my big deal to talk about another one. On the contrary, you will only say that. If you have the ability, you should also get a contract. This is my business, and I can do whatever I want! "

After hearing this, everyone shook their heads, they didn't expect Ye Xiaoxiao to say such a thing.

But at this time, she was in a fit of anger, no one dared to provoke her, and they all avoided. After this matter is over, they will discuss again!
"Chuchu, come here!"

At this time, the old lady suddenly looked at Ye Chuchu, and now she felt that all the hopes of the Ye family were pinned on her.

The current Ye Chuchu is not the same as she was in the past. She can sign a big contract with the Vanguard Group, and at the same time Lin Jun is valued by the chairman of the Vanguard Group!

If the two of them can return to the Ye family, what else will the Ye family worry about in the future?

Ye Chuchu felt a little bit astonished when she heard this, because the old lady had never smiled at her since a long time ago, let alone now.

She didn't dare to get close at all now. The feeling she had given her for a long time was that the old lady only valued Ye Xiaoxiao, but she was like an outsider!

So from a long time ago, Ye Chuchu didn't bring herself into the Ye family, because she felt that there was no room for him here!
"Chuchu, grandma used to be bad, but now grandma understands that you are the hope of my Ye family!"

The old lady began to play the emotional card. "Come back, grandma promises that in the future, it will definitely not be like before, just forgive grandma once!"

And after hearing this, Ye Xiaoxiao was even more angry!
She felt that the value and status she wanted to get just now would be taken back by Ye Chuchu. How could he tolerate such a thing?

She walked up to the old lady, "Grandma, do you know what you are talking about?"

"She is a disgrace to our Ye family! Because of her, we have become the joke of the entire Linghai City!"

"Aren't you slapping yourself in the face by letting her come back?"

However, the old lady doesn't care about these at all. Even so, as long as she can get involved with the Wangu Group, she can accept this matter!

The old lady glared at Ye Xiaoxiao, "Shut up!"

"Anyway, she's your sister too. Is that how you talk to her?"

"Go back and face the wall for three days, come out after you figure it out!"

Ye Xiaoxiao didn't expect that things would change so quickly, does that mean that her status in the Ye family will plummet in the future!
She could even feel the changes in the way people around her looked at her. It was no longer as respectful as before, but with a hint of sarcasm instead!
snort!You wait for me!

Ye Xiaoxiao had no choice but to go back to the room first.No matter what, she needs to make a long-term plan on this matter, and she will take back what is hers.

Let Ye Chuchu be proud for a while, anyway, she will never be able to compare with her, and the old lady is also blind, can she only see what is in front of her eyes?
Seeing everyone's expressions, Ye Chuchu shook her head helplessly, "I'm sorry grandma, I think... I'd better not go back to Ye's house!"

The old lady just wanted to get angry, but she was the head of the Ye family, and she came to invite Ye Chuchu back in person, but the latter not only didn't appreciate it, but also rejected her in front of so many people!
It's utterly abominable!
"Chuchu, what are you doing? Are you embarrassing grandma?"

There was already a touch of threat in the old lady's tone. Hearing this, Ye Chuchu shook her head, "Grandma, I didn't mean that, but the Ye family is not suitable for me for the time being!"

(End of this chapter)

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