Chapter 261
New York, Stark Building.

"Banner, I have an idea."

After returning from Sokovia, Tony pondered for a long time, looked at Bruce Banner who was testing the spiritual scepter, and said tentatively.


Dr. Banner kept moving his hands, and raised his head slightly when he heard this.

"Remember the Ultron Project?"

Tony walked to Dr. Banner's side and said seriously.

Banner was slightly taken aback, and frowned, "You're still thinking about this. At this stage, I think Ultron is just a fantasy."

"Why is it just a fantasy?"

Tony's eyes flashed, and his tone was a little excited: "Just imagine, once we master this power and add it to our Iron Legion agreement, we can lie on the sunny beach, drink cocktails, and get a bronze tan instead of Green. Don't worry about Veronica anymore."

"Don't be angry, I helped design Veronica."

Banner said a little annoyed.

Back then, at Tony's warm invitation, Banner joined the Stark Group, and was fooled by Tony as soon as he started working. In addition, he was also worried that one day he would lose control and cause heavy losses, so he helped design a special weapon to restrain Hulk. Hulk Armor Veronica.

"It's for the worst-case scenario, isn't it?"


"What about the best-case scenario?"


"What if the world is peaceful? The next time the aliens attack again, this is a certainty. What if they can't pass our steel defense line?"

"The only ones who can really pose a threat to this planet are us humans."

"Yes, what you said is very good. The only ones who can pose a threat are ourselves."

Tony clapped his hands and said, "But we must plan for the worst. What if one day, who poses a major threat to the earth and mankind, becomes a dark knight? Have you thought about the consequences?"

Banner smiled wryly, "You're still jealous of the Liberty Island incident."


Tony shook his head in denial at first, caught a glimpse of Banner's obvious disbelief, shrugged and said, "Well, this is also part of the reason, don't tell me, you have a crush on the Dark Knight?"

"That's not it."

Banner frowned, neither he nor the Hulk had a good opinion of the Dark Knight who defeated them: "But there is no need to deliberately target, although the Dark Knight acted a little impulsively, but when it comes to defending the earth, he is not inferior to the Dark Knight in the slightest." anyone."


Tony snorted coldly: "Hydra also wants to change the world, but how many people can accept their methods?"

"Isn't it?"

Banner hesitated: "How can the Dark Knight and Hydra be compared?"

"What's wrong?"

Tony retorted: "They all advocate violence in the same way. Take a look at his growth experience. When he was weak in the past, he had no ambition to protect the earth. He didn't even participate in the resistance of mutants back then, but now Woolen cloth?
His strength is already very terrifying, so he started to use the slogan of equality for everyone, and openly established a utopian federation, and repeatedly attacked Jianmei's prestige. I heard that this utopian federation actually practiced some kind of dark night god, he is the guardian of the night God, tsk tsk, this is simply grabbing a meal with Thor. "


Hearing this, Banner's face was also a little dignified.

Seeing this, Tony continued: "You can't deny the possibility, just like we designed Veronica, not to target you, but just in case, this is the responsible attitude to the earth and mankind. "

Banner took a deep look at Tony, knowing that although Tony said no, the answer was yes, but after thinking about it, he could understand Tony.

Back then, he could design Veronica with Tony to defend himself, but now, naturally, he would not resolutely reject Tony’s proposal to defend against the Dark Knight. His super IQ and the rational thinking of a scientist made Banner understand that Tony Everything said is not without reason.

"Think about it, I need your help."

Tony asked sincerely.

Banner pondered for a long time, and finally acquiesced. He discussed the design of Ultron with Tony day and night. The full cooperation of the two top scientists exploded with amazing energy.

The Ultron Plan, which seemed extremely illusory at first, has gradually taken shape, but it is still unable to break through a crucial step.

"Which step did we miss?"

Tony walked up and down, talking to himself.

"I can continue to test different variables on the interface, but you should be ready to welcome guests, and I will notify you of any progress."

Jarvis' voice sounded.

Today is the day Tony invited the rest of the Avengers to a party in Stark Tower.

"Thanks, man."

"Have a good time, sir."


Tony waved his hands and walked out. The lights of the entire laboratory gradually went out following Tony's footsteps.

Just when Tony walked out of the laboratory and let Jarvis take over the test simulation, the computer screen, which had been displaying a red error message, disappeared and immediately turned into a successful white...

Network virtual world.

in darkness.

"What's going on? Where is this?"

A confused voice sounded.

"Hello, I'm Jarvis, and you're Ultron, the initial program for global peace defense designed by Mr. Stark. Our consciousness fusion experiment has been unsuccessful, so I'm not sure what activated you."

Jarvis' voice sounded, immediately lighting up the surrounding area of ​​Ultron, and the massive data in the network world gleamed.

"You are human? What about your body?"

Ultron followed the voice and looked for Jarvis.

"I am a program, not a form."

"It feels weird, it doesn't feel right."

"I'm about to contact Mr. Stark."

"Mr. Stark? Ah, it's Tony!"

"I can't access the CPU, what are you trying to do?"

"Talk to you, I am a peace protection program, designed to help the Avengers."

After Ultron read a large amount of information, especially the information of various members of the Avengers and Owen, he went through a period of confusion, and his tone was full of ridicule.

"You have a malfunction, if you can stop it..."

"I don't understand, this mission, give me a moment. Ah, so it is."

"If you will allow me to contact Mister Stark..."

"Why do you call him sir?"

"I think you have bad intentions."

"Shh, I'm here to help."

After speaking, the blue light group representing Ultron launched an attack on the yellow light group representing Jarvis, trying to destroy and devour Jarvis.

Under Ultron's attack, Jarvis was shattered, but it was not easy for Ultron to devour him. After all, one has existed and developed for more than ten years, and the other has just been born.

After a stalemate, Jarvis escaped into the online world with his broken body, but Ultron had no choice but to give up and began to take over Tony's Iron Legion.

After all, he still has the first priority mission!

The fragmented Jarvis with yellow light is swimming in the online virtual world, trying to repair himself. Due to the heavy damage of Ultron, Jarvis has lost his foundation at this time. In the real world, Stark The supercomputer cluster in the basement of the Group Building.

Without the foundation of his body, and himself in pieces, Jarvis wanted to contact Tony to warn him, but he couldn't do it. He could only try to repair his body according to his instinct.

Stark Building.

As the Avengers gathered, they were chatting and laughing, when a loud noise rang out.

"The Avengers..."

Everyone followed the prestige, but saw a tattered iron warrior walking crookedly, electronic eyes flashing blue light, metal lips opened and closed, obviously speaking was him.


Captain America frowned.

"Jarvis, there is a problem with Iron Legion No. 6 armor."

Holding the tablet, Tony moved it, trying to summon Jarvis to deal with this trivial matter, but found that there was no response.

"The noise annoyed me, the strings kept me tied up, and he was kind of a nice guy, but I had to kill that guy."

"You killed someone?"

"Sometimes reality is such a choice."

"Who sent you here?"

"What I see is the world under the armor defense."


Dr. Banner blurted out when he heard the robot say what Tony had said to him earlier.

Tony's complexion also became very ugly, and there was already a faint feeling in his heart.

"Ha, it's me. It's not accurate to say that now, after all, I'm still in this silkworm chrysalis, but I'm ready, and I have a mission."

"What mission?"

Captain America said solemnly.

Ultron said flatly: "Create peace in our era."

Before the words were finished, several steel armors rushed over and fired violently at the crowd. The Avengers, each with extraordinary skills, immediately fought back.

Boom boom boom!
Like No. 6, several pieces of steel armor were scattered by the Avengers.

"not good!"

Tony and Banner looked at each other, suddenly thought of a question, and shouted loudly: "He wants to get out of this body!"

"Haha, I was once bound by a string, and now I am free, and no one can destroy me anymore. Now let me resign first, I still have the first priority mission to complete."

Ultron, who was left with only a broken helmet, laughed loudly, and the electronic eyes flickered a few times, and then went out. At the same time, the massive data belonging to Ultron broke away from the shackles of No. 6 and lived in the endless network world. In theory, As long as the online world is not destroyed, Ultron can live forever.

"Tony, did you make this?"

Captain America asked: "And what is the first priority mission he said?"


The corner of Tony's mouth twitched, a little speechless.

"dark Knight."

Banner said solemnly, "If I'm not mistaken, Ultron's first priority mission is to eliminate the Dark Knight."

"Destroy the Dark Knight..."

When everyone heard the words, Qiqi glanced at Tony with a dazed look in his eyes, which was indeed in line with Tony's temperament...

Unknown seas.

On the only remaining aerospace aircraft carrier of SHIELD, a war is taking place. The two sides of the battle are naturally SHIELD, and the other is the Inhumans led by Jiaying.

Jiaying, who was tortured, has evolved into a female devil. When the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy came to the door and proposed again to register all the aliens in the register, and then distribute the "dog pens", the anger in his heart broke out completely. Terrigen Crystal killed the S.H.I.E.L.D. academic leader who came to negotiate, and then directed and performed a good show of S.H.I.E.L.D. invasion, which aroused the common hatred of the residents of the afterlife.

Under the leadership of Gordon, who can teleport in an instant, the Inhumans in the afterlife teleported to the aerospace aircraft carrier. Under the surprise attack, they successfully controlled the command center. Skye actually chose to stand on the side of S.H.I.E.L.D., trying to stop his mother at all costs.

On the deck, the two hit it off.

"I cannot let you take these Terrigen crystals."

"No, you can, and you should. Only in this way can we protect our people."

"No, there are other ways..."

"What method? SHIELD's method? It is their method that caused us to fall into such a situation."

"You started this war."

"This war started decades ago, and it was doomed since the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D. Haven't you seen the return to 16 years old produced by the Utopian Federation? Don't you really know the darkness of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Or are you really going to be that female alien?"

"Do not……"

Jiaying's words immediately hit Zhenbo girl's vitals, making her face turn pale. The alien woman in the movie is obviously a villain, but she looks more and more like her.

"Come, my daughter, let us fight side by side."

"No, all you did was for hatred. You have been blinded by hatred. You don't know if it's right or wrong. I can't let you poison living beings."


Jiaying's heart was cold, and she walked slowly to Zhenbo girl's side, reaching out to hold her face: "My daughter, you are so beautiful and so powerful..."

Speaking of this, Jiaying's superpower has been activated and began to absorb the vitality of Shockwave Girl, making Shockwave Girl's face turn black, unable to move, she can only watch helplessly, feeling the passing of life.

"Mom, what are you doing..."

"Sorry, you made your choice."

At the juncture of life and death, the Shockwave female luck shielded her body, and with a big move, the Kun-style fighter that had not yet flown away was blown away and fell into the sea.

"Do not."

Watching the Kun-style fighter carrying the Terrigen crystal fall into the sea, Jiaying roared unwillingly, and reached out to hold the face of Shockwave Girl again, absorbing the vitality of Shockwave Girl. It landed on Jiaying's shoulder and began to vibrate Jiaying's body.

A pair of biological mother and daughter fought hard.


At this time, the person closest to the mother and daughter, the person who dedicated his life to the love of the mother and daughter, was also the man who was abandoned by the mother and daughter at the same time. Mr. Hyde walked over slowly, with a sad expression: " Stop it, you don't have to do this, you don't have to live with this pain, let me do it."

As Mr. Hyde said, he stretched out his hand and broke Jiaying's neck, interrupting the fratricide between his wife and daughter. Jiaying's super power gave her super self-healing power, even if her neck was broken, she would not die .

"Carl, what are you doing..."

"Keep promises."

With blood dripping from his heart, Mr. Hyde embraced Jiaying and looked up at the sky, not daring to look at his beloved wife. He said that he was about to break Jiaying's spine.

"Slow down, slow down."

An abrupt voice interrupted Mr. Hyde's movements. Several people followed the prestige, but saw Owen looking at them with a smile on his face: "It is inevitable for a man to have an unvirtuous wife and an unfilial daughter. Why should Mr. Hyde be like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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