Beauty Man: All Heavens and Immortals

Chapter 205 With 323, don't go to Liangshan

Chapter 205 Don't go to Liangshan if you have twos and threes

new York.

Mary Jane yearned to live the life of a superstar, but Peter's categorical refusal poured ice water on her enthusiasm. These years of drama career, coupled with female talent, let her learn to look at people, He could only secretly suppress this thought in his heart.

Seeing that Mary Jane had no intention of entanglement, Peter breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately regretted the words after his masculinity erupted just now.

A person like him has always preferred to wrong himself rather than make others frown, let alone his goddess girlfriend who has gone through hardships since childhood.

Afterwards, Peter used the funds provided by Irving to change his past financial difficulties, and took Mary Jane to live a petty life for a night. Watching Mary Jane, who was exhausted, fell asleep, Peter was filled with happiness. The displeasure and resentment of killing people if they didn't agree with each other has also eased a lot.

After all, he is a human being with his own emotions and desires. He is not an immutable clay statue of the Virgin. If it weren't for the uncle and aunt who cheated on his nephew and didn't discuss it, his life would definitely be very different...

The Queen.

Marcus' home.

"Minty, how are you doing these days?"

Marcus cooks himself and cooks a few of Mindy's favorite foods. Seeing Mindy fall from the sky, he takes off his super-killer outfit and changes into normal attire. After being amazed, he quickly drags Mindy into the room. House, while walking, while asking.

"I'm fine, Uncle Marcus."

Mindy smiled sweetly.

"Hey, that's good."

Feeling the happiness from the heart of Minty, Marcus sighed with mixed emotions. He was both happy for the happiness of the 'daughter' of Mindy, and also a little depressed because she didn't live according to his plan, especially his own. The 'little daughter' was even more upset when she followed other men.

"Sit down, I made some food you like, let's get together tonight."


Minty followed Owen, and naturally liked spicy food, but facing this uncle who loved him as much as his daughter, no matter how ordinary the food was, it would not taste good.

"Minty, I see that you have been on shift a lot more recently than before. Are you too tired?"

While eating, Marcus asked.

After Owen's last announcement, the reputation of the Night Guardian Alliance has greatly increased, especially in the base camp of New York. The big newspapers may be a little reserved, but those tabloids publish the headlines of Super Killer and Spider-Man patrolling New York almost every day.

In addition, last time Minty beheaded those big gangsters, it made the popularity of Super Killer rampant. Marcus, as a policeman and Mindy's adoptive father, now develops the habit of searching three times a day in the morning, middle and evening. The habit of overkilling female trends.


Minty shook his head and smiled, "Actually, I wish I could go out to inspect every day. I'm so happy to see the crime rate in New York keeps dropping because of me."

"Damon will be very pleased if he sees it."

Marcus nodded and smiled.

"Of course."

Minty thought of Big Daddy, and the sadness in his eyes flashed away.

"Has the Dark Knight mentioned any future plans?"

Marcus asked hesitantly.

"Future plans?"

Minty puzzled, "What's the plan for the future, isn't it good now?"

Marcus glanced at Minty, frowned, and said, "You're going to grow up, are you going to be a superhero for the rest of your life?"

"why not?"

Minty said nonchalantly.

"Don't you want to have a normal life at all?"

Marcus smiled bitterly: "Dating, getting married, having children, you always need a partner, right? Your current circle of friends is too narrow, it's not good..."


Minty froze for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"what's so funny?"

Marcus sighed: "Actually, I shouldn't tell you these things now, but you are different from ordinary girls. Now I have no way to control you. I can only remind you in advance that the road of superheroes seems to be a beautiful one." Infinity is actually a road of no return. Once you step on it, there is no way to turn back. On this road, it is difficult for you to have the ordinary happiness of ordinary people. You may not feel it now, but I am afraid that you will regret it later. .”

"What is there to regret?"

Minty kept laughing and said: "I don't care about these things. Besides, if I really want to experience these things, there won't be any ready-made ones around me, so I don't need to find someone else, hee hee."


Marcus's face darkened suddenly, and he said in his heart: "The Dark Knight is really ambitious, it's too sinister..."

The more I thought about it, the more worried I became, and said with a straight face, "Is this what the Dark Knight means?"


Minty shook his head and said, "But if I think about it then, I'll let him think so."


Marcus couldn't help but raised his voice: "Minty, please contact the Dark Knight for me, I need to have an interview with him."

Until now, he has never seen Owen's true face, but observing Owen's behavior style, he has always planned before acting, without the slightest impulse of a young man, maybe he is a wretched and strange millet who likes to play...

"Well, well, he's not busy every day anyway."

Minty agreed without saying a word: "Just now, I'll let him come over."

She was expecting more contact with Owen and Marcus. Through the communicator that came with the nano vibrating gold armor, she quickly contacted Dark Night, who was perfecting the super artificial intelligence Dark Night with Mystique and Dr. Otto. Owen.

"He'll be here soon."


Just after finishing speaking, a reminder came from the headset. Minty stood up, wiped her mouth and said, "Uncle Marcus, there is something going on outside, I need to rush over there, thank you for your dinner."

"You go, pay attention to safety."

Marcus knew that saving people was like putting out a fire, so he naturally wouldn't stop him.


Minty pressed the button, and her body had transformed into a Super Killer costume. She walked out of Marcus's house, soared into the sky, and rushed towards the scene of the incident.

Marcus looked at Minty's leaving figure, filled with emotion.

"Are you looking for me?"

Before he could recover, a gentle voice came from behind him.

"dark Knight."

Marcus stared, looked Owen up and down, frowned and said, "Are you still unwilling to take off your disguise?"


The corner of Owen's mouth twitched, and the nano-vibrating gold armor was put away in response, and he changed into a normal attire. This time is different from the past, and he no longer needs to deliberately conceal his identity.

"It's you!"

Marcus was startled, and instantly recognized Owen's identity. After all, the incident of Owen's castration caused a sensation across the country. He had been staring at this case for a while, so naturally he knew the protagonist of the case.

"No wonder Minty has been refusing to tell me your identity..."

"That's all in the past. I don't know what you want me to do?"

Owen said it, and smiled.

The next day.

"Owen, what did you and Uncle Marcus talk about?"

Minty asked curiously.

"It's nothing."

Marcus's complex look appeared in Owen's mind, he smiled slightly, and changed the subject: "Aren't you curious about what we are going to do tonight?"

"I'm curious, but I'll find out soon."

Minty pouted.

"Ha ha."

Owen chuckled, stopped in mid-air, looked down and said, "Here we are, let's go down."


The two fell slowly.

"Hey, it's the Punisher, Owen, do you want to invite the Punisher to join our Night Guardian Alliance?"

Minty exclaimed in surprise.

"what do you think?"

Owen asked back.

"Of course that's great. I'd rather have the Punisher as our companion than Spider-Man."

Minty clapped her hands and laughed.

The key is that Punisher's style is similar to that of Super Killer, destroying the group if they disagree with each other. This kind of sourness is simply indescribable. At least Spider-Man doesn't understand the fun in it.

"What are you waiting for?"

Owen lifted his foot and walked in.

"Didn't you firmly disagree at the beginning, why did you suddenly change your mind now?"

Minty asked curiously.

"Strength determines action."

Owen explained lightly.

In fact, the real reason is that since the establishment of the Night Guardian Alliance, the good deeds that Spider-Man and Supergirl do every day will provide Owen with good luck. Let go of the plan to expand manpower.

And like Minty, he also admired the Punisher's style of work, and was happy to invite the Punisher to join him.

"Dark Knight, Super Killer."

The punisher who heard the movement also recognized the two Owens, and did not put on a fighting stance, because he knew that if the two Owens really wanted to harm him, he would have no chance to resist.

"You are looking for me?"

"The Punisher, the Dark Knight is here to invite you to join us, please agree quickly."

Minty snapped.

The Punisher looked at the petite Minty, with a flash of tenderness in his eyes, and said softly, "Oh, why?"

"It's very simple. First, we sincerely invite you. Second, you won't have any restrictions. Third, the Night Guardian Alliance will provide you with assistance that you can't even imagine, so that you can punish yourselves according to your own wishes." More criminals, realize your ideals."

Owen laughed.

"Then what do you get?"

The punisher said in a deep voice.

With his complicated experience, he doesn't believe that someone will just give without expecting anything in return.

"Whether you believe it or not, our purpose is actually the same."

Owen said half-truth and half-falsely.

The Punisher fell silent.

Minty encouraged: "The Punisher, we are all anti-heroes, we all work together to fight and punish criminals, what else do you need to consider?"

The punisher looked at Minty, nodded and said, "Okay, I agree."

"Very well, you have been tracking and cracking down on family-run and syndicated crimes. I hope you will also be responsible for this in the future. Of course, with our help, you can expand your scope to the whole world."

Owen took out a shot of green medicine from his arms, and said with a smile: "This is the first help I give you."

"what is this?"

The punisher narrowed his eyes.

"Have you heard of Captain America?"

Owen asked without answering.

The punisher was startled, and said in disbelief, "Could it be..."

"Although not, there is also a close relationship."

Owen handed the potion to the punisher, and explained: "This is a human body strengthening agent, which can increase a person's physical fitness eight times. With it, combined with the weapons we provide for you, I believe that your ability is enough to make you stronger." Criminal groups around the world are terrified."

Minty's eyes lit up, and she looked at Owen suspiciously. She didn't believe that Owen had such a good thing, but she didn't think of her immediately. There must be some reason for it.

Owen gave Minty a calm look, and added: "Don't worry, there are no side effects."

The punisher nodded slightly, and directly injected the green potion into his body. As soon as the potion entered his body, a violent chemical reaction took place between his breaths. As the punisher roared, his body became stronger. When he staggered, he bumped into the table next to him, and directly Knock the table away.

"Owen, is he alright?"

Minty asked worriedly.


Owen replied indifferently.

One minute later, the punisher got rid of this out-of-control state, gasped and stood up, his eyes glistened, he clenched his fist, feeling unprecedented power, and murmured: "What a powerful power."

"It's not too strong, but now that there are no mutants, your strength should be enough to run rampant among ordinary people."

Owen reminded.

The rapid increase in strength in the Western world, the phenomenon of debuting as the peak, can easily make people who gain strength unstable and get lost in it, which is why there are so many super villains.

Even Punisher, who has always been calm, is a little swollen in the face of the eight-fold improvement in physical fitness at this moment. Facing Owen's reminder, he is quite disapproving.

Owen grinned, and suggested with malicious intent: "If you don't believe me, you can give me a punch."

"you sure?"

The punisher asked eagerly.

As the most powerful superpower user in the limelight recently, Owen's strength has always been unpredictable. The Punisher naturally knew that before, he would not have the idea of ​​breaking his wrists, but at this moment, the surging power filled his whole body. Facing Owen's Invitation, fists clenched involuntarily.

"of course."

Owen said with a half-smile, "I also want to know how your strength has improved, let's punch."

"it is good."

The punisher is not a mother-in-law. Seeing what Owen said, there is nothing to say. Gathering the strength of the whole body, he punched Owen in the abdomen.


Owen remained motionless, looking at him with a smile on his face, but the punisher gasped, and a stronger force came from his fist, sending him flying heavily, crashing through the thick wall and falling to the ground.

"You should familiarize yourself with your strength first. When it's time to act, you can go to this place to get the equipment. I'll let someone arrange it for you. Let's go first."

The punisher stood up, slapped the dust off his body, and the eagerness to try just now dissipated without a trace. He took a deep look at Owen, nodded and said, "Okay."

Owen and Mindy soared into the sky and disappeared.

over New York.

"Owen, does this body enhancer have any side effects?"

Minty asked confusedly.

"Why do you think so?"

Owen said noncommittally.

Minty analyzed: "If there were no side effects, you must have injected me a long time ago, but in fact I haven't heard any news from you..."

Owen smiled and said, "Now that you have the nano vibrating armor, why do you need this?"

Minty made a small face and said: "No one will dislike their own strength becoming stronger, Owen, is there any problem with this body enhancer?"

"What if there is a problem? Do you want to ask for an explanation for your idol and me?"

Owen smiled meaningfully.

"Hmph! You know I didn't mean that."

Minty pouted and snorted softly, "I just don't understand why you did that."

"Ha ha."

Owen smiled and said: "Just kidding, there is nothing wrong with the human body enhancer. The reason why I didn't take it for you is because I have other plans for you."

"What plan?"

Minty's eyes lit up.

"Do you want to have incredible superpowers like me?"

Owen seduced.

"Of course, do you have a way?"

Minty had already put his arms around Owen's arm, started to dangle, and said with a charming smile.

As a violent little lolita, she has an unimaginable enthusiasm for improving her strength, not to mention those incredible superpowers.


Owen said with a smile: "The reason why I didn't inject you with a human body enhancer is because I'm afraid of causing unnecessary changes. After a few years, I will give you a chance to obtain real superpowers, which are still very powerful superpowers. But it might be a little dangerous. I wonder if you want to? If you don’t want to, I can inject you with a human body enhancer right now, which improves your physical fitness by eight times. With the nano-vibrating gold armor, it’s enough to think about it .”

"I am willing!"

Minty shouted: "I'm not afraid of danger, I want superpowers!"

Owen had such an expression as expected, and smiled: "In this case, let's wait patiently. I also look forward to what kind of superpower you will get by then..."

(End of this chapter)

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