Unlimited travel through the world

Chapter 41 Drunk Xiao Zhao

Chapter 41 Drunk Xiao Zhao

Zhao Min ran away, which, I have to say, made Lu Feng a little disappointed.

At first, I thought that I could threaten them, and then rescue all the people from the six major factions without any effort.

But unfortunately, Zhao Min ran away.

After sending people to search for it, they didn't find where Zhao Min went.

But it doesn't matter, just run away.

Lu Feng led all the remaining Mingjiao disciples down the mountain, preparing to meet up with Yang Xiao and the others.

Although I don't know where Yang Xiao and the others are, but according to what the White-Browed Eagle King said, the news will always come back.

After coming down the mountain, they first went to the branch of the Ming Cult. Since there was a clear leader, the branch and others would naturally follow the holy orders and would not say anything else.

Because Lu Feng issued a notice to ask people to search for the missing members of the Six Great Sects, and then to find the whereabouts of Yang Xiao and others.

Soon, within a few days, a message came from the people below, saying that they had found the whereabouts of Yang Xiao and the others.

So, Lu Feng took people to join them.

At present, Mingjiao has also begun to have rebels, but most of them are brothers of Mingjiao Five Elements Banner.

Three days later, Lu Feng had a round with Yang Xiao and the others.


A group of people waited to meet Lu Feng with their hands clasped in prostration.

But Lu Feng found several new faces.

"Master, let me introduce you." Yang Xiao said, "Chang Yuchun, Xu Da, Zhu Yuanzhang."

"Zhu Yuanzhang?" Lu Feng was a little surprised.

Lu Feng didn't pay attention to the two people in front, but only this Zhu Yuanzhang, you must know that this Zhu Yuanzhang is the future emperor of Ming Dynasty, the Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang who created the prosperity of Ming Dynasty.

However, Lu Feng did not show any abnormality, and nodded slightly: "Well, do you have any information about what I said before?"

Yang Xiao said: "I brought the three of them here just to talk about this matter."

"Huh?" Lu Feng said, "Any news?"

"Yes." Yang Xiao nodded and said, "Let Zhu Yuanzhang talk to the leader."

Lu Feng then looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, and had to say that Zhu Yuanzhang was not ordinary ugly, no wonder he was said to be the ugliest emperor in history.

Zhu Yuanzhang knelt down on one knee, cupped his hands and said, "My subordinate Zhu Yuanzhang pays homage to the leader."

Who would have thought that the future Emperor of Ming Dynasty would actually salute a young man.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "You said you know the information about the Six Great Sects?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said, "That's right."

But after Zhu Yuanzhang finished explaining, Lu Feng frowned.

Zhu Yuanzhang came back, but with several innocent lives on his hands.

But Lu Feng didn't have the heart of a virgin like Zhang Wuji, so he didn't care.

And he confirmed that the place Zhu Yuanzhang mentioned was the Wan'an Temple.

All the members of the six major sects were imprisoned in Wan'an Temple.

"Master, are you going to save these people?" Yang Xiao asked.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "I think our Mingjiao should save these people."

"Master, you must know that they attacked our Guangmingding before." Wei Yixiao was a little dissatisfied, and said, "Why should we let them go?"

Lu Feng chuckled lightly, and said: "They are not benevolent, but we cannot be unrighteous, and as long as we rescue them, no one in this Jianghu would dare to say that we are a demon cult, and I am already prepared."

"Prepare to revolt, rebel against the Yuan, and restore my great Han country!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

That's what they were waiting for.

"The leader's words, we naturally obey."

"Go and prepare. I believe your arrangements will be better than mine."

At night, Xiao Zhao came to make Lu Feng's bed quilt.

Lu Feng was sitting beside him.

After Xiao Zhao finished doing it, he came over and said, "Sir, everything is ready."

Lu Feng chuckled lightly: "Xiao Zhao, speaking of it, you are so ingenious, willing to stay by my side and serve me."

Xiao Zhao lowered his head: "It is Xiao Zhao's honor to be able to help the young master."

"Okay." Lu Feng said, "Would you like to sit down and drink some wine?"

"Xiao Zhao doesn't know how to drink." Xiao Zhao shook his head.

"Whoever is born can drink alcohol." Lu Feng said: "You might as well try it, if it doesn't work then forget it."

Xiao Zhao hesitated for a moment, then nodded and sat down.

Lu Feng poured a glass of wine for Xiao Zhao.


Lu Feng raised his glass.

Xiao Zhao raised his glass with both hands, and they both drank at the same time.

It has to be said that the taste of ancient wine is not very good.

It's much worse than modern wine.

As soon as Xiao Zhao took a sip, he coughed. After all, the wine was too strong.

"How does it taste?" Lu Feng asked.

Xiao Zhao said: "It's very spicy, it's like being choked by someone's throat."

Lu Feng smiled and said, "Normal, it's like this for first-time drinkers."

"My lord, I still want to drink." Xiao Zhao said suddenly.

"Huh?" Lu Feng was puzzled: "You are not used to drinking this, why do you still want to drink it?"

Xiao Zhao said: "Master, drinking alone is boring without company. Although Xiao Zhao doesn't know how to drink, he can drink a little."

Lu Feng smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I'll bring you something else, much better than this."

After speaking, Lu Feng turned and went out.

A moment later, he came in with two bottles of light red wine in his hand.

This is a cocktail, which Lufeng specially redeemed from the system.

"Come, drink this." Lu Feng poured Xiao Zhao a glass of cocktail.

Xiao Zhao took a sip, then looked at Lu Feng with some surprise: "My lord, is this wine?"

Lu Feng said: "Of course it's wine, doesn't it taste a lot better?"

Xiao Zhao nodded, and said, "It's not just that it tastes good, it's so delicious. It's the first time Xiao Zhao has had such a good wine. Young master, what kind of wine is this?"

"What wine?" Lu Feng said, "Cocktail."

"Cocktail?" Xiao Zhao was puzzled: "A wine made from a cocktail? Is there such a wine?"

Lu Feng smiled and said, "It's not made of cocktails, it's just called that."

"What a strange name." Xiao Zhao said.

"Come, have a few drinks with me." Lu Feng was also happy, and he could relax a lot after drinking.

In a blink of an eye, the two bottles of cocktails were all gone.

Xiao Zhao's face was flushed, and he looked like he was on the verge of falling. If Lu Feng hadn't supported him, he might really have fallen to the ground.


Leaning on Lu Feng's body, Xiao Zhao's mouth moved slightly.

Looking at Xiao Zhao like this, he must have been drunk. It was his first time drinking so much. Even though it was a cocktail, the alcohol content was not low.

Moreover, Xiao Zhao kept drinking like he didn't care.

It is estimated that he is unconscious now.

Lu Feng also felt his head was a bit muddy, after all he drank a lot of white wine.

As for men, women should drink alcohol and cocktails.

Looking at the closed door, the candle that was only one-third burnt, and Xiao Zhao who was unconscious in his arms, Lu Feng sighed.

He picked Xiao Zhao up and put him on his bed.

Xiao Zhao's face was ruddy. To be honest, looking at it this way, Xiao Zhao is really beautiful, with a face that people will never tire of seeing.

(End of this chapter)

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