Unlimited travel through the world

Chapter 345 Alliance?win over?

Chapter 345 Alliance?win over?
"Come, come, Lu Feng, let me introduce you to someone."

Elder Liu pulled Lu Feng over, and led him to a woman with a smile on his face.

This woman is none other than Han Yue who is wearing a silver dress and who has the qualification to enter the sixth floor of the Sky Burning Qi Refining Pagoda.

Of course, Lu Feng is also eligible to enter, but he hasn't been there yet.

"This is Han Yue. She has been in the inner court for three years. She is your senior sister. Hehe, she is not ordinary. Moreover, she has formed a force called "Spirit" in the inner court, which is quite powerful. Not weak, in the inner court where so many powerful people gather, there are few forces that dare to provoke them."

Elder Liu introduced.

Lu Feng looked at Han Yue. Han Yue had a pretty face, and she had a cold attitude and a different charm.

Although they are both aloof, Han Yue's aloof attitude is completely different from Lu Xueqi's.

Perhaps this is the gap, the Han Yue in front of her is still a mortal, while Lu Xueqi's aloofness is like a fairy from Guanghan Palace.

"Hello, Senior Sister Han Yue." Lu Feng smiled slightly and stretched out his hand, but in fact he knew that the Han Yue in front of him was a clean freak.

I have a little resistance to touching the skin of men. Even when fighting with people, I will use my fighting spirit to wrap myself tightly. The cleanliness has reached this level, and it is indeed quite speechless.

And the reason why Lu Feng knew that he still did this was because he was testing Han Yue to see if Han Yue had any intention of making friends. If so, then maybe he would reach out, after all, Xiao Yan in the original book was like this.

And since he was several times stronger than Xiao Yan, it was naturally impossible for him to overturn.

Elder Liu on the side was stunned when he saw Lu Feng's actions, but he did not speak and just watched quietly.

As the saying goes, those who don't know are innocent, even if Han Yue doesn't want to, it doesn't matter, after all, she has a cleansing habit, but if
However, to Elder Liu's surprise, after Han Yue hesitated for a moment, a jade-like wrist slipped out of the silver sleeve, and then, under Elder Liu's astonished gaze, gently touched Lu Feng's hand. Holding them together, the red lips parted lightly, and a voice as cold as a snow-capped mountain flowing from a secluded spring came out quietly.


It wasn't just Elder Liu who was surprised, the old students passing by around were all very surprised after seeing this scene.

Although they didn't know Lu Feng well, they definitely knew about Han Yue, and if Han Yue could do this, it would obviously be completely different.

Elder Liu smiled and said: "Lu Feng, in this inner courtyard, you are one of the few male students who can shake hands with Yue Yatou."

Hearing Elder Liu's words, Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "It's also my honor to be able to shake hands with such a beautiful senior."

Although Lu Feng's words seem to have some other meanings, but sometimes, things are divided into two extremes, and Lu Feng himself is not bad, it can be said that he is also at the level of a male god.

And the strength is not bad. Thinking about it this way, it is impossible to be so bad, even worse than some people.

So when Lu Feng said this, it didn't mean to be frivolous, but it was a real honor as Lu Feng said.

The two let go of their hands. After all, being able to reach out and shake hands with you is considered a great face. If you hold hands for a long time, people will not be happy.

"Junior Lu Feng, you are the best among the freshmen this year, and you are the best in this year's fire energy hunting competition, everyone knows everyone." Han Yue's voice was like flowing water, It sounds great.

Lu Feng smiled, and said: "The limelight is over, but, there are also some people who don't have long-sightedness come to the door."

"Oh? It seems that some old students have come to trouble you." Han Yue also thought of something after hearing Lu Feng's words, so she was not too surprised.

Lu Feng nodded slightly. There were quite a few people who went there yesterday. Of course, if one of them was blown away by him, they would just run away.

"Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil, it's nothing." Lu Feng said with a smile.

Han Yue was taken aback when she heard Lu Feng's words, and said with a smile, "Indeed, with your strength, Lu Feng, you won't provoke you unless you are short-sighted."


"By the way, Junior Brother Lu Feng, you must know something about the situation in the inner courtyard, right? Then you should also know the advantage of being protected by a power? I wonder if you have any intention of joining a power?"

Lu Feng said: "I have established a faction, Qingyunmen."

Han Yue was startled and said, "Isn't it formed by freshmen?"

Lu Feng didn't hide anything, so he just told the story about the group of people who came to the door yesterday.

Hearing what Lu Feng said, Han Yue felt like she couldn't help but laugh.

This is a mistake that brought most of the freshmen together. Originally, according to the situation of the previous sessions, if these freshmen want to survive and not be charged protection fees all the time, they need to join other forces Go, otherwise, you will only be bullied even more severely.

But Lu Feng's class is completely different this year, and most of the freshmen are directly gathered together.

"Junior Lu Feng, you have to be careful. If you gather all the freshmen of this class together, you will definitely make some forces unhappy. After all, those forces rely on freshmen to absorb fresh blood. If you do this, It will offend many forces, so we need to be careful."

Although Lu Feng's strength is very strong, it will always make some forces unhappy. If there is a single force, Lu Feng may not be afraid, but if several big forces exert pressure together, it may be different.

Lu Feng nodded, and Elder Liu at the side also felt that what Han Yue said was correct. After all, this is the inner court, not the outer court. In the inner court, forming a force to dominate one side is not something forbidden, on the contrary, it is encouraged.

Han Yue spoke again and said, "If you need help in the future, you can find me, and I will do my best."

Hearing this, Lu Feng smiled and said: "I feel relieved because of what Senior said, but I think some people will consider their own strength if word of what happened today spreads."

Han Yue nodded, she had already said this just now.

Three-star Dou Ling, if you want to challenge, you really need to weigh it carefully, otherwise, you may lose everything.

The two discussed for a while, and then Han Yue said that she was leaving. After all, she was still here to practice and was going to the sixth floor.

"You can go to the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower with Elder Liu first. I still have to go to the sixth floor, so I won't stay any longer. I will have a chance to talk about it in the future."

After saying this, Han Yue left.

After Han Yue left, Elder Liu looked at Lu Feng again and said, "Lu Feng, what do you think of Girl Yue?"

(End of this chapter)

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