Chapter 163 Talented
After following Xiao Yi for more than a day, Lu Feng only learned the first volume.

There are four levels of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, Lu Feng wants to learn all of them, after all, it will benefit him the most, but as a result, Xiao Yicai is currently only willing to teach the first level.

Lu Feng also had no choice but to learn first.

Taiji Xuanqing Dao has four levels in total, which belong to three major realms, namely Yuqing Realm, Shangqing Realm, and Taiqing Realm. ,

On the other hand, there are four levels in the Jade Clear Realm, corresponding to the fourth level of the Taiji Xuanqing Dao.

After listening to the first volume of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao that Xiao Yi had just finished explaining to him, Lu Feng learned it directly. Each volume is independent and complements each other.

And Lu Feng is a bit special, he doesn't just start training like other people, but needs to be transformed.

He has the strength of a master, and the whole person has about 200 years of skill, and what Lu Feng has to do is to transform all of these 200 years of skill into the aura of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

If it can be done, then he can directly obtain profound mana.

At night, Lu Feng sat cross-legged on the couch alone, practicing the first volume of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao that Xiao Yicai taught him during the day.

The traces of spiritual energy around Lu Feng continued to surround Lu Feng's side, but there was a strange phenomenon, that is, the spiritual energy was only surrounding, and did not directly enter the practitioner's body for him to practice like ordinary cultivators. change.

In fact, Lu Feng is transforming, he is transforming all his 200 years of skill into mana.

At the beginning, Lu Feng didn't know how to transform, until he activated the Beiming Divine Art.

There are two kinds of Beiming magic skills, one yin and one yang, which can be transformed back and forth, and after the two are combined into one, a pure internal force is formed.

Lu Feng, on the other hand, was running two kinds of exercises at the same time. He wanted to use Beiming Divine Art to transform into Taiji Xuanqing Dao. At first, Lu Feng had no idea, but gradually, Lu Feng found that it was feasible.

After the Beiming Divine Skill was upgraded, it seemed that some changes had occurred, and it was completely different from before.

After all, it is an advanced earth-level skill, while Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is a heaven-level skill. In fact, there is not much difference between the two.

Before Lu Feng didn't know it, he had already practiced until morning, and when Xiao Yi came to knock on the door again, Lu Feng would come to his senses and find that he had practiced all night.

He has also transformed part of it, but there are still many things that have not yet been transformed, but Lu Feng feels that he only needs a week to completely transform.

Then he will be a real monk.

When Lu Feng opened the door, Xiao Yicai was a little surprised when he saw Lu Feng again: "Junior brother, you"

Because he could also find that Lu Feng's body had completely changed from yesterday, as if he had a monkish aura.

One must know that Lu Feng just memorized the first level of mentality yesterday, so there will be results this night?
Xiao Yicai couldn't believe it.

Lu Feng smiled lightly and said, "Senior brother, let's go."


For the following week, Lu Feng and Xiao Yicai went to chop firewood and fetch water in the morning, and in the afternoon, he listened to Xiao Yicai explaining to him the points that need to be paid attention to before, and in the evening, Lu Feng transformed his internal strength.

In this way, a week passed like this.

Lu Feng finally succeeded in transforming his 200 years into spiritual energy, and it was also the first time for him to experience the benefits of cultivation.

The whole person is very energetic, even if he doesn't need to rest, he seems to be full of energy.

And when Lu Feng finished training, Xiao Yicai was shocked when he came to look for Lu Feng again: "Junior Brother!"

"Senior brother, I have already mastered the first layer." Lu Feng said: "Listening to your explanations, senior brother, I have already mastered the first layer."

Hearing this, Xiao Yicai was extremely shocked. It's only been a few days, but in seven days, Lu Feng has already mastered the first layer?

Why did Xiao Yicai feel a little unbelievable when he said it.

You must know that under normal circumstances, it takes one year to cultivate the first level. If you are a genius, it is normal to shorten the time by a few months, but like Lu Feng, it only took a week to cultivate. The first level of the Jade Clear Realm, this is too strong.

"Senior brother, are we still going as usual today?" Lu Feng asked.

Xiao Yicai came back to his senses, and said: "No, you and I go to see the master."


Later, Xiao Yicai went to see Daoxuan together.

"Disciple Xiao Yicai (Lu Feng) pays his respects to Master."

The two bowed their hands in salute.

Daoxuan was sitting on the futon meditating, when he saw Xiao Yicai and Lu Feng coming in, he slowly opened his eyes, but when he saw Lu Feng, he was a little surprised.

"Master, my junior brother is very talented, but he has already cultivated to the first level of Jade Qing Realm in just seven days, and he has mastered the first level of Taiji Xuanqing Dao." Xiao Yicai cupped his hands.

Daoxuan didn't change much after listening, his eyes were just a little surprised, he stroked his white beard slightly, and said, "Lu Feng, that's right, although you are a latecomer, you are very talented, and ordinary people need someone to cultivate. It took a year and a half to come to you, but it only took seven days, not bad, not in vain as a teacher and accepting you as an apprentice."

Lu Feng took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "Master, I have a heartfelt request."

"Say." Daoxuan said.

"The disciple hopes that the master can pass on the complete Taiji Xuanqing Dao to the disciple at one time." Lu Feng said.

Hearing this, Daoxuan did not answer Lu Feng immediately, but looked at Lu Feng like this. After a moment, he said: "Lu Feng, do you know that you should not rush forward on this path of cultivation? Although you spent seven days cultivating to the first level, But the road ahead will not be easy, you need to take it one step at a time. If you practice too quickly, even though you have reached the realm, your foundation is not stable, and you will have endless troubles."

Lu Feng was helpless, Daoxuan meant that he didn't want to give it to him, saying that the foundation was not stable, it was all in vain.

Without exercises, it is impossible for Lu Feng to cultivate, and he can only keep walking forever. Unlike Zhang Xiaofan, Lu Feng possesses the unique knowledge of Taoism and Buddhism, especially Buddhism, he will move forward without any scruples.

Lu Feng was different, he didn't have other exercises, and the Yibeiming Divine Art was just a martial art, and it was just an auxiliary function for him at present, and it couldn't support him to continue to cultivate to the next level.

"How about it?" Daoxuan seemed to see that Lu Feng is a piece of rough jade, and needs to be carved carefully to fully reveal it, and said: "If you feel that you have mastered every layer, then come to me. If you are satisfied with my master, then I will allow you to learn the next level, how about it?"

Hearing this, Lu Feng nodded. It's okay. It's not that it can't be done. It's just that it's a bit troublesome.

But no big problem, doable.

(End of this chapter)

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