Chapter 310

What happened in the town of Fox was shot by photographer Jason before he died, and uploaded to the largest website in coal fried!In the era of advanced networks, the speed of news dissemination is comparable to the speed of light.
The Fox disaster video shot by Jason, because the scenes in the video are too bizarre and full of realism, less than half an hour after uploading, the video was reposted by major websites all over the world!

Most people think that the video uploaded by Jason is the trailer of an upcoming doomsday movie, and they are amazed that the film company that shot this video has a unique way of promoting it. Everyone who has watched the video is looking forward to this unknown movie. The doomsday movie with unknown name and unknown director will be released as soon as possible, and they are ready to see the whole movie!

In the information age, mobile phones are a powerful tool for delivering messages. Many people who lived or stayed in Fox Town made farewell calls to relatives and friends far away before they died. Everyone who received the call thought that their relatives and friends were here I was joking with myself, but I didn't take it seriously. I didn't know that the call was not a joke until I saw the video!
"God, why is Fox Town like this!" a foreign girl exclaimed.

"Marilyn, let's go! The blood-sucking demon in the video has spread, and the town of Leo next to Fox Town has also been captured by the blood-sucking demon in the video!" Maweike said to his wife.

"I'm going to pack up and salute now, let's go to the Eagle Country to join relatives!" Marilyn nodded.

"Yes, the Eagle Kingdom is much safer. No matter how powerful the blood-sucking demons are, can they still swim?" Ma Weike agreed. He also believed that the Eagle Kingdom, which is far away in the sea, is better than frying in coals or pinching it. Play safe.

Fox Dragon Institute.

"Dr. Will, how did the blood-sucking monsters in Fox Town come from? I need you to give me an explanation, don't say that those blood-sucking monsters have nothing to do with you!" A middle-aged foreign devil in a military uniform with the rank of general on his shoulders, holding a phone and yelling at Dr. Will.

"General Madrid, I don't know where the blood-sucking demon came from. Wait, this is it!" Before Dr. Will finished speaking, he inadvertently saw the familiar figure on the display screen, hitting the laboratory's Alloy gate.

"Dr. Will, the monster outside has a strength of more than 1 kilograms!" Jack whispered to Dr. Will after testing the vibration of the alloy gate.

"Dr. Will, did you find something?" Madrid asked.

"General Madrid, I think the blood-sucking maniac may have something to do with the experimental product we used for in vivo experiments!" Dr. Will carefully looked at the blood-sucking maniac who was hitting the alloy door. Although the blood-sucking maniac was red all over, his eyes It is also shiny green, except for the abnormal color of skin color and eyes, it is obviously Zhou Debiao who was used for the experiment before!

"You said Fox's disaster was caused by your laboratory?" Madrid took a breath.

"Well, I saw a corpse that was supposed to be sent to the crematorium for cremation. This corpse is currently a blood-sucking maniac, and it is hitting the alloy door of our laboratory!" Dr. Will explained.

"Dr. Will, you bastard, other people are cheating, you are a cheating country! Do you know? Vampires are sweeping the coals, the towns around Fox have fallen one after another, and the number of vampires and vampire beasts is increasing , The strength of the blood-sucking maniac and the blood-sucking beast is getting stronger and stronger, and we are about to be wiped out by the ghosts you made!" Madrid scolded angrily.

"General Madrid, the town outside Fox has also been overwhelmed by vampires?" Dr. Will asked in disbelief.

"Hmph! Why am I lying to you? Haven't you seen the scene where vampires kill people and suck blood? Don't you know that people who are bitten to death by vampires or vampire monsters will become vampires?" Madrid coldly snorted.

"General Madrid, can't our army fried in coals not destroy the blood-sucking maniac?" Dr. Will asked fearfully.

"The military has mobilized all the troops that can be mobilized across the country to seal off and eliminate the blood-sucking madman. Do you know that this kind of ghost can only be killed by cutting off its head or smashing it into pieces, even if it hits the heart and other vital organs. They will recover in less than an hour!" Madrid said with lingering fear.

"General Madrid, can't they be destroyed by bombardment with flying shells?" Dr. Will asked with luck.

"It is possible to kill them within a few meters of the shell! If we want to wipe out all of them that are gradually increasing, even if we fry all the shells in the coal, I am afraid it will not be enough! This kind of ghost is your dragon experiment. You must know their weaknesses, right?" Madrid asked Dr. Will.

It was only then that Dr. Will remembered that the lethality of conventional artillery shells mainly depends on the vibration to kill the enemy or collapse the fortifications!Cannonballs are not very lethal to blood-sucking demons, such powerful monsters!
"Others cheated my father and I cheated the country! The matter has come to this, even if you regret it, it will have no effect!" Dr. Will was stunned for a moment, and then said with some shame: "General Madrid, I don't know what the vampire madman's weaknesses are, but he was used by me. Zhou Debiao, who came to do the experiment, has practiced Huaguo martial arts, as for whether he has an unknown virus, I'm not sure!"

"I estimate that Zhou Debiao's internal strength, the unknown virus that may exist in his body, and the super genetic drug that we have not successfully developed, have a chemical reaction between the two or the three, which turned him into a blood-sucking maniac. I guess those blood-sucking monsters were all created by him!"

"What? Those ghost things were made by your experimental subject Zhou Debiao?" Madrid exclaimed.

"It should be like this. Originally, he should have been cremated, but I don't know what happened on the way to the crematorium. Carl, who sent Zhou Debiao to the crematorium, also called the laboratory, but Before we could speak, the phone was disconnected, and we called again, but no one answered!" Dr. Will said after thinking about it.

"Where is that Zhou Debiao now?" Madrid thought to himself, since Zhou Debiao created those blood-sucking monsters, is it possible to eliminate Zhou Debiao, and the rest of the blood-sucking monsters will die?Or capture Zhou Debiao to study, develop a weapon against blood-sucking monsters, or develop a vaccine to prevent human mutation!
"General Madrid, that Zhou Debiao is outside the alloy gate of our Giant Dragon Research Institute, and he is crashing into the alloy gate!" Dr. Will hurriedly said.

"Why don't you arrest him?" Madrid was very puzzled.He thought to himself: "Since Zhou Debiao is outside the Dragon Research Institute, why doesn't Dr. Will get someone to arrest him for research? With Dr. Will's research madman style, if he is not tempted, it seems impossible to justify it!"

"General Madrid, Zhou Debiao's current strength is about the same as that of a top wrestler. Our Dragon Research Institute is not strong enough to catch him!" Dr. Will said helplessly.

"Doesn't your Dragon Institute have a security team composed of fifteen top wrestlers? Why can't you deal with Zhou Debiao?" Madrid asked puzzled.

"That was before. At present, there are only two top wrestlers left in our Dragon Research Institute. Mesta and others have become blood-sucking monsters! Please also ask General Madrid to send a team of top wrestlers to help me catch Zhou Debiao!" asked Dr. Will.

 Thank you 100*26 brothers for your reward

(End of this chapter)

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