Chapter 75 Coulson

"Tony, you can't do this!" Pepper looked into his eyes and said: "The company's development is not going well now, but you can't just go on like this! You have to cheer up."

Tony smiled indifferently: "Haha, what's the matter? I'm going to die anyway, so let me have fun now. I don't care about Stark Industries or anything."

After speaking, he turned his head and wanted to get the wine glass again.

"Tony, why are you so obsessed with it?!" Pepper knocked off his hand: "Listen to me, now you go and get this thing off the top of your chest! Then we start again, it's just a little Frustration, we'll work it out."

Seeing Tony's appearance of being drunk now, Pepper was very anxious.

But no matter how much she persuaded, Tony ignored him and refused to let him drink, so he fell asleep and fell asleep.

Probably the more genius a person is, the more thoroughly he will degenerate after encountering setbacks.

Tony has now been hit to his self-confidence, and he can no longer face everyone proudly.

The search for a substitute for palladium has been unsuccessful, and now the Ark reactor that I am most proud of has also been invented by others.Tony can no longer find the meaning of his existence.

"Perhaps, I'm just an ordinary person..." Tony thought sadly in his hazy consciousness.

Later, under the influence of alcohol, Tony felt that his brain was groggy, and his consciousness was plunged into endless darkness.

Seeing him like this, Pepper really didn't know what to do.

In the memory of her tenure, Tony has never encountered such a huge blow as this time.

The artificial intelligence developed by him was crushed by the enemy company, and the new energy field that he relied on for survival was also invented by competitors. He also died of palladium poisoning because he wore the Ark reactor for a long time.

Pepper's disease rushed to the doctor, and he thought of a solution that was not a solution.

She gritted her teeth, took out her cell phone from her pocket, and dialed a number: Phil Coulson.

This is the contact information that Coulson left for her when he sent someone to protect her during the Iron Overlord incident.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hi, this is S.H.I.E.L.D."

Coulson's unique voice sounded.


Hanmer Industries sells the Ark Reactor to attack Stark Industries' new energy field.Umbrella Corporation also took the opportunity to fight back, competing head-to-head with Stark Industries in other business areas.

In the military, General Ross stirred up the muddy water, dragging Colonel Rhodes so hard that he couldn't leave him.Coupled with the outside world's criticism of Tony's current poor physical condition, his allies have left the field one after another.

Now, Stark Industries has been losing ground.

Umbrella seems to have sounded the clarion call to turn defeat into victory.

In the No. 4 Industrial Park, a temporary entertainment place, Justin, Edward and Ivan clinked glasses and clapped their hands to celebrate.

"Happy cooperation, both of you!" Justin was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, and drank the wine in his glass.

During this period of time, the sale of the Ark Reactor has made Hanmer Industries famous.The strengthening of cooperation with the military has also given him a financial backer for the next batch of orders.

With the double improvement of reputation and performance, things are going very smoothly, and Justin is already a little swollen.

Ivan had a toothpick in his mouth. He looked at the financial statements, the stock price of Stark Industries was falling again and again, and his eyes shone with joy.

"I have to show this to my father later, he will be very happy." Ivan said with a smile.

"Oh, your father must be very pleased. His years of revenge are about to be avenged." Justin was already a little drunk.

Edward just smiled and remained silent.

He is worried about one thing.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has become inseparable from the internal chaotic management relationship on the surface, it is unable to intervene in the competition between Stark Industries and the umbrella company.

But Edward always felt that something would happen in S.H.I.E.L.D., and he was faintly worried.

Of course, this change does not refer to what will happen in S.H.I.E.L.D., but whether Nick Fury will send someone to send something to Tony.

In "Iron Man 2", it was Nick Fury who gave Tony the video data left by Howard to Tony, so that Tony later discovered the isotope of the Rubik's Cube, which replaced the palladium element in the ark reactor on his chest .

Edward was worried about that.

Although looking at it now, the arc-shaped Ark reactor made by Ivan is not much different from the Ark reactor developed by Tony, but if Tony discovers new elements, it will be different.

If new elements are used instead of palladium as the energy supply device of the Ark reactor, then the energy filling rate of the Ark reactor can be increased by more than a little bit.In that case, Ivan's Ark Reactor would become uncompetitive.

Although Edward had requested after telling Nick Fury that the US team was still alive, SHIELD could not intervene in the competition between their two companies.

But if there is something about Tony's life, Edward can't guarantee whether Nick will keep his promise.

It touches the bottom line after all.The establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D. is due to Tony's father. This is a special requirement outside the principle, and Nick will not necessarily ignore Tony.

Edward was contemplating when Justin suddenly patted him on the back: "Director Edward, didn't you say you wanted to show me the new weapon? Where is the new weapon?"

Edward was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that when he invited Justin to come here for a party today, he told him that he would show him the newly developed weapon, the whip.

Hearing Justin's words, Ivan said: "You must be talking about the whip rope, right? Just right, a batch of whip rope devices have been produced now, so follow me to see its power."

After finishing speaking, the three of them walked towards a production workshop.

Entering the workshop, the oncoming person is a set of external skeleton-like devices, which are placed in the equipment box and hung on the wall.

At the end of the arm of the device, are two long wires.

Right now the whiplash mechanism isn't activated, so those two wires look pretty unremarkable.

Ivan stepped forward, picked up an Ark reactor on the table, and placed it on the chest of the skeleton device.

Then, Ivan pressed the switch of the whiplash device.

Suddenly, thunder and lightning flickered, and the two wires were lingered with extremely powerful electric whips.

(End of this chapter)

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