Kill monsters for money

Chapter 64 Grandpa, have I broken through to warrior yet?

Chapter 64 Grandpa, have I broken through to warrior yet?
In the next few days, after Hao Youqian's guidance, Su Sa made a major breakthrough in the eighteen Zama poses.And the overall qi and blood have reached the limit of the human body's non-warrior.

Hao Qingsong and Hao Meili didn't fall behind either, their qi and blood reached over 130 calories one after another.

Su Sa, Hao Qingsong and Hao Meili are still practicing under the guidance of Hao Youqian.

According to Hao Youqian's observation, Su Sa is expected to break through again within half a month.

A warrior not only needs to have a certain amount of force, but also requires excellent cultural knowledge.

Both civil and military skills are the standard for a warrior.

Wu can stabilize the country, and literature can stabilize the country.

The courage of the common man cannot last long.

In this regard, the massive consumption of the warrior's mental power can be of greater help to the liberal arts.

Among the three of them, Fatty's cultural curriculum is the weakest.

While practicing martial arts, you have to make up for it.

Hao Meili is not in a hurry to practice, she has just recovered, and usually accepts some cultural knowledge on the sidelines.

Next year is her college entrance examination, and improving her physique now is the key.

To become a warrior, in addition to blood, bone training, bone strengthening, muscle training, and muscle stretching are all necessary exercises.

The most direct way is to exercise, and ineffective exercise can only harm the body.

In order to prevent a few people from getting into the trap, Hao Youqian asked his subordinates to personally teach him.

Go to school during the day and practice at night.

In a blink of an eye, a week has passed.

On the night of 6.18, Su Sa checked that the blood value had soared to 199 calories, and there was no way to increase it.

The strengthening of bones and muscles has also broken through the bottleneck period.

Hao Youqian took him to the sealed training camp.

Let him take the bone quenching pill and viscera protecting pill, and personally check for him.

Su Sa meditates luckily and speeds up the absorption.

But what surprised Hao Youqian was that his qi and blood value seemed to be still rising, and he didn't take any medicine to replenish qi and blood at all.


At this moment, I only felt the blood in my body was burning, my whole body seemed to swell, and my dantian seemed to be scorched by the scorching sun.

His eyes were bloodshot, and some blood kept coming out of his body.

This is an unprecedented and unheard of phenomenon. If the swelling continues, he is likely to explode and die.

But at this time, Hao Youqian did not dare to act rashly, in case of strong suppression, it would be counterproductive and the consequences would be disastrous.

And Su Sa seems to have entered a new world, a spiritual world.

It can be clearly seen that the values ​​​​of all aspects of time are still rising.

In his spiritual domain, the vast and boundless ocean.

At this time, Hao Youqian showed a smile, it turned out that this kid still has such a strong mental power.

With such a vast spiritual realm, I couldn't help but remind myself of the captain of the year.

His spiritual power, at least, is unmatched by anyone except the White Winged Valkyrie.

There are not many warriors in this world, but winged warriors are a sublimation of warriors, a step stronger.

Wing warriors with phantom beast talents are even more popular.

And he is still a spiritual teacher with spiritual power, he is really one of the best in ten thousand.

Suddenly, in Su Sa's spiritual realm, a fiery light rose from the boundless spiritual sea.

Su Sa slowly opened her eyes and exhaled a foul breath.

"Wizards! You really are one in a million wizards!"

Hao Youqian clapped his hands and applauded: "Okay! Son, your achievements may be higher than mine in the future. You can help my two great-great-grandchildren in the future."

"Grandpa." Su Sa stood up, feeling that her whole body was light and light, like a fully charged battery, especially vigorous.

"Have I broken through to a martial artist?" Su Sa was a little curious, as if she had gained an inexplicable power.

He looked at the training device on the side, meditated for a while, and the training device was activated.

"Hahahaha, child, you have discovered it yourself, your spiritual power, you are a genius in one in ten million, a martial artist at the level of a spiritual teacher."

Hao Youqian was very relieved, but immediately frowned and said: "But it seems that you have exceeded the upper limit of 200 calories and blood when you broke through. You didn't explode and died. Could it be that you used some secret weapon, or some hidden disease remained in your body?" in vivo?"

As he said that, he began to check Su Sa's body, and said worriedly: "Let Grandpa take a good look at it, such a good seedling, don't let anything happen to you."

"It's so itchy, haha..."

Su Sa was touched, she quickly dodged, and said with a smile: "Grandpa, look at me alive and well, I'm sure nothing will happen."

As he said that, he touched his whole body up and down, and said frankly: "Look, there's nothing wrong with it."

"I can't wait to see what's the difference between a warrior who has broken through to the first rank and an ordinary person."

He went to the training device, tried his arm strength, and looked at the value on it: 8000 catties.

"I'll go, my arm strength was only less than 4000 jin a few days ago, but now it has soared to 8000 jin. Then I punched down a car, wouldn't it be easy?"

"If you have more money, you can try it."

Hao Youqian has mixed feelings in his heart, but if his good great-great-great-great-grandson has one-third of his qualifications, then there is no need to feel melancholy.

"Practice more here, don't go back to sleep before 12 o'clock."

"Understood, great grandfather! Let me sleep now, I can't sleep either!"

After speaking, Su Sa started to practice some boxing techniques again.

Some of the tricks I learned from my grandfather's subordinates these days, although I haven't practiced fighting yet, are very good for my body.

Quietly open the properties panel.

See how many contribution points are consumed.

Contribution points 3810900…

Qi and blood energy: 530 calories, spiritual energy 735 Hz.Arm strength: 8000 catties;
Bone toughness: 460, physical resistance: 480, magic resistance: 200, poison resistance: 200;

Physical Attack: 830, Magic Attack: 300; Entangling: Primary, Paralysis: Primary, Poison: Primary;

Summoning: Elementary, Mind Power: 3000; Wing Energy: Elementary Plus, Wing Speed: 500 yards.


I don’t know, I’m scared.

This attribute is almost doubled.As for the consumption, it actually consumed 10,000+!

The attributes of entanglement, paralysis, and toxicity have all been activated.

Is this the warrior?

A rank one warrior is stronger than a dozen ordinary people.

The two warriors who beat him up that day, although they were casual cultivators, they could already charge forward, they were short of teleportation.

At least it should be above the ninth rank of junior warriors.

It's time to go to the martial arts school this time, and I should tell Xiner the good news as soon as possible.

The QQ video was sent, and within ten seconds, she answered it, but it was replaced by a voice call.

"Hello? Student Su, I'm busy, what's the matter, tell me quickly."

Seeing her in such a hurry, the smile on Su Sa's face suddenly disappeared, and she said flatly: "Oh, student Yan, I remember that last time we went to Xuanwu City to build weapons, and I don't know what's going on now , thinking that if you have time, ask me."

"Didn't Yang Yuhuan have your phone number for this matter? If she is finished, she should call you. Don't worry. I'll take you to pick it up if I have time. I'm really busy now. Sorry, I'll hang up first. "

"Okay, then..."


(End of this chapter)

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