Heroes Advent: The Promise Sword Master

Chapter 72 [Feng Lin Huo Slash]!

Chapter 72 [Feng Lin Huo Slash]!
Everyone was startled for a while, thinking that Hao Haoxuan had also turned black, but seeing the sword being pulled out of Chang Lin's body, Chang Lin didn't suffer any harm because of being stabbed, and everyone was relieved.

Ordinary logic no longer applies to this group of hosts, they have superhuman physiques and weird fighting methods
Blood covered Dolan's sword, and Hao Haoxuan's figure became unreal again in front of the playground and people's video equipment.

Chang Lin's expression was serious, he was patiently preventing the blood attached to the sword from being ignited.

With the previous experience, Hao Haoxuan gritted his teeth and said to the Gale Sword Hero beside him: "Come on!"

Then he pulled himself together and slashed towards Zhang Fuchen in the corner of the playground.

【Feng Lin Huo Slash】!
The gust of wind blew and forced countless forest-like sword intents in front of Zhang Fushen, and Chang Lin's blood also came with the sword intents.

Hao Haoxuan's figure is illusory, and he is still constantly urging the quick body skills of [Plateau Bloodline], the wind-defying swordsmanship of Gale Swordsman and the [Wuji Liuliu·Change] from [Alpha Strike]——[Flying Liu Jian].

Zhang Fuchen saw the slash coming, but he didn't move, not only didn't move, but also suppressed the mental interference of Jin in his body.

"I can't let you do whatever you want"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Fuchen opened his arms
His last work of art was not Liu Jiayi and Na Throwing the Gun, but himself.

"Chang Lin!!"

Following Hao Haoxuan's loud shout, the entire factory area in the east of the city began to burst into flames!

The fire burned everything in front of him brightly, and the mondo-like Chang Lin crazily urged the moves of [Burning Pain] to descend on Zhang Fuchen. For a while, all kinds of tricks and skills also wanted to take advantage of Zhang Fuchen's immobility. , To his life!
K head (the one who kills the enemy last will have the highest reward)!

Facing the temptation of huge rewards, no one stopped the attack in their hands, even if the attack might hurt Hao Haoxuan in the field.

Regarding this point, even Hao Haoxuan's father, Hao Zhenxuan, was helpless.

They are not demons, but ordinary hosts with greed
"Haha! Your sword needs to be faster!"

When the general situation was over, Jhin broke free from Zhang Fushen's mental shackles, and then frantically mocked Hao Haoxuan.

"That's as you wish."

Hao Haoxuan strode forward, cut half of Zhang Fushen's body, and a burst of bright light flashed like lightning and flint.
[The Promise Flow——Floating Light Breaking Demon Slashing Sword]!
Zhang Fuchen split into two.
Hao Haoxuan finally couldn't control the blood surging in his body, he opened his mouth and spat it out.

Beside Hao Zhenxuan, someone said regretfully: "It's not a good thing for a young man to vomit blood, and he will suffer from the root cause of his illness in the future."

Someone envied: "Your son is awesome, he is really young and promising!"

"Old Hao, your electromagnetic cannon hasn't shown its power yet, let Hao Haoxuan solve the problem, it's okay, it saves a lot of military expenses, and it can be used next time"

"Do you still expect a next time?"

"Tsk tsk, this...will definitely not be the last time."

Hao Zhenxuan turned around slowly and said to those in the military: "Thank you for your great help."

"Where is it! As long as you are willing to help us build advanced weapons, even if all of us are sacrificed, what's the point?"

A leader of the military region said: "Zhenxuan, if you don't like to develop murderous weapons, don't do things you don't like. We can all understand that we also have this electromagnetic gun. No matter what we do, it is for the sake of China. Make a contribution, but don’t embarrass yourself.”

This is just a polite remark, since he agreed to the military and used the power of the military, he would not easily renege on his promise and become fat, otherwise, Hao Zhenxuan would have no place to stand in Zhongtu.

He didn't care, strictly speaking, he had passed away.

But what about Hao Haoxuan?

Deng Yuqi, as the deputy chief of "The Descendant", saw that Chang Lin had made outstanding contributions in the encirclement and suppression of Zhang Fushen. One was for fame, and the other was for merit. In short, he had no reason not to step forward.

Liu Jiayi is dead, and now the chief executive will naturally fall into the hands of the deputy chief, Deng Yuqi. As for whether he can become the real chief of "The Descendant" in the future, it will depend on the next speech.

"Don't be afraid, this is an opportunity, this is an opportunity!" Deng Yuqi hypnotized herself.

He looked at Chang Lin with a look of great honor, and he held Chang Lin's hand, which had gradually returned to his human form, tightly in his palm, and then said to everyone present: "Look, this is the glory of [The Descendant] , This is the hero of Aircraft City."

And Irelia, holding Hao Haoxuan, had already disappeared into the crowd
"Where's the host of the Juggernaut?" Someone posted a barrage on the Internet.

"Flick off your clothes and hide your achievements and fame. You are really a role model for my generation of swordsmen!"

"Whoever says no, it's because his tricks are too secondary."

"What is the second grade, how handsome! Wuji Liuliu, Wujiliu Fury, Fenglinzhizhan, Fenglinhuozhan. And that floating light and demon-breaking sword! How handsome!"

"Isn't that enough for a second grader?"

The barrage exploded!

Just now people were just staring at the screen blankly, now that the crisis is over, they all started to interact.

All of a sudden, the tricks Hao Haoxuan shouted were continuously displayed on the barrage.

"I also want the Floating Light Breaking Demon Sword, I want it too~!"

"It's so hard for people to practice this big move, you want a fart."

"That's right, just the name of the trick will take a lot of brain cells!"

"By the way, that little boy is so handsome, is he a student from Airplane City?"

"I'm going to give him a monkey!"

"I'm a human, why would I like you a monkey?"


The murder case in Airplane City began to ferment gradually, and Hao Haoxuan played a very important role in the process of chasing down the murderer!
Although Hao Haoxuan knew it himself, he really didn't do anything.

But the media is in his own hands, and it is in Holmes' side, so Hao Haoxuan's achievements are wirelessly magnified in an instant, and Chang Lin and those sacrificed descendants have instead become clowns in the eyes of the masses.

On the other side of the world, while drinking vodka in front of the TV, Bubba Holmes said to Dumbbid Holmes, "This Hao Haoxuan is the special consultant of our consortium? Call brother quickly and ask Can't do an exclusive interview with Hao Haoxuan!"

Koukouguo, a luxury apartment in Haoda district, people call it Earl's Mansion.

The only earl's mansion in the entire Koukou country, the mansion is still singing and dancing, and the contacts are all important officials from the political and business circles in Kyoto. There was just a fight between two hosts, and the winner was determined.

The crowd drank the blood of the loser in the joy of superiority.

They finally got used to drinking blood!
On the third floor, the noble countess sits at the top of the hall, and here, she is the absolute master.

Nothing escaped her rule, including Vladimir.
"These goddamn monkeys of Middle Earth actually brought the hero's arrival event to the table"

"Not only that, the pale witch was killed by Jhin's spear." Vladimir said beside the countess.

"Jhin? What a lunatic! Then, what about our layout in Middle Earth?"

"It seems that no one can restrain Swain anymore!"

"Hmph~" the Countess said with a strange smile: "Don't be so discouraged about Vladimir, at least Koukouguo is firmly in our hands, let me find out what happened to that Hao Haoxuan, he is a bad street How does your Crispy Juggernaut have such a high [Fitness]?"

"Wang Defa should be there." Vladimir looked at the elegant and beautiful woman in front of him. She knows how to suck blood better than Vladimir (I like this name so much, I'm sorry!~).

The Countess thought for a while and said, "Forget it, they are all forces that are difficult to control. Ten demons. It's outrageous."

Hao Tie listened to the broadcast on the TV car outside, with a gratified smile on his face.

It seems that he is going to see his little cousin.

"Hey student Bix Xiaorui, call the old uncle to feed the old uncle, yes, I am Hao Tie, hey, I was beaten blind by someone, don't mention it, it's good to be able to fight now, can you come on?" Are you going to recuperate for a while at home?

You know, the broken environment of the Motor City."

Baffia bar, Patong drinking wine.
He saw Li Chonghao in front of the TV. That guy was in the airport market, and he seemed to be doing well.

Big John who pissed his pants is dead and now the gang is calling the Padang Gang!

But Padang doesn't have the prestige in his own gang when Big John was there. Maybe he is too dovish?After all, the previous Padang was just Big John's little hit (little guy, ma boy.)
But when Ba Dong saw Li Chonghao, he was overjoyed.

What to do if there is disunity in the small group?
Although Barton didn't know why, Big John would always solve the problem through an aggression against the outside world or a fight with other gangs.

Maybe Ba Dong was thinking naively, as long as he killed Li Chonghao, he would be considered as a voter, and he would have the prestige in the gang in the future.

He told his confidant what he said, and the confidant called him an expert? ?
Ba Dong was overjoyed, so he quickly mobilized his troops and was about to go to the aircraft market.

The little gang bosses were also very happy. They never thought that Big John would hand over such a big mafia to Ba Dong. In their opinion, Big John must have lost his mind, or else it was Ba Dong. East plan.

Mafia disputes have always involved interests, but there is nothing to be convinced.

In the past, Big John was able to convince the public because Big John was able to satisfy the interests of the leaders, at least the interests of a large number of people.

But as for Badong, the things that can be given are the same.

What a casino or something, but the ambitions of the bosses are even bigger now!

Did he think killing the gang's enemies would be enough?
so naive
(The story of the dramatist - the golden devil Kada Jin, comes to an end)

(End of this chapter)

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