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Chapter 905 Game version update (for subscription)

Chapter 905 Game version update (for subscription)
When such a serious incident happened, Hai Lan naturally reported it to Jurgen immediately. The Iron Wolf Knights led by Barn also suffered a loss, and many people were injured.

Watching a large number of wounded being carried out from the lower floor, the soldiers stationed on the upper floor whispered, with unconcealable fear on their faces. It has been a long time since so many soldiers were injured at one time. What happened to the team that went to explore below?
"what happened?"

After the joint investigation team evacuated back to King's Library in an emergency, Jurgen, who got the news, also questioned Hai Lan, and it could even be said to question Hai Lan. The leader Hai Lan couldn't escape the responsibility for such a serious civil strife.

"Miu, come here."

Hai Lan had a serious face. He waved to Miu who had been bandaged. On the other side, Hai Ke and his party were tied up and stood there dejectedly. They had been disarmed, and guards with guns were watching behind them. Take the shot, no matter where you are, you can't escape your responsibility.

"Tell Congressman Jurgen about the conflict between you and Heike."

Hai Lan has many guesses, but now it is best to listen to the story of his subordinate Mi Wu who has personally experienced it, so as to verify whether the guess is correct.

"Captain, Senator Jurgen, the thing is like this, when I was exploring the 'Birth Factory' before, I always felt a sense of uneasiness, as if a crisis would come at any time.

Many team members around me also had this situation. The team led by Heike became irritable. When he was about to reach the end of the area, he suddenly turned his face and attacked my team.

The same situation is not only where we are, but also happened in several other places. It is hard for me not to believe that their spirits were influenced by some kind of existence, and their temperament suddenly changed drastically. "

Miu told the truth about what happened before, and expressed his guess. Heike on the side was full of gratitude, and wanted to open his mouth to explain. He also felt that the truth should be like this, otherwise he would have conflicts with other team members at most in the past. , Why did you suddenly pull out your weapon in a convulsion?
"Shut up for me, I didn't let you talk."

Hai Lan reprimanded Heike bitterly. Heck definitely couldn't be executed directly, but the other party would have to suffer a bit anyway for doing such a thing.

"Have you been mentally affected?"

Jurgen was deep in thought. If this is the case, it means that there is something magical or evil below the so-called 'factory of birth', which can quietly affect the spirits of soldiers close to them. Let the timid be more timid, and the irascible even more irascible.

"Temporarily suspend the exploration of the lower level, but to find out what kind of existence is in the lower level, I will communicate with Princess Isabella, she may have a way."

Jurgen raised his head and looked at Hailan. The heavens may not be able to investigate the situation of mental influence, but the Delos Empire envoys from the continent of Arad should be able to. There are many magicians in their team, so they should be able to investigate Understand the situation below.

"It can only be this way."

Hai Lan nodded helplessly, finally it was the Coast Guard's turn to take the lead, who would have thought that such a thing would happen, fortunately there were not many soldiers killed or injured, otherwise Hai Lan would not have made meritorious service, and her previous contributions would not be enough to bear the punishment.

"All the soldiers who are mentally affected and attack their own people will be demoted by one level. Captain Hai Lan, you can figure it out."

The soldiers who were tied down from Jurgen left in a hurry after leaving these words. Those soldiers who were tied up lowered their heads with rather ugly faces. Years of time and hard work will be turned into nothingness, but who can be blamed?The fact that they shot at their own people cannot be disputed.


Hai Lan stared at Jurgen who was leaving. Compared with Jurgen, his status as the captain of the Coast Guard was nothing at all. It only took a vote of the noble council to dismiss him, and Hai Lan was also demoted if his subordinates were demoted. It's not very good, after all, it will make him appear incompetent.

"team leader."

After Jurgen left, Heike looked at Hai Lan with an ugly face. His military rank was almost bought by his life. He was wounded many times and made meritorious deeds to get his current status. When he is in this position, he may not be able to do so in three to five years. Unable to be promoted to one level, and not an ordinary non-commissioned officer, there are so many titles for people to be promoted.

"Don't talk about it, go and hand it over by yourself. Also, all people who are affected by the spirit will receive a week-long inspection. During this time, don't leave the observer's sight."

Hai Lan herself was very sad, and she didn't have the heart to comfort the subordinates who made mistakes. The other soldiers who were demoted were also downcast. One blow, the morale of the joint investigation team was greatly reduced.

Over there, Barn was also reporting to Isabella. Just like the speculation of the heaven side, Isabella also guessed that the soldiers should be affected by something. This means that if the investigation is not clear, the joint investigation team will You'll be blocked here and you won't get an inch.

After Jurgen arrived, Isabella talked with him. During the conversation, both of them missed the moment when the Violent Hunting Squad fought side by side. If the Violent Hunting Squad was still there, they should be able to easily investigate what happened. What, now, the magicians of the Delos messenger group can only try to investigate what kind of things exist in the lower layers.

"Do you want to inform Your Excellency Wang Yan?"

Isabella hesitated for a moment, and asked Jurgen, now it is definitely not possible to send a large group of soldiers to the lower floors, only the elite, the stronger the strength, the stronger the spirit, only the elite can complete this exploration, who else is better than the king? Is Yan more powerful?

"The communicator can't get through."

After trying to communicate with Wang Yan, Jurgen smiled wryly. Wang Yan turned off the communicator, which meant that it was self-evident that he didn't want to pay attention to what happened in the silent city at this time.

"Forget it, let Captain Bahn take people to explore first, Bahn, be careful."

Isabella can't force Jurgen, so she can only ask Bahn to lead people to explore what kind of things exist in the lower floors. If they really have no choice, they can only ask Wang Yan to come forward.

Bahn took the lead. After the staffing was complete, he led a group of elite soldiers to protect the powerful magician and went to the "Birth Factory" to start exploring step by step. Some members of the Elytra of the Seven Gods were also accompanied, perhaps in terms of magic. They don't know anything about the heavens, but in terms of science, even the Arad continent can't keep up with the heavens.

In order to ensure safety, the team moved forward very slowly. After all, the teams that explored before suddenly attacked each other, and the situation was quite strange.

"Wait, the composition of the air here has changed."

The first to discover the situation was the Elytra researcher of the Seven Gods who looked like soy sauce. They were all fully armed and wore anti-radiation suits that would only be worn when exploring radiation areas. The accompanying soldiers also held various instruments in their hands. equipment.

"We didn't notice anything unusual."

The magicians of the Delos Empire in the other team shook their heads one after another. They didn't feel anything abnormal in their spirits, and they were curious and worried in their hearts.

"Pump air, start testing, stop moving forward."

After reporting to the headquarters, the two sides stopped and began to ask the researchers of the Elytra of the Seven Gods to study the unknown substances found in the air. The magicians of the Delos Empire were ashamed. They were supposed to be the main force, but now they found nothing. It was a discovery in the heavenly realm.

The research lasted for about half an hour, and the discovery made everyone's expressions changed. With Mei Li joining, the speed of the research has been greatly increased. The latest analysis results show that the unknown existence in the air is a never-before-discovered element .

After the Elytra of the Seven Gods was injected with the animal experiment, the experiment fell into a frenzy, lost the sense of pain, and began to attack each other, just like the soldiers who had been exploring before.

After trying a variety of experimental subjects, Elytra of the Seven Gods gave a preliminary conclusion that there is indeed something that can affect people's spirit in the lower area of ​​Silent City. They float in the air and spread at an extremely slow speed without resistance. Most people will be affected by it spiritually, and only a few people with strong spirits can go deeper, but they will be affected sooner or later.

After many attempts to explore, the joint investigation team declared that the exploration failed. No one was able to go deeper than the existence of this so-called black nightmare. Even if they had prepared in advance, those who fell into the influence of the black nightmare almost went crazy, and the situation was extremely bad. .

"There must be a resistance to go deeper. We have reason to suspect that this is the defense method of the creator Luke. We must find out as soon as possible what can resist this kind of spiritual influence. In just a few days, the black nightmare The breath just spread out several meters, so sooner or later one day, the entire Silent City will no longer be able to set foot."

A few days later, a meeting was held within the joint investigation team. There were not many people in the meeting, but they were all quite important. In the past few days, the joint investigation team has been trying to go to the lower level to explore, but no one has been able to cross The ubiquitous black nightmare found Luke's hiding place, and couldn't even investigate how far away he was.

"I've sent people to inform Councilor Wang Yan, and now I can only ask him to come forward to try. Some people saw the team of the violent search and arrest team before, and they were also blocked in the 'Birth Factory'. They couldn't even find them. There is no way to solve this problem by relying on our strength alone.”

Before the meeting started, Jurgen notified the communication personnel on Kronos Island and asked them to go directly to Wang Yan. Now 10 minutes have passed, and there is no communication from Kronos Island. Jurgen is quite Be worried about.

A few minutes later, the communication was finally connected, but what came was not good news, but very bad news: "Report, Councilor Wang Yan is not on the island, and all areas that can be reached have been searched, and he was not found." His whereabouts, his two companions are not on the island, maybe they left from the island at some time."


Jurgen's face was ugly, and so was Isabella's. Just when she needed her, she couldn't find him. What should people do?
"Maybe I went to play, but now it's difficult. It's hard to say whether the other party is in the heaven or not."

Bahn spread his hands. If Wang Yan wants to leave, no one can stop him. With the other party's means, there is nowhere in the world to go. Who knows where he left Kronos Island.

Where is Wang Yan at this time?Of course he wasn't on Cronus Island, and he wasn't hiding from other people on purpose, because he had left Cronus Island with Celia and Becky two days ago.

After a trip to Ghent, the three of them returned directly to the continent of Arad.

How to upgrade, Wang Yan made up his mind after thinking about it for a while, when to go to the Demon World in advance, bypass Herder's sight, find a place where he can gain experience, and basically upgrade his level to level ninety.

Wang Yan, who returned to the mainland of Arad, learned a rather unexpected news from the little lantern. The national server has updated the level cap. The new version of the character can be upgraded to level 95, and various 95-level epics have also been released.

The well-deserved No. [-] epic holy weapon is not so lofty anymore. The appearance of the upgradeable sky curtain weapon shows that there will be stronger epic weapons in the future.

"This is really good news."

Sitting at his residence on Marcy Street in Hutton, Wang Yan holding his laptop was both happy and worried. He was happy because the characters in the game could be upgraded, which meant that his upper limit of strength had been raised unconsciously. , Originally he thought that it was the end only to be able to upgrade to level [-], but now he can upgrade to a higher level.

What worries him is that the new version no longer drops epic fragments. It is extremely difficult to get a set of 95 epics, not to mention the weapon that falls under the curtain of the sky. The key is that he cannot cross borders into the account treasury.

"Brother Wang Yan, you seem unhappy? Is it because Little Lantern is not working hard enough?"

Little Lantern, who was waiting for compliments, saw the worry on Wang Yan's face and tugged at Wang Yan's sleeves to ask. She had been working hard to move bricks during Wang Yan's departure. Although the Di Brick Factory and the Arm of Steel were closed down, the Scarlet line of defense could still be moved, and she was not too tired, and she took turns moving bricks with Kong Kongyi almost every day.

Wang Yan switched accounts, looked at the various materials accumulated in each account, and felt mixed feelings in his heart. He took a deep breath, raised his hand to hold the unknown little lantern with both hands, and held Kong Kongyi with the other hand. : "You guys are working too hard, even harder than I did at the beginning. Brother Wang Yan is not happy, but he is too happy. I am worried that you will be exhausted."

"No, the game is really fun, and even though I was tired every day at the beginning, I will only feel a hundred times more refreshed when I wake up. It is more effective than meditation. It is really the best choice for exercising the spirit."

Little Lantern also had a smile on her face. She was very happy to be praised by Wang Yan. After leaving the heaven, what she valued most was Wang Yan's care. Now that the other party finally came back, Little Lantern is so happy .

"Really? That's good.

Becky, don't be too reserved, this is your new home, and everyone here is your friend. "

Wang Yan closed the laptop, just came back, there are too many things to say, let's tidy up the game characters and warehouse by himself at night, now is not the time.

"Good brother Wang Yan."

Becky, who had been standing behind Wang Yan and was rather afraid of the new environment, breathed a sigh of relief, but it would probably take a few days to really adapt to this new environment.

(End of this chapter)

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