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Chapter 670 Saya's request (asking for the light of the Great God)

Chapter 670 Saya's request (asking for the light of the Great God)
The commander in charge of supervising the entire battle situation quickly discovered that there was a large area in front of the troops led by Soderos. Before he could figure out what happened, he saw the soldiers in the direction of Soderos walking towards the surrounding area to help the surrounding area. Soldiers guarding the line.

After Soderos made another shot, the commander who had been staring at this place finally knew what had happened. His face was full of unconcealable excitement. Such a powerful knight was actually on his side. Who could it be?
Soderos led his subordinates to easily clean up the soldiers of the Beier Kingdom who were attacking the defense line on both sides. His appearance gave the knights of the Disaster Bank Kingdom great confidence. After beheading all the knights of the Beiyou Kingdom who entered the defense line, they regained the defense line.

Soderos killed more than a hundred enemies in just a few minutes, and many of his subordinates also killed several people, all because Soderos rushed from left to right, and in many cases, he just beat the enemy to death or handed them over to his back Killing the enemy on the battlefield is meritorious, and Soderos's approach is to distribute the merit to his subordinates.

The confident charge of the Beiyou Kingdom was met with an inexplicable blow. When the remnants were finally collected, it was found that half of the personnel had been lost, and only a few of the hundreds of heavy armored knights who served as special existences were dead. Whether it was the King of the Beier Kingdom who supervised the battle or the other commanders, they were all shocked. They cast their sights on the defense line of the Disaster Coast Kingdom in the distance.

After consulting some of the defeated soldiers, the king of Beier Kingdom knew what happened on the battlefield. A knight of unknown strength rushed left and right among the soldiers of the kingdom. Where did he come from? They will all become extremely brave, and with the help of that unknown knight, they easily defeated the attack of the Beer Kingdom, and drove out all the soldiers of the Beer Kingdom who had finally rushed into the line of defense.

"Father, send me into battle."

After all the staff members dispersed, Saya, who had changed into a military uniform, came to the king's tent again. After she put down the visor in front of the other party, she could no longer see the fact that she was a woman, and she drifted away. The sword of frost power was held in his hand.

The king of the Beiyou Kingdom couldn't help sighing when he saw this. His daughter possesses a stronger force than him, which is why he agreed with her to come to the front line.

"How can I let you take risks? You are the eldest princess of the kingdom, the battlefield is not where you should be, and the kingdom still has enough soldiers to charge forward."

"But can you find a general to fight against that unknown knight? Several captains of the thousand-man team died in the hands of the opponent just now. According to the soldiers' recollection, the captain of the thousand-man team was killed by the owl even after he failed to block the knight with a few moves. .Some even have their armor cut in half. Unless they use magic, they can fight against this knight. But once magicians are dispatched, the opponent's magician team will definitely use them. At that time, more soldiers will be killed or injured on the battlefield, and They all died in vain under the bombardment of chaotic magic."

"My daughter is not talented, but I am confident that I can fight the other party a few times. After I personally verify the other party's strength, I will have a reliable way to deal with him."

Saya still said in a loud voice with the mask on. The king of the Beiyou Kingdom was stunned. He really had no good way to deal with the knight for a while. The most powerful general who can go to the battlefield is the captain of the thousand-man team. , They are both the strength of the Golden Knights, but they were defeated miserably in the opponent's hands.

Do you want the commander of the Ten Thousand Regiment to play in person?

The consequences of the death of the commander are very serious. One carelessness can cause the morale of the legion to collapse. If the defeat occurs, no one will be able to recover.

"You must be careful!"

In the end, the king of the Beiyou Kingdom agreed to Saya's request. Saya's strength was unknown to him. The other party found a precious magic handed down from ancient times in a remnant of a god. He worked hard to cast the magic, all he knew was that even the golden knight couldn't pass a few tricks in his daughter's hands, this was a scene he had seen with his own eyes.

"Thank you, Father."

Saya’s voice revealed joy. She finally said that the king would let her go to the battlefield in person. Saya believed that her joining would definitely become the sharpest spearhead of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Bier, opening a gap in the defense line of the Kingdom of Calamity and being able to The gap keeps widening.

She has very strong confidence in her own strength, even when a very powerful knight suddenly appears on the opposite side, she has a more secret secret that only she knows.

The jewelry of the ancient goddess of ice and snow, this is Saya’s name for the items she obtained from the relics of the gods. At this moment, the three pieces of jewelry are worn under her armor. The jewelry is urging the power of the ice all the time, making her extremely calm and calm.

The most taboo thing on the battlefield is to rush forward with blood, rush headlong and accidentally separate from the rear, and finally die aggrieved in the hands of ordinary knights who are less powerful but numerous. After she has these three jewelry, she will definitely not Will let this kind of thing find out.

The ice power that Saya can stimulate also comes from these three pieces of jewelry, but she will only bring one at most in daily situations, because when the three pieces are put together, they will form a similar domain. , she can mobilize the power of ice and snow to freeze any existence, no matter how strong the opponent is.

Also, if you are attacked by others when you wear any piece alone, there is a chance that the frost power in the jewelry will freeze the target that attacks you, and it can also make the power of ice and snow hurt the enemy more easily. The evaluation of the three pieces of jewelry is that they were definitely created by the power of the gods, but they were left in the ruins for some unknown reason, and she finally discovered them.

The commander of the Disaster Coast Kingdom had just ordered the soldiers to repair the broken line of defense. Before he had time to let his subordinates repair for a while, the result was that they heard the rumbling drums on the opposite side, which surprised and delighted the commander.

Surprised that so many soldiers of the Beiyou Kingdom dared to rush forward after being killed or injured just now. What is happy is that if the opponent is repelled this time, there may not be many heavy cavalry in the Beiyou Kingdom, so there is no need to worry about the defense line being easily breached It means that the defense line representing the Kingdom of Disaster Bank can really hold on.

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  I hope that all the book lovers here can receive Meteor's light of the great god to give Meteor a confidence, a confidence in writing, and I am grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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