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Chapter 628 The Court Magician Appeared Unexpectedly

Chapter 628 The Court Magician Appeared Unexpectedly

"Before nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, you all come to me and set off for the palace with me. You should arrive at the palace in more than an hour. My king may receive me and other local lords before twelve o'clock, so when the time comes Please don't forget to come here early."

"This is a certificate I issued for the two of you, with my identity imprint on it, so you can feel at ease."

After Jack put away the stack of Borodin's seals, he took out a special pen and paper and issued a certificate to Wang Yan, who proved that Wang Yan didn't care about it, as long as the other party had this attitude, Wang Yan said before Well, it's fine for the other party to keep their promise, but if they don't, Wang Yan doesn't mind punishing the other party in a small way.

After leaving this other courtyard, Wang Yan and Yi Liya did not stay here temporarily but continued to walk in the capital. Nearly ten kilometers outside the capital is a civilian area, except for the streets extending in all directions. Wang Yan has nothing to say about the houses in the style of the Rodin era. The architectural style at this time is definitely not comparable to that of 1000 years later, and most of them are practical.

"Did you feel it? Someone is watching us."

Yilia suddenly spoke in a low voice, and Wang Yan's face remained unchanged: "60 meters behind the right, there are two middle-aged men wearing ordinary cloth robes. I can feel the fluctuation of magic power on them."

"Magician? Why are they following us? They have been following us since we left the Elven Song Tavern."

"Maybe a member of some organization, here we come, let's wait for them under the tree in front."

Wang Yan had already discovered that someone was following them, but he never took it seriously, but Yi Liya was very disgusted with this behavior. If Wang Yan hadn't stopped her, she would have turned around and ran towards the other party.

Sitting down by a bench under a lush tree, it didn't take long for Wang Yan to see many passers-by in cloth robes walking around. Inflamed Ilya surrounded by the two.

"Hello magician, may I ask which organization you belong to?"

The crowd parted, and an aged magician came to Wang Yan who was sitting on the bench. Wang Yan stood up and observed him. This magician looked very old, but his eyes were very bright. This means that the opponent's spirit is very strong.

"I don't belong to any organization."

Wang Yan didn't know the identity of the person who came, but he responded directly to the person who seemed to have no malice.

"Don't you belong to any organization? Sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm Crow, the court magician. I have predicted the arrival of the two through divination. Hello, travelers from different worlds."


After listening to the other party's introduction and final greeting, Wang Yan was extremely surprised in his heart, and even Ilia was a little curious. The two of them came to the king less than two hours ago, have they already been divined out?

"Don't be too surprised. My ability is quite special. I can know some of the upcoming things through divination. That's why I made people wait in this area today. I'm really sorry for taking the liberty to let people follow you two."

The magician who claimed to be Crowe spread his hands and made a special understanding. It should be the etiquette of this space-time magician. Anyway, Wang Yan didn't understand, so he returned a chest salute.

"Well, both of us are travelers who traveled through time and space. I am Wang Yan, and this is Ilia. You just said that you are a court magician? Serving King Borodin?"

Looking at each other with Ilia, Ilia spread her hands to signal Wang Yan to handle the matter. Although she was curious about how the other party did divination, this ability was a bit magical, which even made Ilia feel miraculous.

"In fact, I am only employed by the kingdom. Fundamentally speaking, I am still free. I can leave the king's capital and go anywhere at will."

Ke Luo smiled slightly. When he talked with Wang Yan, he was very easy-going, as if meeting a friend he hadn't seen for many years, and he sat down on the bench beside Wang Yan, and the people in gray robes around him were all Gradually dispersed, the passers-by walking around also disappeared, this area has been martial law by the surrounding knights.

"What do you want us to do?" Wang Yan asked.

"Actually, I want to know what you have to do when you come to this time and space. I am very curious. The last time I saw a traveler who traveled through time and space was a long time ago. Fortunately, I got along well with him. Not bad."

"I was captured and thrown into this time and space. As for this one, she is looking for some kind of existence. She is stronger than me. I still haven't found a way to return to the original time and space."

"Oh, the traveler who came by accident is the same as the one I saw last time, but he disappeared after staying in this time and space for more than ten years. I think he should have returned to his original time and space. As for I don't know how to travel through time and space, because I am proficient in divination on the mysterious side."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that I was thrown into this time and space by a fortune-teller." Wang Yan smiled wryly. The fortune-teller seemed to have some fate with him.

"It's a pity. I haven't met a second person who can divination. I really want to have a face-to-face conversation with him." Crowe showed disappointment without concealing it.

The two continued to talk, and Wang Yan didn't mention a word about future generations, nor did Ke Luo ask. It's best not to talk about such things. After all, Ke Luo believes in divination, and even more in cause and effect. Wang Yan knows The afterlife of the future may not happen in this time and space.

"Are you going to ask to see my king? I can do this little thing. When I saw my king the day before yesterday, I told him about it. He expressed great interest in it. You can go to meet him with me at any time."

"That's great." Wang Yan smiled, and Ilia who was on the side nodded slightly in agreement. It would be great to see the real owner of this kingdom today.

"If possible, I hope that you will live in the residence of the court magician in the next time. I will not restrict your activities. Of course, you will be under the supervision of the court magician. Please understand that I am doing this reason."

Keluo stood up, his expression became a little more serious. He had been observing that Wang Yan and Ilia were not approaching before, just to get all kinds of information about the two of them. Only then did he show up. Compared with other magicians, Crowe is not very good at offensive spells, but of course he has mastered a lot of defensive spells.

"No problem, then shall we go to the palace now?" Wang Yan asked tentatively.

"Okay, come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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