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Chapter 589 Please Rest In Peace (Part 3)

Chapter 589 Please rest in peace (third update)

At this time, Wang Yan didn't need to perceive with his mind and eyes, but he could see the rising soil in front of him, and saw a huge thing advancing under the ground.

The horses of those knights seemed to smell a bad smell and kept snorting. Some of them even raised their front hooves and were controlled by the knights to lower them. As animals, their ability to perceive danger is stronger than that of humans.

Plan the advancing position of the Gu-killing worm, and blow it out from the ground with a pyroburst. The Gu-killing worm that failed the sneak attack sticks its head out of the ground, and the second half of its body remains in the soil. Even so, it is nearly three meters high.

Compared with the monsters in the game, the Gu-killing worms that Wang Yan sees now are even more ferocious. Even if they are about 20 meters away, Wang Yan can still smell the faint smell of blood in the air.

The Gu slaying worm has a palm-sized armor covering its body, and at every half-meter interval, there will be spikes on its body that hang upside down and hang down continuously. There are seven or eight circles of such spikes exposed. As many as a hundred roots.


The artillery that had already been prepared opened fire when the Killing Gu worm got out of the ground and lifted its body high. Wang Yan could see that a black cannonball the size of a fist quickly passed through the air and hit the Killing Gu mercilessly. On the worm, a hole was pierced directly in the opponent's body, leaving a terrible hole that people could get in and out of.

The Gu slaying worm was hit by this heavy blow, and then fell limply on the ground. A large area of ​​yellow-green body fluid flowed out. Although this kind of blood is not very toxic, it is quite corrosive. Piles of white bubbles kept popping up and exploded.

"Not dead yet."

Wang Yan felt his opponent's state and couldn't help trembling. After being hit by the artillery in such a way, the Gu killing insect was still twitching non-stop, and all the spikes on its body stood up, but it needed to rotate to Fire it all up.

A few sporadic spikes flew out, and the ore-leading knights who had been waiting for a long time charged forward, their visors had been put down, and the weapons in their hands were tightly clenched.

When the two teams came to the Killing Gu Worm, they would use their momentum to slash their weapons on the Gu Killing Worm, and then circle around in an arc from the Gu Killing Worm, leaving the position for the companions behind them.

The knights in the rear also repeated the actions of the previous knight and continued to attack the Gu-killing worm. In just a few seconds, more than a dozen attacks landed on the Gu-killing worm, except for one of them who was accidentally hit by a spike on his thigh. Injured, others are fine.

War hammers and battle axes do more damage to Gu killing insects, followed by war blades. If you use a long spear, even if you pierce the opponent, it may not have any effect. Some knights have already started to change weapons immediately from the logistics vehicles following them. If this is the case , I will definitely not be able to fight with spears later.

Wang Yan made a move to test the dying Gu worm, the ground fire gushed out from the ground and completely blew up its body, the opponent's body broke into two pieces in mid-air, spilled a large amount of bodily fluids and landed on the ground with a dull sound On, is the real death.

The attacks of the knights only expanded the wounds on the killing worms. The most important thing was the blow from the artillery. The power of the shells was not comparable to that of the knights, so the injuries caused to the killing worms were also very serious. considerable.


Wang Yan confirmed the death of Gu Killer, and Tieshan on the side rushed up immediately. As a lord, it was not his turn to make such a monster that appeared first. On the one hand, he needed to ensure the safety and stability of the army. On the one hand, he has to wait for stronger monsters to appear and fight them first.

The injured knight has been sent to the logistics team following the team for treatment. The [-]-[-] cm long spike was pulled from the knight's leg, causing the opponent's body to tremble. Fortunately, the blow did not penetrate the leg bone. After recovering from their injuries, they can continue to fight for the lord. Being disabled is the last thing these knights want to end up. They would rather die in battle to gain glory than bring their families to suffer.

"The lethality of this kind of spikes is too great. Such thick plate armor leggings are pierced. Fortunately, they can't rotate. It seems that we need to be more cautious when encountering Gu killing insects in the future."

Wang Yan stepped forward to check the wounded. The plate armor that was pierced by the thorns of the Gu killing insects was placed next to the injured knight. There was a lot of blood on the inside. Wang Yan knocked on the leggings, which were obviously very strong. But it was still directly penetrated by the sharp spikes. If there was no protection from the leggings, the knight's leg could be pierced directly with that blow just now.

Wang Yan saw the healing methods of knights in this era. Before the appearance of paladins, recovery products such as potions had already appeared.

They are the masterpieces of alchemists among magicians. They extract the essence from herbs and then prepare recovery potions. The recovery effect of this potion is much faster than that of herbs, but the price is also expensive. Basically, knights only have one or two Bottles are used for self-defense.

Except for the injured knight and the logistics team, the others continued to move forward with Wang Yan. Before night fell, all the Gu killing insects outside the mine were found by Wang Yan and killed by the knights of the mine leader. There were nine of them in total. This number made Tieshan's expression very ugly. Standing at the entrance of the mine and looking at the dark passage, he vaguely heard the mournful sound in the mine, which made him shudder.

"It's getting late, I suggest coming back early tomorrow morning."

Hong Wei came to Tieshan to give her suggestions. She and the four knights also participated in the siege of the killing insects, and one of her subordinates was even injured. The effect was not as quick as the official recovery potion, even so, after pouring a few bottles of the recovery potion, most of the knight's injuries had already healed.

"I think the same way. I have all of them. Drag the corpses of those strange insects and drag them back to the town outside the mine. Only after seeing the corpses of these strange insects can everyone rest in peace."

Tieshan nodded, and he yelled at his subordinates to tie up the corpses of the Gu-killing worms and bring them back to the town outside the mine. Except for the spikes on the body of the Gu-killing worms, which can be removed for secondary use, the rest will probably be taken The fire burned them all.

This was a very troublesome matter, but no one raised any objections. They had worked hard all afternoon, and the corpses of these Gu killing insects could be said to be their spoils of war, which could be exchanged for the admiration and cheers of the common people.

What is the purpose of human life? Isn't becoming a knight just to protect the weak?

"It's back, the lord is back, they killed the strange insects in the mine!"

When Tieshan led his men back to the town outside the mine, the leaders of the mine who got the news rushed out of the town again, giving warm cheers to the knights who fought those monsters despite the danger.

The corpses of the Gu-killing insects dragged back by the knights in their carriages were also seen by these people. There was both fear and hatred in their eyes. Some people picked up stones and threw them at the corpses of the Gu-killing insects, and there were many faces. There were tears falling down.

Did you see it?Your lord has avenged you.

Please rest in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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