Chapter 8
Although the two chatted for a long time at night, it was through the phone screen after all.

Right now, it should be the first real close contact between the two.

But both of them were very calm and generous, exuding a kind of timeless elegance.

After a brief greeting, Li Yanqi sat down beside him naturally.

"I didn't expect so many people to mutate after one day and one night."

When she said this, her tone was brisk, revealing a hint of joy, after all, the more people of the same kind, the more sense of identity and security.

Han Yang said: "There may be more in the future."

"You were right yesterday. It seems that the world is really about to change." Li Yanqi said, "I just don't know whether mutants like us will have an advantage or will be eliminated in the new world."

"In a world that is constantly changing, only those who remain the same will be eliminated." Han Yang said.

Li Yanqi looked at him in surprise, although this sentence did not contain much profound philosophy, but it still surprised her when it came from a fat man who was average in every respect.

She comes from a good family background, and she is from a scholarly family. She likes to read since she was a child, and she thinks she is more mature than most of her peers.

In her eyes, most of the classmates around her are very naive, and she also saw Han Yang in the same way before.But after two days of understanding, she found that this Han Yang was different from others.

He is very calm when encountering problems, has his own unique insights into some emergencies, and can be indifferent to the evaluation of the outside world.

The most important thing is that, as a person who looks like a fat house, he doesn't have those qualities of a fat house.

I didn't see him eating any snacks, and he didn't hold on to the Fat House Happy Water, he wasn't very obsessed with Two-dimensional, and he didn't get in heat with the paper man.Through yesterday's small talk, I discovered that he has a strong interest in profound history.

Of course, what surprised Li Yanqi the most was that, as a man in his adolescence with poor personal conditions and not being popular with the opposite sex, he didn't seem to have any interest in actively contacting himself, a fairly popular girl in the class next door. How excited or excited.

Not to mention the glib use of poor speech or green courtship behaviors to please oneself.

He treats himself as he treats everyone around him, nothing special.

Li Yanqi suspected that this guy was either trying to get him or he was not interested in girls.

If it's the former, then this guy will be disappointed. She has no interest in the opposite sex at present, and she won't even think about it before entering society.

And if this guy is the latter...then she would be a little bit interested in him.

"I feel that you are more mature than other boys." Li Yanqi praised tentatively, but unfortunately he didn't see any fluctuations in the other party's mood.

Han Yang just smiled politely and said, "They're just too eager to express themselves in front of you."

"It's a pity that the performance was very poor." Li Yanqi commented.

Han Yang defended the teenagers: "They are still children!"

Li Yanqi couldn't help but still laughed out loud.

This kind of natural humor made her unable to control her laughing muscles.

Chu Ying looked at the two talking and laughing, already burning with anger.

But after calming down, he also analyzed the correct reason.

Li Yanqi ate the fruit and mutated into "Dragon Horn". A girl who had undergone a sudden change and had no family by her side must be anxious to find a sense of security.

Han Yang, as someone who had also eaten fruit, naturally became her subconscious target.

After thinking this through, he slowly calmed down.

However, I have already made up my mind to pay more attention to where there are mutated fruits in the future. If there is no problem, I will eat them directly and mutate them.

He believed that if he really wanted to find a friend of the same kind at that time, Li Yanqi would definitely choose him instead of Han Yang.


After four or 10 minutes, the bus arrived at its destination.

In summer, it is still not dark at seven o'clock.

Across a wide river, a deserted village with lush vegetation appeared in front of us.

At the gate of the barren village, there is a crooked wooden signboard.

The words "Wild Wilderness Ghost Garden" were written on the wooden sign with red paint, and it was deliberately made into a bloody effect. There were two red handprints on it, and the dim light bulb beside it was buzzing, which looked very scary.

Next to the wooden sign is the ticket sales point, where an old man in an ancient Chinese tunic sits on duty.

The old man's face was blue, his lips were purple, and he looked at his classmates and smiled silently, instantly making people feel extremely eerie.

He Quan said to Han Yang, "There is something."

Han Yang frowned faintly. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that something was wrong with the old man. He even felt that the wooden sign was not red paint but real blood.

Li Yanqi said: "It feels a little scary."

Chu Ying stood beside her at some point: "Don't be afraid, let's go together, and I will protect you."

Several girls gathered around him and said, "Chu Ying, can I go with you?"

"Chu Ying, you are the monitor of our class five, you can't just protect the girls in class four."

"Yes, it needs rain and dew!"

Chu Ying smiled handsomely: "As the class monitor, it's only natural for me to protect the students in my class. Let's go together later."

The girls immediately cheered enthusiastically, feeling like they succeeded in chasing stars.

Chu Ying also looked very proud, with his head held high and his chest held high, secretly looking at Li Yanqi from the corner of his eye.

Li Yanqi looked at the group of girls beside him and couldn't help frowning.

Chu wins: She's jealous.

Then he looked at Han Yang with provocation in his eyes.

Han Yang smiled friendly, Chu Ying snorted coldly and turned his head away.

"Let's go, cross the bridge and set off. After three hours, everyone will gather at the gate, rest overnight, and go to Laojun Mountain tomorrow." Teacher Zhang arranged, "Be careful when playing, and try not to act alone."

Dozens of boys and girls immediately crossed the bridge chattering, and Teacher Zhang went to buy tickets by himself.

Jiang Xiaoyue arranged for the students to stand in rows, and she stood in front of her to take pictures: "This is the penultimate stop of this trip, students must have fun. Come on, have a smile."

Teacher Zhang pretended to take out his mobile phone to scan the code to buy tickets, and lowered his voice to the old man at the ticket office: "Master Xian, why are you here? Brother Huan and the others?"

"Isn't there two people who have mutated? I'll check the situation and make sure nothing goes wrong." The old man said hoarsely.

"It's okay, one has grown two horns, the other has lost a little fat, and there is no additional awakening of any special abilities. I have confirmed it." Zhang Wenjun said, "But, Master Xian, is the world really going to change? This is Dozens of lives."

The old man gave him a cold look: "When things come to an end, do you still want to back down?"

Teacher Zhang shook his head again and again: "Master Xian misunderstood, I'm just a little worried..."

The old man casually threw him a small black flag the size of a slap, and said, "Let you taste the sweetness first, I only teach the spell once, remember it by yourself..."

Jiang Xiaoyue over there urged: "Teacher Zhang, are you ready, let's take a picture!"

Teacher Zhang put the small black flag into his pocket, looked at Jiang Xiaoyue's protruding figure, couldn't help swallowing, and then said to the old man: "Master Immortal, in the future, Wen Jun's life will be handed over to you!" It's in your hands."

"Don't worry, it's done tonight, my immortal master will accept you as an apprentice immediately! When the world changes drastically, you can have whatever you want! Hmph, Dilian? Daxia Mansion? Don't pay attention at all!" the old man Said arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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