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Chapter 266 Start 3 Peasants

Chapter 266 Start 3 Peasants
However, Tao Tao's on-the-spot ability is very strong.

Seeing that an accident happened, Taotao did not stop, but directly turned to Liu Xiong to congratulate: "Congratulations to this Italian cannon player, who defeated the powerful TOT player and defended the glory of our folk god!"

At this time TOT stood up suddenly and said: "Italian guns are very powerful, I want to fight you again."

Taotao saw that TOT took the initiative to challenge, so he asked Liu Xiong: "Then the Italian cannon player, the TOT player expressed dissatisfaction, and wants to compete with you again, do you agree?"

Liu Xiong's answer was very simple: "Yes."

So the two sides fought again.

Seeing the masters duel again, the audience in the audience was naturally happy to hear and talk about it.

"TOT refuses to accept it!"

"I'm definitely not convinced, he was stolen."

"Can the Italian Cannon still win this time?"

"It's hard to say... Wait, the Italian Cannon doesn't use undead this time?"

"It's interesting to use the human race. I don't know how the Italian artillery's human race tactics are?"

As a man with 5 nicknames, Liu Xiong naturally would not stick to one race. In the second battle, Liu Xiong directly used the human race.

This time the map was Secret Valley, and one of Liu Xiong's opening operations made the audience gasp in surprise.

The audience's eyes widened, expressing that they couldn't understand it at all!
"Damn it! What is the operation of directly changing into 3 militiamen at the beginning?"

"Damn it! The militia copied the guy and attacked directly?"

"Damn it! You don't even repair the altar, you don't want any heroes?"

I saw Liu Xiong dragged away the five peasants who started the game and three militiamen, and rushed to the TOT base quickly.

The family began to replenish farmers, mining, logging, and building logging farms.

In order to build a logging camp as soon as possible, Liu Xiong directly cooperated with farmers to build a logging camp.

At the same time, Liu Xiong typed on the public screen: "GL, HF."

Seeing his opponent greet him, TOT responded politely: "GL, HF."

But just after typing, TOT's eyes widened instantly!
what's the situation!
When TOT saw three ethnic militiamen appearing in his home, TOT's eyes widened!

"I am Nima, this is too fast!"

TOT spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Before his altar was repaired, the human army attacked the door?

What the hell kind of trick is this?
The three militiamen knocked casually at the elf's house a few times, restored to the state of farmers, and then started building the tower on the spot.

The three tower blanks were completed soon, and at the same time, Liu Xiong's family's logging camp was also completed, so Liu Xiong turned the front tower blanks into two arrow towers and a magic tower.

Liu Xiong also placed a tower blank at home, and after calculating the resources, he also pulled the second batch of three militiamen to the front line.

At this time, TOT's hero demon hunter also came out, but a demon hunter and an archer are not opponents of the three towers at all.

The demon hunter tried to attack the tower, but he couldn't withstand the damage of the arrow tower at all, and the peasants behind had been repairing it, so they couldn't repair it fast enough!

The demon hunter with the bow tried to kill the peasants, but just killed two, followed by 3 militiamen came again...

To say that TOT is worthy of being a professional player, he is keenly aware of the solution to Liu Xiong's tactics.

Heartbroken, TOT took the only archer, bypassed the arrow tower and left the base, went to the base of the human race, and prepared to die!

Seeing that the demon hunter had left, Liu Xiong just smiled slightly.

"Hehe, it's late."

Liu Xiong gathered all the peasants and rushed to repair an altar on the front line.

When TOT's level 1 demon hunter came to the human base, the tower blank in Liu Xiong's base was also upgraded into an arrow tower.

The demon hunter in the disabled state killed the peasants with the arrow tower and rose to level 2.

But at this time, the beast king recruited by Liu Xiong from the tavern returned to the base with two porcupines, cooperated with the two militiamen and an arrow tower at the base, and killed the demon hunter Deadblood TP.

The demon hunter returning home from TP saw his dilapidated base, looked at the four arrow towers in front of the base, and thought about the Beastmaster who was coming.

Let's look at the demon hunter who is already at the end of his life and has no combat power...


TOT can only play GG.

This time, TOT still didn't last for 10 minutes...

As TOT played GG, cheers erupted again from the field!
"My Cao, this wave is faster than the top one!"

"Three Peasant Tactics, awesome!"

"Italian gun RUSH is too fast."

"No solution!"

"Wonderful! This is the tactic of Warcraft! The Italian cannon is right, the so-called 100-population war just now is pure chicken pecking at each other!"

After two consecutive fast-break RUSH, TOT lost his temper when he was beaten.

After leaving the computer, TOT shook hands with Liu Xiong and said, "You are very powerful, with sharp tactical thinking, and your understanding of "Warcraft" is far superior to mine."

"But I feel that I can crack your style of play. I haven't thought of the best way yet, but it should be soon."

And although Liu Xiong said in the audience that TOT is pecking at each other, but in front of others, Liu Xiong said humbly: "A little cleverness, risk your life and win by chance."

TOT was overwhelmed and left the stage.

Taotao came over, praised Liu Xiong enthusiastically, and said: "It's a pity that the Italian cannonball players didn't participate earlier, otherwise the 5000 yuan prize is also possible!"

At this time, the campus master SKY BIG suddenly stood up on the stage, took the microphone and looked at Liu Xiong and said, "Italian cannons are very powerful, I also want to compete with him, the host, do you think it is okay?"

Taotao looked at Liu Xiong and asked Liu Xiong's opinion.

Liu Xiong nodded with a smile: I just played two rounds, less than 20 minutes, not enjoyable at all!
So Liu Xiong played against SKY BIG again.

SKY BIG used the undead, and Liu Xiong used the elves this time.

And the map where the two sides are facing each other is the EI map where Liu Xiong used the undead to RUSH the puppy to drop the elf!

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

"The undead fight the elves, will SKY BIG imitate the Italian cannon's style of play, double crypt rush?"

"It's possible! Have you figured out how to solve it?"

"not yet……"

As the game began, the audience found out that they had guessed correctly.

Sure enough, SKY BIG used the tactic of double-burrowing ghouls, and wanted to fight back against him in his own way.

And Liu Xiong did a good job in reconnaissance. The pathfinding elves were hung at the gate of the undead base, and they could find the double crypt in the first place.

At the same time, the referee's camera switched to the mobs at the gate of Liu Xiong's base, and everyone exclaimed!

"This... this is leveling with the Ancient War Tree!"

"Is there such an operation?"

"This is great! This way, after the hero is summoned, he can come directly to make up wild monsters and grab the efficiency of leveling in the early stage!"

Before the Demon Hunter was summoned, Liu Xiong took control of the Ancient War Tree and took an archer to level up. Then when the Demon Hunter appeared, he went directly to harvest a few bloody wild monsters.

Exploded a garbage treasure with added defense.

Bad luck!

(End of this chapter)

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