space farmer

Chapter 25 026 Another Conquered by Eggs

Chapter 25 026 Another Conquered by Eggs

Mr. Liang pulled his grandson into the kitchen, and secretly said, "It's safe, the fish is worth 2000 yuan as promised, why can't our rabbits and eggs be sold for 500 yuan?" There were outsiders before, The old man kept silent all the time, and now he felt that it was wrong for his grandson to do so.

Liang Pingan took out the money and handed it to grandpa, "Grandpa, it's not like you haven't eaten our eggs, can they taste the same as ordinary eggs?"

Mr. Liang looked stunned, but insisted, "That's not worth five yuan." It's too expensive.

Liang Pingan felt that five yuan was still cheap.

"Grandpa, this is because I see that he pays a lot, and I can't bear to ask for more. I won't sell it for five yuan from others." What is space?It's a treasure, not to mention unique in the world, it's almost the same, he works day and night in it to grow such a little thing to feed the animals at home, he feels uncomfortable when the price is low.

"Grandpa, buying and selling this thing is what you want. We didn't force him, he did it voluntarily. I didn't say that our eggs are made of gold. Didn't he say nothing?" Knowing that grandpa had been cautious all his life, Liang Ping An hugged the old man's shoulders, but this small movement made the old man feel a little uncomfortable.

Liang Ping'an snickered, grandpa is so funny.

"Grandpa, the things in our house are not fed from ordinary things. You know, they are all high-tech, and they may be worth much in the future... We are willing to sell them now, so it is better for them." After all, it is a college student, Balabala, you fooled the old man who hadn't studied for a few years.

Liang Leshan nodded half-understood, "What you say makes sense, but next time that kid comes, we have to remind you that this thing is nothing special, and it doesn't cure diseases, so don't let people misunderstand you."

After all, the old man still disagrees.

Liang Pingan nodded dumbfoundingly, "Okay, Grandpa, I understand, I will remind Xiao Xiaofang next time that our eggs are not curable!" After speaking, he couldn't help but laugh.

"You child, what are you talking about." After selling it for 500 yuan, Mr. Liang was also happy, so he stuffed 200 yuan for his grandson, "You are old enough, put some money in your pocket."

"Grandpa, I don't care what you want with the money." Liang Pingan stuffed the money back, "It's all in Grandpa's place." Grandpa is old and saves money all day long, and the eggs at home are reluctant to eat. Liang Pingan knows that the old man It's easy to get flustered if you don't have money in your pocket, and you know that your grandfather who is studying is still in debt.

"Grandpa Liang, can I eat your precious eggs today?" Erhua went to the kitchen and said with a smile, "I don't eat anything else, I just want to taste your precious eggs, okay?"

The business was won by Erhua, and it was originally agreed to keep him for dinner, so Mr. Liang would naturally not regret it.

"You take a rest in Erhua first, and cook now. I will definitely give you some scrambled eggs." Mr. Liang was still dreaming of earning 500 yuan all of a sudden. Either he had never seen the money, or he had never made it. It's so easy.

The biggest income of the family every year is the corn grown on the property, but the family does not have much land, and there are several acres of paddy fields. The family sells corn for more than 1 yuan a year, and they have to dig out seeds, chemical fertilizers and hire people to plow the land. The cost of what is shocking is less than 1 yuan, and there is still a year of expenses and human relations.

If Liang Ping'an was not allowed to study, Mr. Liang would be able to live well.But in the past two years when Liang Ping'an was in college, the old man had already started to owe money.He kept it from his grandson, but in fact, there are already more than 2 debts outside.

"I'm going to clean up the fish." Liang Pingan took the initiative to go out and greeted Erhua.

"Brother, what's the matter." Erhua now admires Liang Ping'an, "You guys who have studied are just so smart, Ping An, if you have any good ideas for making money, don't forget about Hua Zige ah."

And Brother Hua Tsai?I must have watched too many Hong Kong and Taiwan movies again.

Liang Pingan smiled, "It's nothing, I just thought that Erhua brother, you have opened a restaurant with a wide range of restaurants, and see if you can help us sell our eggs." The family also needs to raise chickens, and there will be more and more eggs. A few more ways to sell.Liang Ping'an's old-fashioned mobile phone could not access WeChat, and he suddenly felt that it was inconvenient.

"Selling eggs?" Hu Erhua had a strange expression on his face, "Just your five yuan eggs?" If he really sells them, he will be scolded by fans in his circle of friends.

Liang Pingan knew what he was thinking just by looking at his expression, "Don't worry, you will know what the friendship price of five yuan is when you have eaten our eggs." Throw the dirty things over the wall, and the chickens in the house cluck and surround them.

It has to be said that Liang Ping'an's family has such a small advantage in their private courtyard.There is no need to worry about the chickens at home suddenly running into the neighbor's house to cause harm, and naturally there will be no neighborhood disputes.Of course, correspondingly, if there is something at home, there will be no neighbors to take care of it.Grandpa is getting old, and Liang Ping'an is sometimes worried.

After packing up the two fish and sending them to the kitchen, Mr. Liang gave Liang Ping'an ten yuan, "Go to the small shop to buy a bag of wine, and you only need a catty bag." The small shop in the village is not far away, and there are not many things in it. But there are a lot of wines that cost two yuan, five yuan, or even ten yuan a catty.

Liang Pingan agreed, let Erhua rest by himself, and went to the small shop.

Erhua opened his mouth, wanting to say that he drank beer, but also thought of the conditions of the Liang family, so he didn't say anything.

The cheap beer costs two yuan a bottle, and the Liang family probably feels distressed if they can drink seven or eight bottles by themselves.He suddenly felt a little regretful, what are you doing here for dinner?
But when the smell of the food wafted out, Erhua put those regrets behind her.

"Grandpa Liang, what are you doing?" He hurriedly moved into the kitchen, and he squatted by the stove to help Mr. Liang light the fire, even though he didn't cook by himself at home on weekdays.

Because there are two rooms, the Liang family has two stoves.There was fish stewed in a pot, and Mr. Liang just put the eggs into the pot.

"Didn't you see, isn't this scrambled eggs?" Mr. Liang couldn't help but smile from ear to ear today, "Erhua, you can try my eggs today, it tastes so good, Ping An has loved it since he was a child .”

"Is this the smell of eggs?" Hu Erhua looked surprised. He was afraid of the oily smoke before, so he didn't go to the side of the pot. The pots in rural areas are generally big and he didn't pay attention. He stretched his neck and saw, good guy, the pot is golden Isn't it an egg?

The question is, why are eggs so fragrant?
Just looking at the golden color, I want to take a bite, and the fragrance seems to go straight into my nose.

No more, no more, my mouth was flooded with saliva, and Erhua swallowed embarrassingly.


"Grandpa Liang, let's not drink alcohol today, just eat eggs and rice!" This is too delicious!
(End of this chapter)

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