space farmer

Chapter 13 014 The Wonderful Egg

Chapter 13 014 The Wonderful Egg

The system felt that the master's mania was terrible!
"The outside is not under the control of the system, and the owner can plant anything he wants." Of course, the things produced will be much different from the space, but this is because the owner didn't ask, and it doesn't want to remind.

Liang Ping'an felt that if he was tossed so much by the system, something would go wrong sooner or later.

But this time, let me forgive you.

It was dawn, and a new day began again.

Liang Pingan took out high-grade forage seeds, "Grandpa, I think our cattle didn't finish eating the grass yesterday, so don't mow the grass today. These are also forage seeds, and I forgot to give them to grandpa." He stuffed the forage seeds to grandpa , "These are all treasures, they are planted for our cattle to eat slowly."

Mr. Liang knew that Sun Tzu's classmates from the Agricultural University had obtained good things, even if it was just grass, he found a place to plant it by the wall.The old man also said with a smile, "I have to remember, don't treat it like a weed."

Liang Pingan thought it was true, and hurriedly said: "Grandpa, this pasture is different from others. It can grow very tall." As long as there are grass roots, it should still grow, right?" This space should be different from the outside world.Of course, these are just guesses.

"You child, who can dig up the roots of the grass at once?" How can you use grass like that.

The corner of Liang Ping's mouth twitched, he really wanted to tell Grandpa, that's what he did in the space.

"Peace, I'll go to the field to have a look. Your body hasn't recovered yet, so you can rest at home." Mr. Liang is a restless person, and he has to leave after taking the tools.

"Grandpa, you can rest at home, the sun is so bright, don't suffer from heat stroke." Liang Pingan snatched the old man's sickle, "Let's plant grass seeds at home, sow them early and harvest early."

"You child, I still want to go to the field to see." The grandson felt sorry for him, so Mr. Liang let him go. "Grandpa will plant grass at home with you." The old man thought it was funny, "Tell me, there are grass everywhere by the river, and we have to plant grass." The grass in the field has to be removed by spraying.

"Grandpa, this is not an ordinary grass, it's different from that." Liang Ping'an has already taken a hoe, and is going to loosen the soil before planting, so that the survival rate is estimated to be higher.

In fact, his is completely redundant, the seeds produced by the space, there is not a single bad seed.


When more than 20 chickens saw Liang Ping'an, they spread their arms and rushed over. When they arrived, they screamed.

Liang Ping'an: "..." Is this because of me?
Finally, these chickens have a conscience and know that he fed them.

Liang Pingan felt that the few chickens in his family were the most reliable now. They harvested eggs as soon as they were fed good food. Compared with rabbits and cows, they were much worse.

"Grandpa, I'll feed the chickens."

"I chopped the amaranth on the window sill for the chicken, and put a little more cornmeal." Considering that the chickens at home laid more eggs yesterday, Mr. Liang, who lives carefully, decided to improve the food with them.

"I know grandpa."

While going back to the house to stir the chicken food, Liang Ping'an chopped up some weeds and mixed them in the chicken food, and sprinkled a dozen or so worms on it.As soon as the chicken food came out, a group of chickens rushed to grab it.


The dust was flying, and Liang Pingan quickly avoided it.

All the chickens sold in the city now claim to be stupid chickens. Those people should go to the countryside to see the real stupid chickens. They are all like fighting cocks. Stupid... Liang Ping'an said "hehe".

The grandparents and grandchildren dug pits and planted grass around their adobe courtyard walls. Liang Ping'an dug a lot of earthworms, and they were sent to the space to float with those fleshy worms.

When I went back to the village to go fishing, there were a lot of fish in a few abandoned fish ponds, and there was no one to manage them. They were just fishing casually, and it was a skill to catch them.

I took the time to go to the backyard to feed the cows and rabbits grass, and from time to time I went to the space to catch insects, weed, and water the "three-piece set," and it didn't delay.

It's just that every time he enters the space, his body must maintain the movement at the moment of entering. In order not to let grandpa find out, he keeps his head down and pretends to be working.Fortunately, the time difference between the space and the outside is not too big, even if it is discovered, it will be in a daze for a while.

Busy and busy, the grandparents and grandchildren planted grass in the morning.I poured some water, so I didn't have to worry about it.

Mr. Liang picked up ten eggs from the chicken coop before cooking, and he was amazed, "There is no chicken food left, it's safe, look, I laid ten more eggs today." The old man couldn't close his smile. mouth, "If this goes on, the next episode can be sold again."

"Yes." Liang Ping'an was also happy, "So I said, Grandpa, let's buy some half-sized chicken balls, and soon there will be more chickens laying eggs." He paused, "But our chicken coops are a bit short, When the chicken lays eggs, the two are crowded together in the same chicken coop, and it is easy to fight."

"There is straw at home, so I will weave chicken coops in the afternoon." Mr. Liang is very skillful with his hands, earthen baskets, chicken coops, baskets, and such things can be easily grasped by the old man. "Ping An likes to eat eggs, so try frying a few later."

Liang Ping'an was also curious about whether the eggs fed with space food would be any different, so he nodded immediately.

As soon as the beans came down, Liang Pingan cracked four eggs in a bowl while grandpa was picking beans in the garden.There is no familiar fishy smell of eggs, but there is an indescribable egg fragrance.

Liang Pingan took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that the eggs couldn't be sold by grandpa in the market. The taste was so good.

Stirring the eggs, he only added a little refined salt to it, and didn't even put chopped green onion, he wanted to try how the eggs tasted.

Mr. Liang had just picked half a pot of beans when he smelled an indescribable fragrance in the yard, and swallowed unconsciously.

"Ping An, what are you doing?" The old man entered the room, "Why are you still frying it yourself? Why are you always so anxious." The old man joked, and as soon as he entered the kitchen, he smelled a more intense aroma.

This is... the old man glanced at the golden eggs in the pot, and his saliva almost flowed out.

Liang Pingan pursed his lips tightly, flipping the eggs back and forth, afraid that the saliva would accidentally flow out of his mouth.

There are very few children in the countryside who can't cook, at least they can do simple scrambled eggs and stewed rice, regardless of gender.

It's so delicious, Liang Ping'an has an idea now, buy more chickens, and must develop the chicken industry.

"Okay, okay, don't fry it, it will be mushy in a while." Mr. Liang hurriedly passed the plate, staring at the golden eggs in the pot.

Liang Pingan heaved a sigh of relief when the eggs came out of the pan.I poured some water into the pot, and there was a sting, and the steaming white mist seemed to be filled with the scent of eggs.

Liang Pingan took a deep breath, his face full of excitement, "Grandpa, try it!"

 The company suddenly sent out a business trip, and those who have no manuscripts are fighting day and night. In order to keep updating, I also work hard. Brothers and sisters, please vote for support
(End of this chapter)

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