American Ranch

Chapter 589 The End of the Banquet

Chapter 589 The End of the Banquet

*A chapter of [-] words seems too much, so it will be published in two chapters.The plot has come to an end for the time being, it may be a bit hasty, but it is good to change the story line, if there are omissions, I will explain it later.

Some guests didn't care so much, and many people were also red-eyed by Qin Yi's words. They applauded and yelled with thumbs up, praising Qin Yi for what he said!

Qin Yi motioned for everyone to be quiet again, and then turned to the topic.

"Everyone should know that the main purpose of this banquet is the auction of the Qin's beef cattle breed. I will not introduce more about the Qin's beef cattle here. I will introduce a few special guests. Mr. Wylon, Mr. Scott, Mr. Baucus and other members of parliament, they will join us to witness the auction together!"

Several people who were named stood up to signal to everyone, and Qin Yi continued: "In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture has also sent personnel to witness the auction, and will issue a legally valid notarial certificate for the final result!"

The three Davids from the Ministry of Agriculture came to the stage immediately, and after presenting their credentials and reading out the letter of appointment from the Ministry of Agriculture, they emphasized the legitimacy of the transaction results, but also stated that no one can transship the Qin beef cattle out of the United States border!
Many people present scoffed at this. As long as they can get their hands on it, it is not too difficult for many forces to smuggle it out of the US border!
"Everyone knows that we are adopting a bidding auction. You need to submit the sealed quotation to Mr. John next to me within half an hour. We will inform you of the auction result at the end of the dinner. In addition, reiterate again One point, with the authoritative inspection by the Ministry of Agriculture, we guarantee that the breed of cattle is accurate, but after the transaction is completed, Qin's Animal Husbandry will not be responsible for any problems with the breed of cattle!"

After Qin Yi finished announcing these, the guests were invited to sit down, and then, John led people to distribute quotations to all bidders.

At the same time, the soothing music sounded, and the rainbow dance floor also gave off a misty halo, which dazzled the eyes of many female guests.

The housekeepers and the hotel waiters were also busy. Clean napkins, exquisite tableware, and all kinds of delicious food were placed in front of the gentlemen and ladies one by one. The banquet officially began!

At this time, Qin Yi had brought the girls back to the study on the second floor.

"Oh my God, is this job finally done?"

"Yes, yes, we can get the Japanese a lot of money in no time, and then go on vacation happily! God, I love vacations!"

The girls were chattering, their thinking was jumping quickly, from cheating the Japanese, they quickly shifted to vacationing, and even discussed which swimsuit to bring, Qin Yi laughed in his heart, no matter which one, the cheap one is the best. is my own eyes
Why are you so confident that you will be able to trap the Japanese?

This is about the auction method.

When the news came out, Qin Yi had already announced on the official website of Sun River Ranch that a bidding auction would be adopted. In this way, the seller could choose not to open the bid publicly. That is to say, the seller could choose a bid from the sealed quotation Satisfactory offer without announcing the closing price!

In this way, the Qin Yi family, determined to cheat the Japanese, will choose the Japanese as the winner no matter whether the Japanese offer the highest price or not.
While joking, half an hour passed quickly. John knocked on the door and came in, and handed over the received quotation to Qin Yi. Curiosity aroused, the girls immediately gathered their heads around to watch, and John retreated out very interestingly.

But before he went out, Qin Yi ordered him to inform Ryan that the appearance of Michelin chefs was also a little surprise for the guests!
"European Tulip Animal Husbandry Alliance, offer 2.7 million US dollars. How stingy!" Colo said disdainfully.

Susa laughed immediately, and handed over a quotation: "There are even more stingy ones! Well, the Koreans quoted 2.3!"

The girls cheered together!
Qin Yi also looked down upon them a little. These misers still want to win Qin's beef cattle at this price, and they don't even think about the sales of beef cattle at Sun River Ranch this year - 1.3 beef cattle at a price of [-] million US dollars!
Not willing to part with the capital, but also want to share the pie, it is wishful thinking!
He threw the two quotations aside and looked at others one by one.

New Zealand quoted 3 million U.S. dollars, Australia 2.7 million plus a ranch worth 5000 million U.S. dollars, Canada’s Greenland ranch 3.5 million, Swann Real Estate 3.3 million, and Kroenke Real Estate 3 million plus a total of 3 million U.S. dollars. The ranch and other bidders all offered quotations between 4 million and [-] million.

It seems that the quotation is 3 to 4 million yuan, which seems to be a huge cost, but as long as the cattle breed is acquired and a large-scale cattle herd is cultivated in a few years, all profits will be made in the future, and it will be higher every year!
However, the bidder is also taking risks. There may be no genetic problems with the Qin beef cattle, but this cannot be guaranteed 100%. After the cattle breed is transferred to the place of production, it can still maintain the same quality as the Sun River Ranch!
If the current quality is not achieved, even if it is only a little short, it will lead to the failure of this investment. If it is serious, it will lose everything, and if it is light, it will be a huge loss!

Therefore, quotations are also suppressed to a certain extent.

However, Qin Yi and the others, who had the pleasure of deceiving people, looked through it with great interest, regardless of whether he suppressed it or not, and finally found the Japanese offer - 2.3 million, plus authentic Wagyu breed!


Qin Yi was immediately delighted, he never thought that Little Japan would be so willing to take out all the old books like authentic Wagyu!
The girls are also very happy. Although they have to be cheated, since some earn more, who can be unhappy!

"Well, after some careful consideration, I think the quotation from the Japanese is more in line with our expectations!" As if holding a family meeting, Qin Yi pretended to express his opinion, and then looked at the girls, "What's your opinion? Ladies !"

"Second!" Ke Luo was serious, and was the first to raise his hand to agree with Qin Yi's opinion.

"Why not, I also feel that the Japanese offer is in our best interest!" This was Sousa's point of view.

But the girls who suddenly participated in such a decision seemed overwhelmed by surprise and surprise, and just nodded.
Just like that, Qin Yi's resolution was unanimously passed!

At the end of the banquet, under the witness of all the guests, Qin Yi announced that the Japanese was the winner of the auction.

Yoshi Ono wept with joy, shouted that he lived up to the "great trust of the emperor", and delivered a wonderful impromptu speech in which he praised Qin Yi and Sun River Ranch. The Japanese animal husbandry industry will work with Qin's animal husbandry to make greater contributions to the people of the world!

These words made Qin Yi and others amused, but made the other bidders gritted their teeth and hated secretly, especially the Australians, who thought that they had failed to stumbling the Japanese, so the unhappiness of losing the auction could not help but aggravated one cent!
It's just that Qin Yi looked at the displeased Australians, and came up with a bad idea in his mind, thinking that the Japanese Wagyu would be sold anyway, why not sell them to Australians?
So when the guests were leaving in the evening, the Australian stayed for another half an hour under Qin Yi's persuasion!
As a result, the next day, under the witness of the Ministry of Agriculture, Qin's Animal Husbandry, the Japanese, and the Australians signed a tripartite agreement. As a result, the account of the Sun River Ranch received a total of 3.8 million US dollars!
In this way, Qin Yi's family made a lot of money, and the cattle breed dispute between the Japanese and the Australians for many years planted the root of disaster!
(End of this chapter)

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