I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 704 1 smile

Chapter 704
On the way home, Yang Xi felt very comfortable.

I held my breath for six years...


that's not important.

The important thing is that I can finally do something for my alma mater, and I will naturally feel better.

At the luncheon, as a driver, Lao Liu definitely couldn't drink. Jiang Yubei hadn't even touched a drop of alcohol if she wanted to pretend to be a lady. Three glasses of wine saw the bottom.

It can only be to push Lian Xiangdong out to welcome left and right.

Even Xiang Dong was disgusted by Jiang Yubei after drinking a lot, and he refused to sit with him in the back seat, and would not even throw Xiang Dong on the passenger seat, the air-conditioning wind blows his alcohol breath away. In the back, it smells bad.

So, Jiang Yubei grabbed the passenger seat and threw Lian Xiangdong to Teacher Yang in the back seat.

On the highway, Lian Xiangdong, who was in a period of drunken excitement, refused to enter the period of restraint, and dragged Yang Xi to discuss how he managed to hit two with one and cripple the opponent six years ago. of.

"It's not easy to say it's easy, but it's not too difficult to say it's hard. Do you want to learn? Old man, I can teach you."

Lian Xiangdong smiled, stretched out his hand, and said with a sneer: "Pay 500 yuan, and I will learn from you immediately."

Those who know Yang Xi are old buttocks.

Hearing Yang Xi's tone, Lian Xiangdong knew that he had the evil idea of ​​cheating his brother again, so he decided to strike first.

Yang Xi smiled lightly, and replied: "I love learning but I don't want to learn. I am too lazy to teach, young master."

Lian Xiangdong respected cigarettes and got angry, begging whitely: "For the sake of my loyalty to you, Young Master Xi, just tell me, I won't charge you any more. Isn't it okay?"

In the passenger seat, Jiang Yubei also turned around and begged, "Teacher Yang, just tell us, please."

Although Yang Xi's vanity was inflated at this moment, he still showed a reserved look, waved his hand, sighed softly, and replied: "The past is too bad to look back on, so let's just forget about it."

Jiang Yubei pursed her lips, and said pitifully, "If you don't tell me, then I'll cry. While crying, I'll complain to Grandpa, saying that Teacher Yang bullied me."

This kind of thing...

This silly girl can really do it.

Yang Xi immediately raised the white flag.

"Stop! What about my little aunt, Mr. Yang admits to being cowardly, and Mr. Yang will confess." Yang Xi picked up a bottle of iced black tea, unscrewed the cap, took two sips, and said, "If I say that I met a A martial arts master, he taught me a set of boxing techniques, after I practiced hard, I defeated those two little hooligans, would you believe me?"

Jiang Yubei responded in surprise: "Is it Hong Qigong? Could it be that what he taught you is the long-lost Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

Lian Xiangdong laughed and said: "What, the martial arts master Xi Shao met was clearly Feng Qingyang, and the martial arts he learned was Dugu Jiujian."

The old Liu who was driving immediately provoked: "Xi Shao, he scolded you, old man."

Even Xiangdong was about to piss off Lao Liu, but Yang Xi took advantage of his unpreparedness and grabbed his wrist. After a wail, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "I was wrong, Young Master Xi, it was me who met Feng Qingyang, it was me The old butt has been refined into Dugu Jiujian."

Yang Xi refused to let him go easily.

"The tuition fee is five hundred, would you like to learn from me?"

Lian Xiangdong confessed with a mournful face: "Yes, yes, my old man expresses his willingness from the bottom of his heart."

Only then did Yang Xi let go of his hand.

Lian Xiangdong rubbed his wrists, said aggrieved and tragically: "You have been wronged, you have been wronged, you should tell us the truth."

Yang Xi took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly.

"Actually, the trick is just one word, carry! After carrying the first round of being beaten, after the second round, their aura weakened a lot, and when they attacked again, they didn't have the viciousness of the previous round." strength."

Lian Xiangdong couldn't believe it, but he had to believe it, he couldn't help but wondered: "Then how many times did you carry it before you overthrew them both?"

Yang Xi smiled bitterly, shook his head, and replied, "It's been so long, who can remember clearly."

Jiang Yubei's eyes turned red, and she asked timidly, "Mr. Yang, doesn't it hurt you to be beaten by them?"

Yang Xi pretended to be angry, and scolded, "Are you two out of your mind? Why are you staring at me and being beaten? Why don't you ask me how badly I beat those two little hooligans in the last battle?" Woolen cloth?"

Jiang Yubei wiped her eyes, forced out a smile, and said, "Ms. Yang beat those two little hooligans to such a miserable state?"

Yang Xi sighed heavily, and said with emotion: "To be honest, in the last battle alone, Director Fan gave me a major demerit punishment, which did not wrong me at all. Those two guys, one of them was twisted by my elbow. One got dislocated, and the other got a cracked shin with a kick from me."

Only then did Jiang Yubei show a real smile: "It deserves it!"

Yang Xi shook his head and said: "The two of them can't be said to deserve it. I, Yang Xi, am not a brave and ruthless person. If the school teachers can deal with it fairly from the beginning, there is no need to resolve conflicts in this way. What? So, after the last battle, I don't have any hatred for those two little hooligans. For the past six years, all I have in my heart is my dissatisfaction with the way the school has handled it."

Lian Xiangdong echoed: "That's true, if this kind of thing is put on anyone, it's like eating a fly, so disgusting that you want to vomit."

Yang Xi continued: "The most irritating thing is that the two little hooligans left the school after the training, but the one surnamed Fan refused to revoke my punishment, which made the young master almost fail to get his graduation certificate."

Out of curiosity, Jiang Yubei asked, "Mr. Yang, how did you get your graduation certificate?"

Yang Xi chuckled twice, and said: "My alma mater has a group of faculty and staff who really like playing basketball. These buddies are obedient to me on the basketball court. They heard about my embarrassment and lined up. I went to the then principal of Liao Academy, and that helped me get my graduation certificate."

Lian Xiangdong sighed, "No wonder you aimed your guns at those two guys from the Student Affairs Office today!"

After a short pause, Lian Xiangdong frowned again and continued: "Young Master Xi, this matter can't be settled! Don't worry about it, leave it to me to handle everything, and let Lao Ye get rid of those two bastards who don't know what to do. A life would be better than death, otherwise I would not be able to dispel the anger in my old man's heart."

Yang Xi smiled, and said: "Let's forget it! Brother Du Jin Jiebo is here, and we meet and smile to wipe away our grievances. Besides, the cannon I fired at the two of them in the morning was already ruthless enough. The two of them had a good drink."

Jiang Yubei suddenly laughed heartily, pointed at Yang Xi and said, "Mr. Yang, you don't just smile away your grudges, you just shoot them off!"

Yang Xi stared blankly.

Silly girl, don't just drive, okay?
Lian Xiangdong gave Yang Xi an exaggerated look.

Xi Shao, what does this kind of talk mean to your wife?

Just this morning, she asked me if you would fuck a woman ⊙_⊙.

(End of this chapter)

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