I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 286 Why Don't You Ask My Opinion

Chapter 286 Why Don't You Ask My Opinion

Although Yang Xi didn't nod, he didn't shake his head either.

Gao Yong understood this as the default.

Wen Yanyan's proposal is very hurtful, but in terms of rules and procedures, it is impeccable.He, Gao Yong, is not yet the director of the department. He is still the director of the general surgery team. The director of the department does not have the final decision-making power for the patients in the department. The one who can make the final decision must be the acting director of the department, Qin Gewei.

"Okay then! Go and call Director Qin." Gao Yong's response seemed very happy, and there is nothing he can do if he is not happy. If a man who has passed his forties can't bury his inner emotions deeply, then this person is fine. It's a waste.

Wen Yanyan hesitated for a moment, but finally walked out of the operating room.

Qin Gewei was also in the operating room, but he didn't come to the stage. Wen Yanyan found him, and after listening to Wen Yanyan's narration, Qin Gewei seemed a little contradictory.

Standing on the operating table over there are Gao Yong and Yang Xi. These two are about to be separated from the general surgery department. Why do I have to take responsibility for them?

"Director Qin, please, that patient is not my normal acquaintance, but my aunt, my uncle's wife."

Seeing Wen Yanyan's pitiful begging face, Qin Gewei couldn't help but soften his heart.

Thinking about it again, I, Qin Gewei, won the operation that Yang Xi Gao Yong couldn't get, wouldn't I be able to feel proud for a while?Recently, being oppressed by that Yang Xi was indeed a little breathless, and Qin Gewei was inexplicably tempted to have this opportunity.

After agreeing to Wen Yanyan, Qin Gewei explained a few words to the doctors in the group on stage, and then followed Wen Yanyan into the operating room by Gao Yong and Yang Xi.

You can't wait to wash your hands and get dressed before going to the operating table, you have to see the situation clearly before talking.

Qin Gewei asked for a surgical gown and put it on, without gloves, and stood beside Gao Yong with his hands behind his back.

Gao Yong should show Qin Gewei the situation in the operation area.

After watching for two or three minutes, Qin Gewei couldn't help shaking his head.

Ma De, what kind of bullshit opportunity is this?I don't dare to show off this ability, even if Professor Su Dongmingsu is invited, I'm afraid it will be the same result.

"Director Gao's judgment is correct. This tumor really cannot be removed. Yanyan, please listen to Director Gao's arrangement!" Qin Gewei said, stepping off the stage, he was about to take off his surgical gown and prepare to leave.

At this moment, Yang Xi let out a faint sigh.

"I am the chief surgeon in this operation, why don't you ask my opinion?"

The sound was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone in the operating room.

Gao Yong, who was the closest, couldn't help but startled, what do you mean?It's all infiltrated and stuck together like this, can you cut it off?

Even Xiangdong, who was pulling the hook, couldn't help snickering, Xi Shao is a monster, there is no one else, and at this moment, he still can't forget to make jokes with others.If I were to ask your opinion, you would definitely say that Boss Gao is right.

In the anesthesia area at the head end of the operating table, Yin Wei's expression was cheered up, you are a monster Yang, you are indeed the successor of that old bastard, old man Ma, what the hell, you don't talk sooner or later, He had to wait until Old Ghost Qin had seen it before speaking, so what if he wasn't a sinister person?
The instrument nurse is young, and she doesn't have a deep understanding of whether the operation can be done or how to do it, so her reaction is not strong.But Wen Yanyan, the itinerant nurse, asked in a voiceless voice: "Doctor Yang, do you mean that you can cut it off?"

Qin Gewei, who was about to take off the surgical gown, was stunned for a moment, then showed a slightly mocking smile, shook his head while taking off the surgical gown, and said at the same time: "Then what is your opinion as the chief surgeon?"

Yang Xi replied firmly: "It can be cut, and it can be cut clean!"

Qin Gewei's smile became stronger, and he said: "Then you can cut it, but I want to mention the ugliness first, and Corey will not take any responsibility for you. Director Gao, you can decide for yourself!" After finishing speaking, Qin Gewei stayed Sneered twice, and left lightly.

Gao Yong smiled wryly and said to Yang Xi: "Tell me, why do you do this? Is it just for the sake of this moment?"

Yin Wei smiled and snatched: "Old Gao, you are going to be the director of the department, you must be cautious when you speak, let me tell you, if this monster Yang slaps people in the face, he will not distinguish between the enemy and us, as long as This kid feels good, he dares to slap anyone in the face, and the slap is loud and bright."

Gao Yong didn't answer, but looked at Yang Xi.

Yang Xi said seriously: "I don't mean to be joking, give me a few minutes and let me sort out the operation plan."

After speaking, Yang Xi stepped back from the stage, sat down in a corner of the operating room, stretched out his hands, and gestured empty-handedly.

Ma Dan, you cheating little schizophrenic, what the hell are you sending me a temporary mission at this time, so that I can get back some of my money.

Alas, 2 yuan was spent just like that... Is it easy for the young master to pretend to be a jerk?

After hitting the level 3 surgical skill card he just bought, Yang Xi immediately entered the system state.

He quickly returned to the operating table, and immediately devoted himself to the operation.

Gao Yong on the opposite side couldn't help being in a trance, it was a bit too much, but he didn't play like this, and did it without saying hello?When I was Gao Yong, was the first assistant air?
The air is very unhappy... Oh, no, it's me, Boss Gao, who is very unhappy!
No matter how upset he was, he could only feel bored in his stomach. Gao Yong cheered up and followed Yang Xi into the operation.

Yang Xi, on the other hand, changed the previous characteristic of being fast, precise and steady, and threw away the fast, leaving the precise and steady, moving forward millimeter by millimeter to dissociate the infiltration and adhesion of the deep cancer.


The night has fallen, the lights have just come on, the traffic on the road is endless, and the sidewalks on both sides of the road are bustling. There are also young people in their twenties, or in groups of three or five, or in pairs, or having a drink in a restaurant. Loitering in the mall.

But Yang Xi didn't even drink his saliva for 5 hours.

At 08:30, Gao Yong finally straightened up, and the last group of lymph nodes had been cleaned, declaring that the operation was coming to an end.

"Yang Xi, go down and rest for a while. For the rest, I will come with the old man." During the operation, the surgeon who consumed the most energy was of course the chief surgeon. During the process, Gao Yong and Lian Xiangdong drank at least a few sips of water. Yang Xi kept his attention on the surgery.

Yang Xi looked up at Gao Yong, and said, "I'm young, with good physical strength, and I can hold on."

Gao Yong's eyes changed slightly. Why does this sound like I am getting old?
In the anesthesia area, Yin Wei stretched beautifully, and provocatively said: "Old Gao, listen to me, you are right, you just questioned him, and you were ridiculed like this, if you say a few more words If so, I'm afraid my face is swollen by now."

(End of this chapter)

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