Chapter 78

Chen Xiaofan didn't carefully read the notes on the second page, he was attracted by the circle drawn by the blessing stick, and blindly believed that the stick would not harm anyone.

So without hesitation, he easily stepped into the golden circle of light on the ground.

As soon as the feet stepped in, the aperture was activated, and the wonderful female voice came from the blessing stick.

"The trial begins, the first level, consumes two points of blessing power."

The voice penetrated directly into Chen Xiaofan's mind, he was still thinking about something, to actually consume the power of blessing, and it's not even a start, it's a knock on the door.
Just as he was waiting for the challenge, the light on the stick flowed and dripped towards the golden circle on the ground. The light and shadow interlaced, like streamers. After a touch of light from the stick was brought to the golden circle, it was activated.

Chen Xiaofan was still full of confidence just now, but suddenly the pressure on his head increased sharply, and the top of his head was like a thousand catties, he couldn't react and he staggered and knelt down.

But the pressure on his body didn't lessen. After Chen Xiaofan was forced to kneel down and confessed in his heart after the heavy pressure, the trial was not over yet.

The heavy pressure turned into thousands of needles, penetrating from every pore on his body, Chen Xiaofan wanted to open his mouth to shout, but he couldn't, he didn't even have the strength to open his mouth, when the strength turned into thousands of needles, his body As if being opened, every inch of skin has been taken care of.

It was a strange sourness, there was no pain anywhere on his body, even his fragile eyes could feel being pricked by needles, but Chen Xiaofan was powerless to resist, even unable to climb out of the aperture.

Under the tremendous pain and torture, Chen Xiaofan's consciousness began to drift, but every time he was about to faint, the pain doubled again, no more, no less, just enough to wake him up.

So under the manipulation of the golden circle, Chen Xiaofan couldn't pass out forcibly.

Wave after wave of impact, huge force and pain from needle pricks intertwined, Chen Xiaofan could even hear the bones in his body creaking, feel his body trembling constantly, and see the bean-sized beads of sweat in front of him. Constant dripping.

The sky was dark and the sky was spinning. I don't know how long this silent resistance and pain lasted.

Time passes most slowly when you are suffering.

Pain can be used to, and some people even like it, but Chen Xiaofan can't, because the power of the golden circle is constantly increasing, this sourness is not something you can get used to, there is no most pain, only more pain.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xiaofan heard that vague female voice, this time her voice was so beautiful, so fascinating.

"The first phase of the trial is over!"

Chen Xiaofan seemed to hear the most beautiful voice in the world, the gravity on his body suddenly disappeared, and the needle pricks on his body completely disappeared.

Chen Xiaofan, who no longer fought against it, felt his body loosen. After the strength disappeared, he didn't go limp immediately, but jumped up suddenly.

It's a stressful reaction to fighting monstrous forces.

When Chen Xiaofan straightened his body and stood up, his mind was unusually clear, the first thing he thought of was to get out of the golden circle, and never do it again.

Otherwise, I am really going to die here, and it is impossible to live to see the sun tomorrow.

But without his operation, the golden circle under his feet lost its brilliance, and gradually merged into the ground, completely disappearing.

Watching the halo of light disappear under his feet, and the stick of blessing did not move, Chen Xiaofan knew that when the crisis was over, he was really safe.

There was no worry in his heart, and he didn't have to worry about another wave of attacks. He let go of his guard in his heart, the aches and pains in his body surged, and his fatigue swept over him. He moved to go to bed, but just as he took a step, his body seemed to fall apart. lost all power.

He fell straight towards the ground, facing the ground, spring blossoms.

When Chen Xiaofan fell down, he muttered vaguely.

"It fucking hurts"


With a muffled sound, Chen Xiaofan fell into a drowsy sleep with his face on the ground, and fell asleep completely.

As night fell, it rained for a long time in the academy city, and the drizzle moistened everything silently.

The clamor of the law enforcers seemed to be suppressed a lot by the night rain. The captured aliens were brought back to the law enforcers' office, and the already empty dungeon was overcrowded.

Thirteen is a young and strong man, he was freed from the constraints of gauze and hospital bed in just half a day, and he has a lot of things to do and many people to interrogate when he returns to the office.

The night rain dilutes the bloodiness of the academy city, and also dilutes the expectations in many people's hearts. The city is still closed, and people in the city can't get out, and people outside the city can't get in.

The free and prosperous college city of the past no longer exists. People stay in their rooms, listening to the sound of rain and feeling bored.

The only ones left in the courtyard are Master Zhang and Chen Xiaofan.

Chen Xiaofan fell asleep, but Young Master Zhang was sleepless for a long time. Standing by the window, looking at the haze over the city, he felt his heart was tightly suppressed.

The arrival of Thirteen One changed the pattern of the entire city. What he destroyed was not only the peace between alien races and humans, but even the front lines.

The reason why he closed the city was because he wanted the news to spread slowly, so that the front line would not be in chaos.

But the Academy City cannot be sealed forever, and it is impossible for people outside to come in forever, even if he has blocked the signal, making the entire Academy City a closed city.

But he can't do this forever, one day the seal will be lifted, and the news will always spread.

As the young master of the family, Zhang Xifeng'er will always see further. The massacre in the academy city will always be known to the foreign races on the front line. What will happen on the front line at that time, I dare not imagine.

Did the alien race give up resistance and let the wild beasts from outside attack in, or did the alien race directly turn against humans and attack humans?
No one knows what they will do, but it is destined not to be a good result.

The city of the academy takes in foreigners, or puts them under house arrest, and the way they treat them determines the attitude of the frontline foreigners.

In the past, Lao Li used a soft way to make aliens and humans achieve superficial peace, at least on the surface they would not fight, at least on the surface they would stand on a united front.

The more Young Master Zhang thought about it, the more annoying he became. He didn't know what those people above were going to do.

He has read a lot of books and seen a lot of things. He knows that human beings are not as good as they used to be. These years of continuous fighting have consumed a lot of talents. It will take many years to make up for the gap in the battle.

It is obviously unreasonable to have a conflict with a foreign race at such a juncture.

It's a pity that Young Master Zhang couldn't figure it out even if he wanted to break his head. He didn't have any sources of information at all. He couldn't analyze it based on Shisan's behavior.

Sighing faintly in front of the window, the young man was helpless in the end.

Xiu'er looked at her young master's back, but she didn't say anything after all.

The young master has grown up, and his injuries have improved a lot. He no longer coughs in the middle of the night, and he no longer complains about the injustice of life.

Xiu'er knew that what he was thinking about was no longer those little things that hurt the spring and autumn, so she naturally wouldn't bother him.

After turning off the lights, she silently spread the quilt on the ground, even if she was sleeping on the ground, she would rather stay with the young master.

The two of them are not very old, and they are ignorant of love. No matter what is going on in the academy city, as long as they can eat and live with the young master, it is good.

What's more, there is a lot of money under their bed boards!
Thinking of this, Xiu'er gradually fell asleep peacefully, and Young Master Zhang looked at Xiu'er's profile through the light from the window.

Seeing her sleepy and smacking her lips, most of the irritability in her heart dissipated.

No matter what Shisan is going to do, no matter what the frontline war is like, cherish the present!
(End of this chapter)

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