Chapter 530 The Woman
The unicorn is fast like lightning, it is a beast, and with the power of the blood essence stone, the sacred tree will not attack it. This is an excellent thing, and it saves them a lot of trouble.

Unicorns have the unique ability to create illusions, and there are no beasts to bother.

Chen Xiaofan sighed in his heart, the guy under them was basically a mobile fortress with terrifying abilities, they were captured by Chen Xiaofan, probably premeditated, they wanted to enter the living area of ​​human beings in this way.

Speeding on the plain, as time went by, the surrounding became more and more desolate, Chen Xiaofan didn't understand the landforms of Lun Mountain, and the unicorn looked at the barren plain, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"The Lun Mountain used to be considered prosperous, and this barrenness never appeared."

"After the sacred tree mutated, the ecology changed drastically. Countless animals and plants died and mutated. Lun Mountain couldn't go back at all."

Chen Xiaofan didn't answer the question either, he was thinking that the sacred tree was the key to the ecological change, but he had been to that place, in the depths of the sacred tree was the remnant soul of Rou's mother.

Rou's mother is a great person, a ray of her soul survived and hid in the sacred tree, maybe she is doing something?
This is just conjecture. Today's Lun Mountain is no longer what it used to be, and it is even more impossible to restore it. The sacred tree has fallen, Hong has controlled the upper levels, and people at the bottom are fighting for living space with wild beasts.

In comparison, Shiwanshan's living environment is still much better, it just respects the gods, and there are no such weird power struggles and conspiracies.

The speed of the unicorns was very fast. They entered the depths of Mount Lun, surrounded by scorched trees, dry land, and the bones of dead animals.

As for a purgatory scene, Ning Yu, who was sitting behind Chen Xiaofan, didn't say much anymore, he silently observed carefully, looking around with treacherous eyebrows.

Chen Xiaofan narrowed the scope of divine power and improved the accuracy of divine power detection. In this kind of place, they need to work hard.

The unicorns are no longer running wildly. They are already approaching the place. Ke can feel a strong pressure. He met that group many years ago. At that time, their will was stronger than the unicorns. After so many years, I don’t know What will it develop into.

The land is dark red, it is not known whether it is because of the soil or the blood of the beasts.

The sky and the earth are cold, the plains are barren, and the breath of death is floating around, making people feel chills down the spine.

The unicorn's steps were extremely slow, he said to Chen Xiaofan and the two of them with a suppressed voice.

"My lord. After all these years, if there is no accident, they should be extremely strong. The more conscious human beings are, the more beast abilities they will gain."

"This scarlet land is their territory, and I can feel their breath."

The unicorn walked slowly, extremely cautiously. It was very dangerous for him to step into their territory. After all these years, he did not know how strong they had become.

Chen Xiaofan's divine power is slowly spreading, what makes him feel strange is that the divine power can't sense the breath of life, even though he has spread to an extremely wide range.

But judging from the failure of divine power when confronting unicorns, these beasts whose strength is higher than that of unicorns should also have the ability to shield their divine power.

Divine power is Chen Xiaofan's eyes, it is fatal to be shielded.

The unicorn continued to move forward, Ning Yu behind Chen Xiaofan said tremblingly:

"My lord, those beasts are ahead, we will enter their encirclement if we go any further."

Hearing Ning Yu's words, Ke stopped instantly, his eyes were full of panic, Chen Xiaofan was even more so, they didn't feel the slightest.

Looking forward carefully, the phantom silhouettes of giant beasts were right in front of them, and they seemed to be invisible under the darkness.

Heavy breathing sounded, in front of Chen Xiaofan, there were beasts one after another, under the dark environment, only their vague figures could be seen, they were huge, burly and extremely numerous.

The unicorn didn't dare to take a step, he whispered a message to Chen Xiaofan.

"My lord, their strength is fierce, much stronger than what I saw them back then!"

At this moment, it is impossible to retreat, unknowingly, they have been surrounded by huge beasts, their bodies covered the light, Chen Xiaofan and his party were surrounded, there is no way out.

With a heavy breathing sound, a huge beast appeared in the shadow, his body was bigger than the surrounding shadows, to Chen Xiaofan, he was like meeting the herd of beasts in the sacred tree, huge giant.

Chen Xiaofan was not afraid, he fought alone in the sacred tree and killed countless beasts, seeing the beasts at this moment, he knew not to be afraid, he could only release the murderous aura from his body.

Ning Yu was already afraid of these things, he shrank behind Chen Xiaofan, not daring to say a word.

The unicorn was a little anxious, the suppression from the blood of the beast made it anxious.

"Why come to our territory?"

The largest of the beasts spoke, and this time he did not communicate with consciousness, but with human language.

Chen Xiaofan is extremely calm, it seems that this group of strongest is indeed far superior to other beasts, the beast body cannot stop their evolution, and being able to speak human words has already explained many problems.

The unicorn responded with consciousness.

"They are Hong's enemies. Hong wants to implement a war plan, and she wants to launch a war against Shiwanshan."

These words were naturally passed on by Chen Xiaofan to the Unicorn, and he directly brought out Hong, and went directly to the topic, facing the strong, there is no need to talk nonsense.

Speaking of red, the wild beasts suddenly became restless, their figures swayed, and even caused the ground on the plain to tremble.


The deep roar of the huge beast, for them, nothing is more hated than the woman who made their lives go to ruin.

They were furious, the ground shook, Chen Xiaofan could feel the strong coercion, the unicorn's body was also trembling, the strength of the two sides was not at the same level.

But judging from the current situation, the other party didn't have too much hostility towards Chen Xiaofan and the others, which was a good thing.

After a burst of restlessness and rage, the beasts calmed down, and the biggest one said something in a low voice.

"Back off."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black shadows around him dispersed quickly, the speed was jaw-dropping, even the unicorns couldn't react, Chen Xiaofan swept away with divine power, and couldn't find where they hid.

In the night moon, the gigantic beast bent over and approached the tiny Chen Xiaofan and the others.

Looking at the face of the beast, Ning Yu was too scared to look at it, and hid directly behind Chen Xiaofan.

Chen Xiaofan is also helpless, Ning Yu has been imprisoned for a few days, not to mention he has become timid, and he is very unreliable. In such a crisis situation, how did he manage to hide behind him, so stubborn?
Of course, the beast in front of him showed his face, and it really didn't look like a good thing.

The unicorns didn't describe their appearance for Chen Xiaofan, but seeing them now, they were still very shocking.

His face had tusks that protruded from his mouth, and his eyes were so small they were like twinkling stars.

Of course, the most recognizable thing is his nose.

The beast looked like a porcupine, and was very ugly, and compared with a unicorn, it looked like a gutter mouse.

But Chen Xiaofan is not afraid, his eyes are calm, the trip to the sacred tree has made him immune to all kinds of strange beasts, he has seen no matter how ugly, no matter how strong he has fought.

"you are strong"

The beast spoke, these words were naturally an evaluation of Chen Xiaofan, after all the unicorn stood restlessly, and Ning Yu had already hid behind Chen Xiaofan.

"Thank you."

Chen Xiaofan responded calmly, without any fluctuation in his voice, Ning Yu felt an unprecedented sense of security behind him.

The beast in front of him was several times larger than the unicorn, it was lying on its stomach, its fangs were right in front of Chen Xiaofan.

The heavy breath continued to spread over the surface, and even carried a rancid smell.

Faced with all this, Chen Xiaofan didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in his heart, he is someone who has seen the world.

"State your purpose."

The beast suppressed his voice, but his momentum was still strong.

"Ke has already said that Hong is going to start a big war, and she is going to start an all-out war and fight Shiwanshan. We have already cooperated with Unicorn, and now I am looking for more partners."

Chen Xiaofan told the matter, he is confident, given the other party's hatred for Hong, they are very likely to join.

However, things are different from what he thought.

"She wants to start a war, what does it have to do with us?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiaofan frowned.

"The sacred tree was destroyed many years ago, and Lun Mountain is destined to become a hell. We have been transformed, and we can only be beasts in this life!"

"She launched a war, and she may die in the flames of war. It is your business to stop her, and it has nothing to do with us."

"leave here!"

Chen Xiaofan was full of confidence at first, but he didn't expect that the other party was not interested in stopping Hong at all, so he directly refused.

Before a few people could react, the surrounding beasts reappeared without warning.


Their deep voices were oppressive, and the unicorn's body was trembling constantly. Ning Yu also said behind Chen Xiaofan:
"My lord, they have no willingness to cooperate, let's go."

The first negotiation ended in failure, and Chen Xiaofan was full of unwillingness to suffer from the ashes of his nose.

The most important thing is that they were very angry when Mingming mentioned red. Why did they change their attitude 180 degrees when it came to cooperation?

Just now they said that the sacred tree and Lun Mountain are destined to become hell. Is it because they have nothing to love and don't want to care about this dilapidated place?
Ke said that when he saw them for the first time, they were well-trained, and Chen Xiaofan deduced that they were not ordinary people, they were most likely soldiers of Lunshan Higher Level.

They are soldiers of Lunshan, and their hatred for Hong should be deeper, instead of being ignored and ignored like this now.

There must be some reason for it.

Chen Xiaofan tried hard to think, but the beasts were not willing to give him time.


Their voices are low and full of pressure.

The unicorn couldn't hold it any longer, his body was already shaking constantly, and it seemed that he was almost unable to hold on.

"My lord...they are very powerful, shall we retreat?"

Ke persisted, he was not afraid, let alone backed down, Chen Xiaofan was their collaborator, and even more their hope for the future, they had discussed it before setting off, and everything was up to him.

Chen Xiaofan got off the back of the unicorn, and he whispered to him and Ning Yu:
"You guys back off first, I'll try again."

Ke didn't want to leave, but his body couldn't bear the coercion of the beast, and his body began to swell. If he stayed any longer, he might explode.

"My lord, let's go, they have no willingness to cooperate, it's too dangerous for you to stay here."

He had to verify the thoughts in Chen Xiaofan's mind, otherwise he would not be reconciled.

"Stand back, trust me!"

Ke saw that Chen Xiaofan was unwilling to leave, his body had reached its limit, if he did not leave, he would not be able to hold on, he would explode and die.

He turned around and left, dodged and retreated towards the rear, but he didn't leave too far, ready to rush in to rescue Chen Xiaofan at any time.

The beasts were angry that Chen Xiaofan did not leave.

"Leave our territory!"

Chen Xiaofan was unmoved when he heard their roars, he calmly looked at the huge phantoms around him.

"Your strength is insufficient, perhaps because of the constant struggle between the will of the beast and your will, something is wrong with your body."

"Since I came in, these phantoms have not condensed into entities, they are all bluffing."

Chen Xiaofan was testing them, the attitudes of the beasts were a bit weird, they looked like they were afraid of trouble, Chen Xiaofan was worried that there was something wrong with their bodies after the fusion of their consciousness.

However, as soon as the words fell, those phantoms solidified in an instant, becoming one after another powerful beasts. They looked like porcupines, with huge bodies, massive muscles, and majestic strength.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiaofan didn't have any worries in his heart, instead he was a little more happy.

It's not that there is a problem with their strength, it must be a problem with their thinking.

"Red has already harmed you like this, but you dare not resist. With such a powerful strength, you are as courageous as a shrimp. What are you afraid of!?"

Both sides were at war with each other, Chen Xiaofan didn't show any weakness, and confronted them directly.

If the other party wants to attack, they will attack as soon as they come here, but they are just expelling them. This kind of thing made Chen Xiaofan more confident. He thought that he must take down these powerful beasts and let them become the main force in the army. a force of battle.

"Are you provoking us?"

There was impatience in the beast's voice, they were very annoyed by the stalking Chen Xiaofan.

"No, I'm just stating the facts. Lunshan is not finished, and Hong is not invincible. As long as her plan is destroyed, everything will return to how it was before."

Chen Xiaofan's words made all the beasts around laugh, and the loudest laugh was followed by a cold tone.

"Back to the past? We used to be soldiers of Lun Mountain. We worked hard for her and devoted ourselves to her. But what did she do? She ruined our family and destroyed Lun Mountain completely. She transformed the sacred tree on which we depended for survival. The greatest woman on the mountain was killed."

"You're right, she can indeed be defeated, but our hearts are already dead, even if Lunshan explodes immediately, it's none of our business!"

Hearing their angry voices, Chen Xiaofan laughed, the source was found, and the solution was found.

"The woman you said was killed by red. I'm afraid she hasn't died yet."

As soon as these words came out, there was no sound on the entire plain, and the bodies of those huge beasts were motionless, as if they were frozen.

After a while, the wind started to blow, and the voice of the huge beast was no longer deep and sharp.

"What did you say?"

His voice was like a punctured bellows, extra harsh.

Seeing their reactions like this, Chen Xiaofan's mind calmed down, knowing that he had grasped the point.

This group of people used to be Lun Shan's soldiers, as well as Rou's mother's soldiers!

"I went to the sacred tree a while ago, and saw a remnant soul in the deepest part of the sacred tree. She didn't tell me her name, but she and Hong are enemies of life and death. Red imprisoned her remnant soul in the deepest part of the sacred tree. Stone."

When the wild beasts heard this, they didn't dare to make a sound. The huge beast bent down cautiously, its huge pig head looked a bit piercing.

"Is everything you say true?"

Chen Xiaofan laughed, he laughed wantonly.

"What you say is true, everything is true."

"And the one who went with me to the depths of the sacred tree is that daughter, her name is Rou"

The biting aura exploded in an instant, and the surroundings were blown by strong winds. Those beasts with pig heads let out giggles, bold and presumptuous.

"She didn't die, she didn't die, her daughter survived!"

Listening to their laughter, listening to their shouts, Chen Xiaofan laughed, Ke and Ning Yu in the distance were at a loss, they didn't understand what kind of magic Chen Xiaofan used to make these beasts turn their anger into joy.

(End of this chapter)

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