Chapter 60 Your Son Didn't Die
"He has been out of contact for several days. I am very worried that something happened to him. I want to go to the island to look for him, but I don't know the situation on the island, so I want to ask Mr. Bo to help me."

Rose said with a sincere face.

"Go to the island?" Mr. Bo showed intriguing eyes.

"You should know my background, right?"

"Mr. Bo, I know it's very sudden to say this, but this matter is really important to me, I beg you to help me! Corruption also mentioned you to me, you definitely don't want to see him have an accident!"

Rose's face was moved, hoping that she could impress Mr. Bo.

"Tsk tsk, what you said is quite sincere, I can't bear to refuse the old man."

Before Rose had time to rejoice, Mr. Bo poured cold water on him and said, "But just because of this, do I have to promise you?"

There was a sly light in his eyes.

"I and Depravity are just the friendship of gentlemen, and the friendship of gentlemen is as pale as water, you know, our friendship is not as deep as you think."

"Besides, I am an enemy with you, or is it a kind of life and death, do you think I will be willing to take risks on the island for him?"

Rose's excitement disappeared all of a sudden, she was not reconciled, she came all the time, how could she just return without success.

"Mr. Bo, as long as you are willing to help me, as long as I can help, I will definitely try my best to help you!"

"Haha, what can you help me with?"

"What if I say freedom?" Rose threw out her chips.

"I came here to let my husband out. As long as you are willing to help me, you will be free. Is this a bargaining chip enough?"

Rose looked at Mr. Bo firmly.

"Oh hoo? Freedom? Sounds interesting."

Mr. Bo smiled, and continued: "But I don't want to leave here, your chips can't impress me!"

Hearing this, Rose frowned. Isn't it enough to give him his freedom as a bargaining chip?

You must know that this is a big taboo. If the organization finds out, you will definitely be severely punished.

"Mr. Bo, I'm talking to you very sincerely, please don't be so perfunctory to me, okay?"

"I'm talking to you very seriously, do you think I'm joking with you?"

"Didn't he tell you? Don't approach me casually, or...hehe, you have just experienced the consequences."

Rose was dumbfounded. Indeed, she had no resistance to Mr. Bo's control just now.

"And I haven't even done it yet. If I do, you will completely become my puppet. You will do whatever I manipulate you into."

Rose was shocked, she was frightened for a while, the old man in front of her was so powerful?
"No, Mr. Bo...then how did you get caught?" Rose questioned.

"Hehe, I was caught here, right? To tell you the truth, if I didn't want to, no one would be able to catch me."

Mr. Bo laughed.

"Do you know why no one is taking care of me on this floor? Because no matter how many people come, it's useless."

"I just came here to find a few very interesting juniors here, and I became curious to take a look, or do you really think that this traps me?"

"Your junior mean degenerate?" Rose asked.

"He can be regarded as one of them. His aptitude is limited, but his personality is quite pleasing to me. Compared with the other two, he still has a big gap."

Hearing these words, Rose was instantly unhappy, because no one could match her depravity in her heart.

Even though it was Mr. Bo standing in front of her, if he dared to say something wrong with the fallen angel, he would refute it himself.

"Who are those two people? Who else can be better than Fallen? Asura?"

Rose asked unconvinced.

"Sura? That stunned young man? This guy is similar to Degenerate, and he doesn't seem to be very smart. He doesn't fit the old man's appetite at all."

"Instead, that kid named Mo Fan has potential."

When the name Mo Fan was mentioned, Mr. Bo showed great interest in his eyes, completely different from his previous lazy attitude.

Rose was stunned when she heard Mo Fan's name, it was beyond her expectation, how could it be him?
Mo Fan?That wimp?Even he is better than Fallen Angel and Shura?

No, it couldn't be, Rose couldn't believe it.

Thinking of this, Rose couldn't help but doubt Mr. Chibo's vision of people.

Is this old man suffering from dementia? This kind of choice that anyone with a discerning eye can see the result is different.

Rose couldn't help questioning: "Mr. Bo, did you misunderstand the person? That Mo Fan is a wimp? Why does he get your praise?"

"Huh? Girl, are you questioning the old man's vision? It's no wonder that you haven't discovered his greatness. This just shows that he is very good at hiding his strength and biding his time. I can only say that your vision is still shallow!"

"You can't just look at people and things on the surface, you know?" Mr. Bo's face was full of meaning.

Rose suddenly recalled the huge murderous aura before. Could it be that Mo Fan really has something special about him?
All this made it difficult for Rose to accept for a while, the contrast is really too great, right?

But the purpose of my coming this time is not to understand these things, it is important to do business!
"Mr. Bo, I don't care who you are optimistic about. I have already explained the purpose of my visit very clearly. Have you really considered it?"

"As long as you help me, I will never shirk where I will be needed in the future."

Rose made a firm promise.

"Little girl, you'd better go home, I can't help you with this." Mr. Bo waved his hand and issued an order to evict the guest.

Rose was unwilling to leave, standing where she was.

"Why, are you going to push your nose on your face? Don't think that if I give you some face, you can be presumptuous in front of me."

Seeing that Rose refused to leave, the expression on Mr. Bo's face gradually turned cold.

"Mr. Bo, how dare Rose be presumptuous in front of you, but I have some information to tell you, you may be very interested."

"What kind of information can make this old man very interested?"

"You'd better not lie to me, the price of lying to me is terrible."

Mr. Bo shook the iron chain, and the cold and terrifying atmosphere enveloped Rose again. .

"What if I say your child is still alive?" Rose said with a smile on her face.


A suffocating pressure rushed towards her face, Mr. Bo rushed to Rose in an instant, grabbed her by the shoulder and asked eagerly.

The huge iron chain was pulled and rattled, Mr. Bo was no longer calm as before, his whole body trembled with excitement.

Seeing the reaction she wanted, Rose smiled triumphantly, looked into Mr. Bo's eager eyes and said word by word.

"I said your son is still alive, not dead!"

"Boom!" A huge aura instantly swept through the entire cabin!
(End of this chapter)

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