Datang: It’s a showdown, I’m an all-around master

Chapter 28 You dare to touch my people?

Chapter 28 You dare to touch my people?
early morning.

Gentle sunlight shines into Yihe Garden.

A warm.

The Yihe Garden began to become lively.

Yi Yin woke up early in the morning.

Can't wait to see the new rewards I got yesterday.

The system has been working really well lately.

Rewards became more frequent.

Think about those days when you just traveled through time.

Yi Yin felt it.

Even the system likes hardworking people.

It takes three years.

Such a manor was built.

It has the most grain in Datang.

Only then did the system become favored.

The current traverser.

But not everything depends on the system.

You still have to rely on yourself at first.

A warehouse for system rewards.

Not directly rewarding a warehouse.

Just filling the warehouse with stuff.

As for the warehouse, Yi Yin had to fix it in advance.

Until now.

He still has time when the warehouse is empty.

The new rewards are in the southeast corner of the estate.

Yi Yin opened the door of a warehouse.

Instant shock!

This system is too powerful!

Look at what's inside.

Yi Yin smiled from ear to ear.

Inside the new warehouse.

There are various things.

Including toilet paper, sanitary napkins, men's and women's underwear.

There is also something to eat.

Old Godmother.

Yi Yin looked at Laoganma.

I am really grateful to the system.

This old godmother.

Before crossing.

But there are all over the country.

Very famous.

Unexpectedly, the system was brought here.

Good job!
Yi Yin looked at a warehouse of new items.

It feels a bit difficult to explain to outsiders where they come from.


This kind of thing doesn't need to be known to everyone from the beginning.

Step by step will do.

Anyway, I am now in the eyes of the people in the manor.

It is very possible.

Yi Yin looked at the soft and comfortable toilet paper.

I am happy.

Never use those rough papers again.

Although papermaking has been greatly developed in the Tang Dynasty.

some paper.

Even from the Tang Dynasty to modern times, it can be well preserved.

The time interval is more than 1000 years.

this technique.

It existed in the Tang Dynasty.

This still surprised Yi Yin a little.

However, as toilet paper for people, it is still rough.

Yi Yin went to the toilet every time.

will face painful choices.

Wipe it, I always feel a pain in the buttocks.

Don't wipe it, it is of course unhygienic.

In the end, I can only choose to endure the pain and rub it.

Now, there is toilet paper rewarded by the system.

That's different.

That comfort.

It doesn't make anyone feel like going to the bathroom is a pain.

Yi Yin held a roll of toilet paper and talked to himself.

"Ass, your spring has come!"

Look at those sanitary napkins.

Yi Yin felt it.

This is the system that allowed him to widely capture the hearts of women in the Tang Dynasty.

in ancient times.

A woman's menstruation is definitely a troublesome thing.

But it cannot be refused.

When women are dealing with menstruation.

Always painstaking.

In the end it was all unsatisfactory.

it's good now.

With a new era of sanitary napkins.

Whether it is day or night.

Women don't have to worry anymore.

Moreover, the system is also very careful.

I brought all the underwear and panties with me.

This saved Yi Yin a lot of energy.

Yi Yin picked out a piece of women's underwear and put it on her body.

Then the warehouse door was locked.

When she came back, Princess Changle was already standing outside.

Looking at Yi Yin, he immediately shouted: "Master Yi, you are really great here!"

Yi Yin looked at Princess Changle and said, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"so comfy!"

Princess Changle speaks from the heart.

"This is the most comfortable night I've slept in growing up."

"Master Yi, your bed is really amazing. I just fell asleep on it, and fell asleep after a while."

Princess Changle praised her.

Yi Yin looked at Princess Changle and said, "Princess, breakfast is ready."

With that said, Yi Yin brought Princess Changle to the restaurant.

At this time, Zi Yan had brought a bowl of porridge to Princess Changle.

Yi Yin still asked Zi Yan to bring the sugar.

"Zi Yan, add three teaspoons of sugar."

Princess Changle looked at those sparkling granules, and said, "Master Yi, is this white sugar?"

That expression was comparable to that of her father Li Shimin.

Yi Yin nodded.


Princess Changle exclaimed, "How can there be such good white sugar?"

Zi Yan said: "Princess, my young master's manor has everything, and you will eat more good things later."

Princess Changle suddenly became curious.

"is it?"

She looked at Yi Yin.

Yi Yin nodded.

"Since you come to my manor, you are a guest."

Zi Yan said with some contempt: "It is a distinguished guest who is mortgaged here."

Yi Yin heard the words, and immediately said: "Zi Yan, although the princess is mortgaged in this manor, she is also a guest, and she must know how to treat guests."

Zi Yan pouted: "Yes, young master!"

I took a sip of porridge.

Princess Changle also has the same expression as her father.

"This porridge is too delicious!"

"Princess, everything is delicious here with our young master."

Zi Yan couldn't help but said again.

Princess Changle nodded:
"Yeah, this is more delicious than anything in the palace."

Yi Yin looked at Princess Changle and said, "Princess, after eating, I'll give you another massage therapy, after that, your fatigue will be completely healed."

"That's really thanks to the divine doctor."

"It's a little effort, no thanks!" Yi Yin had a smile on his face.

at this time.

The gate of Yihe Garden rang.

Zi Yan didn't know about borrowing food.

She was still wondering why the emperor mortgaged the princess to the young master.

I thought it was to see a doctor.

Zi Yan is going to open the door.

Yi Yin quickly said: "Zi Yan, wait for a while before opening the door."

"Also, if anyone wants to see me, bring him to the therapy room."

Afterwards, Yi Yin took the princess to another room.

Zi Yan was a little puzzled.

What happened to this young master.

Come to the therapy room.

Princess Changle was lying on a comfortable bed.

"Genius doctor, you are really amazing, your technique is really amazing!"

Yi Yin smiled and said, "I'm a doctor. I know which acupuncture points on your body will excite you, which acupuncture points will relax your whole body, and which acupuncture points will make you tense every nerve."

"Plus a little special technique, and in this process, you can feel that feeling."

Princess Changle doesn't understand.

In short, it would be great if Yi Yin could recover her body completely.

Zi Yan opened the door.

Seeing a group of officers and soldiers at the door, I was startled.

What's going on here?
Could it be that what the young master did, the government came to arrest him?
Think of the princess in the manor.

Zi Yan was even more worried.

At this moment, the leader said, "Who are you? Where's Yi Yin?"

Zi Yan was a bit inexplicable.

This man is so rude.

How can I say that my young master is also a miracle doctor, yet she calls him by his name so directly.

"My young master is working, who are you?"

Zi Yan is not too polite.

"I am Changsun Chong, the emperor asked us to fetch food."

He looked at Yi He Garden and felt that this was indeed the No. [-] manor in the Tang Dynasty.

"Get food?" Zi Yan was at a loss.

Changsun Wuji said: "Where is your young master, take us to see him."

Ziyan didn't know the specific situation, so he had to take Changsun Wuji and Changsun to the physiotherapy room.

Changsun Wuji and Changsun Chong just walked into the physical therapy room.

I saw Yi Yin rolling Princess Changle's body.

His hands were massaging back and forth on Princess Changle's body.

Chang Sun Chong saw this scene.

Immediately burst into flames.

"Bastard, my woman, do you dare to bully me?"

(End of this chapter)

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