Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 363 Nine Dizhangge Ginseng Seeds

Chapter 363

"I'll go in to see Master in a while, and you guys will look at my face, what to say under what circumstances, understand?"

"I understand, I understand."

Liu Heng's face was wrapped into half a zongzi, which looked very funny. If he wasn't the elder brother of these people, these people would have laughed out loud.

At the sky wall of the northern city of Tianqiu City, it is the territory of the Jingji Sect, which has a total of [-] mu of land. This is just a scattered force of the Jingji Sect here. Zongmen monopolizes one side of the land and does not show up here.

The School of Mechanics has been divided into many factions since ancient times, so various opinions have been born. One of them is that machinery should be refined. They believe that the more refined the machinery, the less raw materials they use, and the less waste the limited high-quality metals in the universe will be. Resources, and the finer the machinery, the more ingenious it is. Since thousands of years ago, when the first machinery, that is, the mortise and tenon joints, appeared, the more exquisite and excellent it was. One of the Zongmen.

The Jingji sect does not rely on equipment to strengthen itself, but is famous for its exquisitely designed mecha weapons. The Chief Sect Leader is currently in the middle stage of vastness, and most of the refined weapons he makes are not the size of gravel, and he can summon mountains of swords and seas of fire with a single palm. He is a respected role in the Mechanical Sect.

It was also this person who drove the rapid development of the Jingji Sect, which is why the Jingji Sect is now in the situation all over the federation.

It has been seven years since Liu Heng joined the sect of the Jingji sect. From knowing nothing, to now being able to make nineteen kinds of secret fine weapons, large and small, most of them are taught by the person behind the sect at this moment.

This person called himself Xiao Huanzi, he was a Wulan Warrior of the Jingjiu Sect, and he was an inner disciple of the Jingjiu Sect. He was only 32 years old and had such a cultivation level. Gather some disciples to lay a foundation for him to be promoted to become a teacher of Cheng Zongmen in the future.

Liu Heng was ready and planned to go to knock on the door, but was stopped by the two disciples guarding the door.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, I'm looking for a master." Liu Heng broke their hands away and planned to knock on the door again.

The disciple guarding the door turned around and stopped, and said: "No way, senior brother, the master is in retreat, so no one will see him."

Liu Heng was surprised when he heard this, "Retreat? When did it start? When we went out in the morning, he was still fine. Why did he go to retreat?"

"Just two hours after you left, the master seemed to have thought of a template for making fine machinery. He started working on it as soon as he went in in the morning. He also said that no one would be seen when he came."

"Master, the old man didn't explain anything? I'm his big disciple. During his retreat, I should explain something."

"Hmm..." The guard disciple thought about it for a while, then shook his head, "No, Master didn't explain anything, he just said that no one will be seen, and let me and two other disciples take turns watching the class, and no one will be allowed in."

After hearing this, Liu Heng was overwhelmed.

"It's unlucky, why is Master retreating at this time, I'm still waiting for Master to protect us." Liu Heng opened his mouth a little wider when he spoke, which moved the bloated half of his face, causing him to gasp in pain. Gas, repeatedly hissing like a rattlesnake.

The gatekeeper saw it and asked with a smile, "Brother, what's the matter with you? Did you hit a tree?"

"Why do you think I hit a tree?"

"Eldest brother, you have tempering cultivation, how can ordinary people hit you in the face, unless the person's cultivation is much higher than yours, but that is unlikely, after all, so many senior brothers went out with you, In the end, you are the only one with swollen face, think about it, you just hit a tree." The doorkeeper disciple looked fourteen or fifteen years old, not very old, but very clever.

When Liu Heng said this, he lost face even more, "Go, don't mess around."

After speaking, Liu Heng withdrew, since Xiao Huanzi was in seclusion, then Liu Heng could not expect revenge from him, but the matter of revenge should not be put on hold for too long, otherwise Liu Heng would not be able to hold on to the anger in his heart.

At this time, the fat fellow next to Liu Heng said: "Eldest brother, look, since Master is in retreat, there is nothing we can do, otherwise we will take revenge by ourselves? Last time we lost to that person, we lost It's because we don't have enough equipment. After all, we are only going out for inspection, and we didn't bring much precision equipment. After a while, we will prepare enough precision equipment, and then go to that person. At that time, we will have full firepower. No matter how good his agility is, no one can get out of the way So many precision machines."

Hearing the fat man say this, Liu Heng actually didn't know much about it, because that man didn't seem easy to deal with, his cultivation was not low, at least above quenching, maybe it was jadeite, but it was absolutely impossible to be black. Lan, it was precisely because he was under Wulan and quenched above, that Liu Heng had a reason to ask Xiao Huanzi to avenge him. After all, it was a bullying reputation for telling this matter.

But now that Xiao Huanzi is retreating, this method seems to be possible.

"Okay, let's look for it together after the junior brothers who followed me come back. Now there are festivals everywhere in the city. Let's pay attention and don't make too much noise." Liu Heng said.


Liu Heng waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for those juniors to come back. In the end, he only waited for a headset to communicate.

The signal came from his empty ship.

"What's the matter? It took me so long to reply to the message, did you find it?"

The people on the empty boat stammered for a long time, before finally saying, "Eldest, I lost track."

"Lost it!? How did you follow, such a big empty ship can also be lost?"

"He used electromagnetic interference. Thanks to our quick hands, we adjusted it in time, otherwise the empty ship would have been destroyed."

"You, you, a bunch of idiots, since you lost it, why didn't you look for it! What's the use of telling me this now?"

Hearing this sentence, the man replied: "We didn't dare to tell you because we lost our track, so we kept looking for it, but we couldn't find it now. There is no other way, so we came to tell you."

When Liu Heng heard what they said, he was completely dizzy. This is really a bunch of idiots, and the bad news is one after another.

He gritted his teeth, and shouted again in a rage: "Tell the gangsters under his command to come out, and I will give you two more hours. If you can't find your whereabouts, you will be waiting to become like me tonight."

After that, he pointed to his face that was swollen like a pig's head.

Those younger brothers swallowed their saliva, echoed a few words, then hung up the signal in a hurry, probably looking for someone again.

Liu Heng was very uncomfortable, it should be said that he was uncomfortable all over. Tianqiu City is so big, people can't lose it. Look at that kid, he should be an outsider, and his coming here may have something to do with the [-]th birthday of the giant tree of all spirits.

Even though he thought so, Liu Heng didn't care about it. He could only hold back his anger at the moment and prepare some more useful precision equipment. He knew that Mi Xiaobai was not a small character, so he stole some of the master's crafted ones by the way. The refined weapons placed inside the sect, these refined weapons are extremely lethal, but as long as they are used skillfully, they should not kill anyone.

Although Liu Heng hated Mi Xiaobai very much, he didn't have the thought of harming Mi Xiaobai's life at the moment, which meant that his temper should not be too bad.


Mi Xiaobai ate the perfect food, was full of wine and food, and waited for the system to issue him a task. He originally thought that the task would be issued soon. task, but the system also seemed to want to give him time to catch his breath, and issued the task without too much haste.

That's right, now is the celebration of the giant tree star, and the [-]th birthday of the giant tree of all spirits, the whole Tianqiu city is boiling because of this, no one will miss Mi Xiaobai, an outsider.

Coupled with the misty fragrance that is wafting from the giant tree of all spirits at the moment, Mi Xiaobai is afraid that no matter how delicious the food he makes, it will not be easy to waft out of this jungle. Don't even think about attracting guests, it's better to wait until this tree After the birthday of the giant tree of all spirits, Mi Xiaobai went out to sell his own delicacies in person. I believe that the effect should be remarkable.

Just thinking about it, Mi Xiaobai felt sleepy, and a yawn made Mi Xiaobai mutter to himself: "That's right, I haven't taken a nap for a long time, things have happened one after another recently, I should relax Relaxed, I haven't slept in that bed for a long time, I hope I'm still used to it now."

After all, he planned to go up to the second floor from the stairwell next to the back kitchen.

At this moment, the system suddenly sent a message, interrupting Mi Xiaobai's desire to sleep.

The system displays: [Special task, enforced]
Mi Xiaobai's brain throbbed, there is no doubt that it must be caused by the system.

"I'll go! What are you doing? It's just a mission, why are you hurting my brain?"

The system displays: [This task is a special task, which is a temporary report task that the host can complete and must complete. Considering that the host is not in a good state just now, the system may give a little help because it may have an impression of the efficiency of the task]
"You call it help by stimulating my brain with electric current, so you're not afraid of electrocuting me into cerebral palsy?"

[The system has undergone precise calculations, that kind of situation will never happen, this level of current can only help the host to refresh his mind]
Mi Xiaobai sighed. Everything in this broken system is calculated. It reminded Mi Xiaobai of the news he saw earlier. A female medical student was cheated by her boyfriend and stabbed her 22 times with a dagger. However, the forensic doctor determined that the man was slightly injured, and the female student of the medical university was just detained.

The current situation of the system is comparable to that of the female medical student. What she said is just to refresh your mind, who uses an electric current computer to refresh your mind.

"Oh, forget it, you just said a special mission? It's the first time I've seen you release this kind of mission. Tell me, what is it?"

The system displays: [Within a radius of three kilometers from the host, traces of hidden ingredients—Jiudihuigexiang are found, and the host's current task is to hunt it down]
"Nine lands Huigexiang? That hidden ingredient with a hunting difficulty level of 41?"

The system displays: [Jiudi Huige Xiang is a well-known name, its scientific name is Jiudi Huige Ginseng, it has the effect of helping people improve their cultivation, and it is different from Dragon Meat Tai Sui. At the current stage, the system only needs to read the nine The cell parameters of Dihuige ginseng seeds can be put into breeding]
"The hidden ingredients that can be cultivated are still hunting difficulty level 41, so I will have an extra treasure that everyone wants! Good, good! System, come, send me the specific location, I will now go."

The system displays: [Map transfer completed]
"Okay, let's go now."

Just as Mi Xiaobai took the first step, he suddenly remembered that since this is a mission, there should be rewards, even if it is a special mission.

The system displays: [Task Reward: An intermediate-level three-star food recipe related to Jiudi Huige Ginseng Seed]
"Intermediate three-star food recipe, so good? Wait a minute, do you want me to sell delicacies made from hidden ingredients?"

[The system allows the host to sell this delicacy]
"It's terrible, it seems that with me, the trunk of the giant tree of all spirits will become a tourist attraction of the giant tree star from now on, and it will be crowded with people."

After finishing speaking, Mi Xiaobai opened the map and studied it carefully.

After observing for a while, Mi Xiaobai noticed that the ginseng seed of Jiudi Huige is now at the trunk of the giant tree about 700 meters away.

Mi Xiaobai knows that there are many creatures growing on the giant tree of all spirits, and the order of dependence of these creatures is also regular. The higher the trunk, the more powerful and advanced the creatures that inhabit it.

At an altitude of more than 700 meters, the difficulty of hunting creatures there is only a dozen or so at best, and no more than [-] to survive. Judging from the information given above, most of them are non-aggressive or actively aggressive creatures. As long as you find the right method, you can get through it safely, especially for Mi Xiaobai, a gourmet, not to mention that the highest hunting difficulty there is only level [-].

If it is only level 35, then Mi Xiaobai is not worried at all. He is no longer the person who participated in the gourmet conference and coveted Ye Mei for a long time. Now he can even hunt creatures with a difficulty level of [-] Appearing in front of him, he can also deal with it calmly, and maybe he can complete the hunt.

"At a height of 700 meters, it's not realistic for me to go up with a desperate step. Let the empty ship fly up."

"System, fly directly to that place, and I'll be in charge of picking."

In this regard, the system did not make things difficult, but approved Mi Xiaobai's request this time, but then, the system also announced the restrictions.

The system displays: [Considering the special circumstances, the system authorizes the host to make a request once, but in the future, unless there are unavoidable circumstances, Linjiangxian will not provide flight supplies for hunting related to this matter]
"Damn, you are a bitch, don't let me use the empty boat."

[In addition to being a water supply tool provided by the system, the Linjiang Fairy also has an identity, that is, the Linjiang Fairy Shop. The host is the owner of the Linjiang Fairy Shop, and the store is gone. The owner of the small shop, so no matter what the situation is, Linjiang Xian Xiaodian should stay where it is, unless the host is facing relocation, the system will consider special approval]
"Tch, you have a reason."

Mi Xiaobai didn't think so much either.

"Let's go, first get the ginseng seeds of Jiudi Huige and then talk about it."

The system displays: [Empty ship starts sailing]
(End of this chapter)

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