The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 157 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 157 Preparations for Gongdou.
"Scented body pills have been exchanged successfully, and the remaining points are 1250."

This is really great, it is simply a must-have medicine for favor.

Then Xia Xiling chatted briefly with Xuanyuan Che, but the two strangers they met just now had nothing to talk about, so when Xiao Guizi said that the meal was ready, Xia Xiling felt relieved .

After hastily finished dinner, Xia Xiling was a little nervous after all, it was her first time facing an emperor, while Xuanyuan Che was thinking about how to dismantle this little woman and swallow her.

When the meal was over, the servants all left after clearing up with winks, and now there were only the two of them in the room.

Although he was a little nervous, at least it wasn't the first time Xia Xiling had experienced this kind of thing. He was ready to seduce the emperor, so he couldn't just do nothing.

"Your Majesty, do you need a concubine to help you change clothes?"

Of course, Xia Xiling didn't have the emperor's clothes here, but the little noble son and father-in-law had already brought them over.

"it is good."


Xia Xiling knew the rules of serving people, after all, they entered the palace to serve the emperor.

It was the first time for an ancient emperor to serve others to undress like this. Xia Xiling was still not very proficient. He even undid a small button for a long time. After finally undoing all the buttons, Xia Xiling looked up at the emperor uneasily.

Xuanyuan Che felt that being served by Xia Xiling's small hands made his body feel hot, but she still gave him such a coquettish and timid look.

That look was really bright and sparkling, and it really contained infinite charm. Xuanyuan Che felt that he was even more excited by this look.

Hurriedly picked up Xia Xiling and walked to the bed, said in a hoarse voice, "Put it down."

When he met this little girl, Xuanyuan Che felt that the taste was better than he imagined, and he could even smell the fragrance of peach blossoms indistinctly.

The voices in the room didn't stop all night long, and Xuanyuan Che let Xia Xiling go after she fainted because of exhaustion.

Xuanyuan Che only felt that this little woman's appearance, body, smell, and voice were all imperfect, which really made him want to stop.

Wang Degui was also very surprised to hear the voices inside the room outside the room. This is the first person who can make the emperor so excited!
But also, this young master is not only good-looking, but even this voice, he, a rootless person, feels his bones crumble, let alone an emperor in his prime.

It looks like this young master is going to be favored for a while, and I don't know how long it will last, after all, the few people the emperor favored before were thrown aside in just a few months.

Those are also people with no background. This master's background is not as good as those of them. The emperor should be a newcomer for a while.

Inside the house, Xuanyuan Che saw that Xia Xiling had fainted and stopped torturing her, so he asked someone to come in to deliver water. Seeing that he was very satisfied, Xuanyuan Che also carried Xia Xiling into the bathtub without hesitation Li washed it briefly, and then went to bed with Xia Xiling.

When Xia Xiling was favored, Wang Degui investigated Xia Xiling's identity and background. Xia Xiling's father had passed away, and she was a small official before her death. She also had a mother and younger brother.

The younger brother will start spring in another year, and if this summer beauty can still be favored at that time, her younger brother should also be in high school.

Xia Xiling said yesterday that she was afraid of pain and hoped that the emperor would take pity on her. After that, she didn't have a chance to speak at all, and her voice was completely hoarse after that.

Xuanyuan Che also knew that he was a little out of control last night, obviously this little girl was favored for the first time, but for some reason he couldn't control himself when he smelled the faint fragrance of peach blossoms.

Xuanyuan Che thought about whether he had been poisoned by aphrodisiacs or something, but looking at Xia Xiling's situation, she had no ability to get this kind of thing, and she was the one to suffer later, poor thing, she fainted.

It was rare for Xuanyuan Che to be a little sympathetic. When he got up the next day, he didn't ask Xia Xiling to get up and wait for her, but let her continue to rest.

This made Wang Degui give Xia Xiling another high look. You must know that even the emperor's most beloved concubine does not have such qualifications. Even the empress has to stand up to serve the emperor after being favored. This beauty Xia is really amazing.

And after Xuanyuan Che returned to his Zichen Palace, he called the imperial doctor to see if he had taken the aphrodisiac, but of course he didn't.

The imperial doctor expressed it tactfully, "Your Majesty, you have indulged too much."

Xuanyuan Che waved the imperial doctor away in embarrassment, and then he felt a little guilty for suspecting that little woman, and he also became curious about the peach blossom fragrance he smelled. , thinking that I would ask that little woman tonight.

Then Xuanyuan Che felt guilty, Xia Xiling received a lot of rewards this morning, and her status was directly increased by three, she is now Xia Jieyu.

Today's decree was issued by Wang Degui and Eunuch Wang in person. Xia Xiling was very happy to have so many good things, so the smile on his face was also very bright.

Wang Degui was also very surprised, this Xia Meiren, no, now it is Xia Jieyu, who is so capable that the emperor can directly promote her to three positions.

Anyway, now that Xia Jieyu is gaining favor, he will not offend the emperor's favorite concubine, so Wang Degui is also very enthusiastic.

"Master Xia, the emperor said that the queen has the habit of taking a nap, so I just want you to pay the queen this afternoon."

"Yes, my concubine complies."

Then Xia Xiling hinted that Yuzhu gave Wang Gonggong a purse.

"Wang Gonggong, be careful, please don't refuse."

"Then thank Master Xia for the reward."

Xia Xiling thought that Xuanyuan Che's words were really good. It not only gave the empress face but also allowed him to rest before paying his respects to the empress. It seemed that Xuanyuan Che was very satisfied with himself, at least for now.

Also, I am satisfied with anyone behind me, and I am not a representative of any power. Fortunately, I don't have to consider the balance of all aspects, and there is no problem. It is also very convenient when I want to execute myself.

I have to be careful in the future, when Xuanyuan Che doesn't want to protect himself, but if he wants to be a favorite concubine, he can't take refuge in anyone. This step is also very dangerous.

The queen mother is getting old and impatient to pay her respects, so the concubines in the harem should go to pay her respects on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year. The queen is always willing to show her generosity, so she only pays her respects every 5 days.

(End of this chapter)

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