The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 136 The Sick Younger Brother Is The Murderer? ? ?

Chapter 136 The Sick Younger Brother Is The Murderer? ? ?
After buying the tea set, the next step was to order a cake. Xia Xiling and Xia Anyang went to order another cake, and then came to pick it up when they got home. Of course, the seller had already sent them home the tea set.

"An'an, where do you want to go?"

"Sister, let's go eat first."

"Okay, what does An An want to eat?"

"Well, sister, let's go eat Hunan cuisine."

"You have a bad heart, so it's best not to eat these. If you want to eat Hunan food, wait for my sister to prepare it for you when you get home."


Xia Anyang didn't like to eat these strong dishes at all because of his health, but he knew that his sister liked it, so he wanted to watch her eat his favorite dishes, but in order not to make her worry about him, he didn't force it.

"Well, let's go and talk a little bit, don't you like Li Ji's food?"

"Okay, I will listen to my sister."

"So good!" Seeing Xia Anyang's cute and cute appearance, Xia Xiling didn't hold back her claws, and rubbed Xia Anyang's head twice, and Xia Anyang obediently allowed Xia Xiling's movements.

"The favorability of male gods is increased by 5, and the favorability is 85."

Then the two of them went to Li Ji for dinner, but they really didn't expect to run into Zuo Yi here, but they couldn't pretend that they didn't see Xia Xiling when they met Xia Xiling, so they could only go up to say hello.

"Brother Zuo, you are eating here too."


Zuo Yi burst into a smile when he saw Xia Xiling, but Xia Anyang over there immediately darkened his face when he heard the two of them addressing them like this, followed by...

"The favorability of the male god is reduced by 5, and the favorability is 80."

Well, it was beaten back to its original shape again.

"Brother Zuo, are you on a mission? Then we won't bother you."

"it is good."

Xia Xiling was stimulated by the sound of falling favorability, and even forgot to introduce Xia Anyang to Zuo Yi. Zuo Yi finally saw that Xia Xiling wanted to talk to her, but when he thought that he really had a mission In the body, that thought was dispelled.

As for the little boy next to Xia Xiling, he must be her younger brother. The younger brother who didn't introduce her to me must be because he was afraid of delaying his mission, Zuo Yi thought so.

Then Xia Xiling quickly entered a private room, and Zuo Yi was no longer seen, and there was no sound of his favorability dropping anymore.

After entering the box, Xia Anyang asked Xia Xiling, "Sister, who was that person just now?"

"Oh, he was my neighbor when I was young. I haven't seen him for more than 10 years. Just call him Brother Zuo."


"Okay, don't mention him anymore, what does An An want to eat?"

"It's all right, I can eat whatever my sister wants."

"An An is so good!"

Although Xia Anyang said so, Xia Xiling still didn't let go of his guard, after all, the favorability didn't come back, right?Next, Xia Xiling ordered a table full of Xia Anyang's favorite dishes.

After finishing the meal, Xia Xiling breathed a sigh of relief when he went out without seeing Zuo Yi. It seemed that Zuo Yi should have completed the task.

"An'an, where do you want to go next?"

"Sister, let's make clay."

"it is good."

Xia Anyang's hands-on ability has always been very good, but this is the first time Xia Xiling heard that he wants to make clay, well, this is more in line with his identity as a child.

When they arrived at the pottery hall that Xia Anyang mentioned, they went to a room to DIY. The teacher actually wanted to guide them, but Xia Anyang said no, um, and then they came in by themselves.

Xia Xiling has never been in contact with this handicraft of clay, she doesn't understand it at all, but seeing Xia Anyang's confident appearance, he should know it.

She didn't ask Xia Anyang until a pile of clay appeared in front of Xia Xiling.

"An'an, can you make clay?"

"No, today is the first contact."

"Ah? Then why didn't you ask other teachers to guide us just now?"

He could say it was because it was a male teacher, and when he saw Xia Xiling's eyes, surprise appeared. He didn't want the two of them to contact.

"I just want to do it myself."

"Alright alright."

Boys in this age group have strong self-esteem, and Xia Anyang is very smart, Xia Xiling believes in him, but it is the first time to make clay, and there is still no guidance, is this okay?What if Xia Anyang can't do it.

"However, An An, as long as you are happy, you don't have to care about whether you do well or not."

"Well, I know my sister."

Xia Anyang knew that Xia Xiling's words were for his own benefit, so a smile broke out on his lips.Xia Xiling admired him in her heart when she saw it, her younger brother is really good-looking, but sooner or later the male god will be hers.

Then Xia Anyang started to make clay, and Xia Xiling also started to make clay, but Xia Xiling really couldn't do it!Her pottery clay always collapses and loses its shape, but Xia Anyang is different, Xia Anyang does it well, Xia Xiling looks a little bit unwilling.

"An'an, why are you doing so well!"

Xia Anyang heard Xia Xiling's voice and looked up. Seeing Xia Xiling's clay appearance, the corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, and came to help.

Xia Xiling wanted to get up, but was held down by Xia Anyang. Xia Anyang stood directly behind Xia Xiling, then took Xia Xiling's hand and started making clay.

Xia Anyang is good-looking, and his hands are also good-looking. He also wears the obsidian bracelet that Xia Xiling gave him. The contrast of black and white is really beautiful.

Xia Xiling looked up at him, and saw the boy's serious profile. At this moment, Xia Xiling had one thought in his heart, so handsome!
A serious male god is the most handsome, especially under such a close observation, Xia Xiling can count how many eyelashes Xia Anyang has, and his skin is also very good, probably because he is young, he can't see a single pore .

Xia Xiling is now completely indulging in the beauty of the male god, until Xia Anyang's voice rang in her ears, "It's done."

Hey, hey, hey, the male god speaks as soon as he speaks, what are you doing so close, don't think I don't know that you are teasing this girl, but the male god is so damn seductive, this deep voice, in boys and men Among them, there is a special charm.


Xia Xiling quickly regained consciousness, but she didn't know if it was her illusion, she seemed to hear the male god's chuckle.

"The favorability of male gods is increased by 5, and the favorability is 85."

Ah, ah, ah, the favorability has finally returned, but why did the male god increase her favorability?Forget it, never mind, anyway, the male god has always had a weird temper.

 Thanks to the friends who voted monthly

(End of this chapter)

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