Chapter 817 The Wooden House
Because Luo Xiaran noticed that Aaron would meditate and chant sutras every morning and evening. Although Aaron really didn't look like a monk from the outside, since it was Aaron's habit, Luo Xiaran didn't intend to let him Aaron changed the meaning.

"Okay, then please trouble Madam." Aaron was stunned for a while when he heard the words, looked at the futon in a daze for a long time, then nodded and said to Luo Xiaran, with a somewhat solemn expression.

Luo Xiaran guessed in her heart that maybe a few years ago, Aaron would have stayed under the Buddha statue with the old monk, sitting on the futon and reading scriptures together.After all, Aaron looked at the futon with deep nostalgia.

Carefully wrapped the futon with a piece of cloth and put it in the compartment where Luo Xiaran used to store her belongings in the system backpack, and then the three of them walked out of the empty hall.

Walk back a certain distance along the path beside the main hall, pass through the bamboo forests on both sides of the path, and then a hut appeared in the eyes of the three of them.This is a small house with only two rooms, and it is still made of wood.

"Master and I built this. Let's rest here today. Although it's a bit rudimentary, it's warm in winter and cool in summer." Aaron led Luo Xiaran to the front of the small house, and pushed the room open while raising his hand. door, while talking.

Compared with the previous hall, the small house has accumulated a lot of dust.Fortunately, the air in the room is dry, and it is not too humid because no one has lived there for a long time.

But of course the quilts in the room can't be used anymore, not to mention that Luo Xiaran won't use things that others have used.So after letting Aaron take away the sleeping bags they used on the road, Luo Xiaran also started to pack up the room they were going to live in at night.

The three of them were also tired from walking along the way. There was not even a mutated plant in this temple, and Luo Xiaran found that within a distance of [-] meters, there were some most common plants that had not mutated. It was not affected by the doomsday virus.

It's a pity that the old monk has passed away, and Aaron doesn't know what secret the old monk has.So no matter how curious Luo Xiaran was, she didn't have the energy to explore now.

After laying out a sleeping bag and a bamboo mat, Luo Xiaran decided to wait for her to get enough sleep before she decided to do anything.Even eating is not important to Luo Xiaran now.

After sleeping in the dark for about six or seven hours, when Luo Xiaran woke up, it was already pitch black outside.But Jun Lie, who was sleeping next to her, was nowhere to be seen.

He got up from the sleeping bag with a sore back and a sore back. After a mental glance, he found that Jun Lie and Aaron were sitting on a stone table and bench in the bamboo forest and eating dinner.Probably because of the concern that this is a temple, Jun Lie's dinners were all vegetarian dishes.

Feeling the comfortable temperature in the room, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but licked her lips, thinking in her heart, could she take these two houses with her?Anyway, the old monk said it was all hers, didn't he?
It's just that Luo Xiaran still needs to ask Aaron how to do it.Although from the outside, the log cabin should be a whole and could be put away, but Luo Xiaran had never done this before, so she didn't know it.

What's more, Luo Xiaran couldn't be sure, after she took the cabin away, would the effect of warming in winter and cooling in summer really still exist?
 Scheduled release~ The heroine is like a locust crossing the border, leaving nothing behind, hahaha~
(End of this chapter)

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