Chapter 696 There Are Survivors

Just looking at it, Luo Xiaran straightened up from Jun Lie's arms suddenly, and the team members lying not far from them woke up in their sleep in fright, looking vigilantly at him with a weapon in his hand. Luo Xiaran's direction.

Now Luo Xiaran can't care about the team members who were woken up by her. While standing up, she said to Jun Lie: "There are still survivors in the hospital!!!!"

If she didn't really believe that she would not be easily confused by hallucinations with her current mental abilities, Luo Xiaran would almost think that she was hallucinating.But those survivors are real. Looking at the skinny and dying survivors through mental power, Luo Xiaran couldn't help biting her lips.

What exactly is going on?How did these survivors end up in the hospital?Is it the survivors who came to find the drug trapped, or what?For a moment, Luo Xiaran frowned, and her heart was full of deep doubts.

However, she can be [-]% sure that her trip to the hospital will not be leaked out, so is it really a coincidence?But how did they survive under the siege of so many zombies?Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran became slightly curious.

And when Luo Xiaran said that there were survivors in the hospital, Jun Lie couldn't help but straighten up: "How many people? In which building? What's the situation? Are you sure it's a survivor?"

As Jun Lie quickly put on the padded clothes covered by the quilt, he frowned and asked.If it is really a survivor, it is probably not a fuel-efficient lamp to survive for such a long time in the hospital.

"There are about 200 people. The situation is not good. It should be due to the long-term lack of water and food. It's on the top floor of the building behind." Luo Xiaran also picked up her winter clothes and asked, "Would you like to help?"

"Since we have already met, let's take a look. Those who dare to venture into the hospital may have some unexpected gains." Jun Lie said to the surrounding team members who had already woken up: "It is found that the surviving Or, call everyone up and get ready for action."

Following Jun Lie's order, the sleeping team members began to wake up one after another. After just 5 minutes, everyone was dressed and ready to go, which made Luo Xiaran slightly moved.

This seemed to be the first time they acted at night, because zombies in the dark were not affected by their eyesight, so Luo Xiaran had never taken anyone on an adventure at night before.

But thinking about the zombies that are almost the same at night as during the day, Luo Xiaran felt that if there were no problems in starting night operations like this, it would not be impossible to continue night operations in the future.

But before the combatants left, Luo Xiaran carefully observed the situation of the survivors all the time, and nodded to Jun Lie after confirming that there was no danger in the building where the survivors were.

Considering the instability at night, it was finally decided to leave some fighters to protect the logistics team, and this time, Luo Xiaran will follow Jun Lie and others.After all, psychic powers are very useful abilities in the last days.

After the gold-type supernatural person opened the locked door on the north side of the emergency building, the zombies in the hospital rushed towards the emergency building once again.

The team members quickly cleaned up the zombies, while the leading team took the opportunity to quickly rush into the building where the survivors were.This is the inpatient department, but on the first floor is the charging office and the place where the inpatient department collects medicines...

 Scheduled release~ Next, there will be new supernatural beings~
(End of this chapter)

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