Chapter 679 Let Xianer Go Out

Cheng Yan, a dark-type supernatural being, successfully advanced to a sixth-level supernatural power not long after the zombie siege started.Luo Xiaran was busy attacking before, so she didn't pay attention, but when she stopped attacking, she found that Cheng Yan's dark ability was something that intelligent zombies couldn't devour and transform.

From this point of view, the nemesis of devouring ability is the dark ability.However, Chengyan is lower than the level of intelligent zombies. Luo Xiaran estimates that the level of intelligent zombies is at least the mid-eighth level or above. After all, Luo Xiaran himself has a faint feeling of being suppressed.

And when Luo Xiaran was thinking about how to use Cheng Yan's dark abilities to kill intelligent zombies, Fu Yixian, who was far away in the inn room, suddenly said to Leng Xi outside the door: "Go... ..."

For Fu Yixian to speak suddenly, Leng Xi was naturally very happy.After distinguishing clearly that what Fu Yixian said was going out, Leng Xi's face turned ugly.

Just when Leng Xi was not about to satisfy Fu Yixian, the prophecy ability, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly gave Leng Xi a reminder, and Leng Xi's face turned slightly pale.

"Uncle Diao, go to the tower and ask Xia Ran to let Xian'er out!" After propping himself up and standing still against the wall, Leng Xi said to Master Diao expressionlessly.

Master Diao hadn't heard such a cold tone from Lengxi for a long time. After being stunned for a moment, he quickly walked out of the inn, drove the car parked outside the inn, and rushed up to the tower in just 5 minutes.

Looking at Luo Xiaran and the others who were sticking together with the zombies, Master Diao pursed his lips and said to Xiao Zhenyan who was in command of the battlefield: "I need to contact Miss Luo."

After all, Luo Xiaran and the others are fighting. If you call Luo Xiaran's name rashly, it will be bad if it affects the battle of Luo Xiaran and others, causing Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie or others to be injured. .

"Well, yes." Hearing this, Xiao Zhenyan frowned, but thinking that Mr. Diao is not a person who ignores the overall situation, so if he rushed over in such a hurry, could it be that Leng Xi had some prophecy?

Xiao Zhenyan naturally knew that Leng Xi's prophecy ability could not be controlled independently, so after thinking for a while, he stopped blocking Master Diao.What's more, the battle situation below has been deadlocked for so long, if Leng Xi really thought of something, that would be great.

"Miss Luo! The young master told you to let the young lady out!" After receiving Xiao Zhenyan's consent, Master Diao took a deep breath, and then shouted angrily at Luo Xiaran who was fighting outside the city.

When Luo Xiaran heard Master Diao's words at first, she was puzzled, but since it was Leng Xi's intention, Leng Xi would not hurt her.After looking at each other hastily with Jun Lie, he quickly lifted the restriction on Fu Yixian's guest room.

Fortunately, Luo Xiaran can still make some small moves as long as he is within a few thousand meters of the inn.As soon as the restraint was lifted, Fu Yixian quickly broke the door and rushed out of the inn, leaving the pale Leng Xi at the door.

Since the prophecy ability consumes a lot of physical strength and energy of Leng Xi every time he appears, even though Leng Xi wanted to catch up, but he walked tremblingly, and was finally sent to the next room by the waiter and shopkeeper who caught up. middle.

And Fu Yixian, who escaped from the inn, ran in the city at an extremely fast speed. Before the guards at the gate noticed, Fu Yixian had already rushed into the crowd of zombies...

 Scheduled release~March~ time flies so fast~
(End of this chapter)

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