Chapter 640
After getting on the expressway, Dongfang Kangan also accelerated a lot.Although there are service areas along the expressway, no one can guarantee the current condition of the service areas, so one has to make another preparation and leave more time to come out.

Galloping all the way, although I didn't encounter groups of zombies, occasionally mutated animals would attack the RV.Dongfang Kang'an, who didn't want to waste time, drove past directly, leaving the mutated animals far behind.

A mutated animal that has been hungry for a cold winter, although it is very thirsty for appetite, it is a pity that it does not have much profit to spend on chasing prey, and in the end it can only give up Luo Xiaran and the three.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock at noon that the RV arrived at the first service area because of the unevenness of the road.At this time, there were still survivors in the service area.

But the situation is very strange. The survivor is a man in his 20s, and there is only such a man in the entire service area, which makes people have to be vigilant.

Long after the RV drove into the service area, Songsong walked up and down the living room a little impatiently.And when Dongfang Kang'an revealed the existence of the man, Luo Xiaran also doubted the identity of the man.

Under normal circumstances, Songsong didn't become so irritable even with so many high-level supernatural beings in the Lieyan Mercenary Group's garrison before.And through mental power, what Luo Xiaran saw was a normal man who couldn't be so normal.Therefore, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips, and after admonishing Dongfang Kang'an, she took Jun Lie out of the caravan.

"Hello, excuse me." With a decent smile on her face, Luo Xiaran took Jun Lie's arm and walked a few steps towards the man step by step, then stood about ten meters away from the man, and met the man Say hello.

"What's the matter?" After looking at the three of them, the man nodded and asked in greeting.Probably because he hadn't drank water for a long time, the man's voice was hoarse and unpleasant.

"It's noon, we want to rest here for a while, I don't know if it is possible. Is there anyone else here?" Luo Xiaran asked, while continuing to use her psychic powers, wanting to search in the service area Are there any clues.

"I'm the only one here, and I don't have anything to eat or drink. If you don't mind, come in." The man nodded and said.If it was half a month ago, he might be afraid of strangers coming here, but now, he is not afraid anymore.

Luo Xiaran didn't know what was going on in the man's mind.After getting the man's consent, Luo Xiaran signaled Dongfang Kang'an to lock the car door and enter the supermarket in the service area.

Although there are outsiders, Luo Xiaran doesn't mind showing her spatial abilities, after all, she doesn't need to hide at all now.Even if someone is envious of Luo Xiaran's ability, there is no way to covet Luo Xiaran.

Noticing that such a big caravan was put away by Luo Xiaran directly, a look of surprise flashed in the man's eyes, but he was quickly restrained. If it wasn't for Luo Xiaran's spiritual power to pay attention to the man all the time, it would be very Probably about to miss it.

After entering the supermarket, Luo Xiaran found that the whole supermarket was just like what the man said, there was no food or drink at all, it could even be regarded as empty.

The goods on the shelf were cleaned up by someone, and Luo Xiaran did not find any traces of the man's possession of the goods in his mental strength. Looking at it this way, it is even more suspicious...

 Scheduled release~╮(╯▽╰)╭I want to double open~Unfortunately, the code word speed is too slow, and there is still procrastination~The update is completed today~
(End of this chapter)

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