Chapter 615 No clue
"It's a gunshot, one shot is fatal, and the technique is very crisp and neat. It was definitely done by a professional." The fire-type power user pursed his lips and replied.To be able to do this kind of thing in the Jun family's territory is really a provocation to the Jun family.

"Shooting? Then at least we can be sure that the same group of people did it." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran frowned and said.Because the bullet that hit Jun Lie before was smeared with toxin, it's no wonder that those people don't use the ability. After all, the bullet enters the body, and the toxin will spread with the blood in an instant. Compared with the ability that may be blocked, it is naturally the bullet. Easier to kill with one hit.

What's more, after getting used to the ability, apart from ordinary people, even Luo Xiaran rarely used guns and ammunition as means of attack.It's no wonder, then, that the issue of carrying firearms wasn't on everyone's radar until the wedding guests entered the venue.

It's just that the main problem is because everyone is arrogant again.Because the supernatural beings are getting more powerful, they naturally lower their defenses against ordinary people who carry guns, don't they?

When everyone was frowning and thinking about the identity of the murderer, the female team member who was looking after Lu Tongtong and Chu Hao came down from the upstairs guest room: "Boss, Lu Tongtong has woken up."

Hearing that Lu Tongtong woke up, Luo Xiaran got up and walked upstairs with Jun Lie.Considering that Chu Hao was also poisoned, Luo Xiaran felt that Lu Tongtong should treat Chu Hao first.

By the time Luo Xiaran walked upstairs to Lu Tongtong's guest room, Chu Hao had already woken up under Lu Tongtong's treatment.After all, after more than three months of training, Lu Tongtong's light ability has now reached the peak of the third level, which is much stronger than Luo Xiaran's healing.

"What's the matter with you?" Luo Xiaran sat at the tea table, looked around carefully, and then asked, "Did you see who was attacked? When was it attacked?"

"Before the wedding started, it was about [-]:[-]. At that time, I wanted to go to the bathroom, and then I asked Chu Hao to accompany me. The one who attacked us was a woman, as if I had seen it somewhere. At that time, I And behind Chu Hao, she called us, and then we didn't know." Lu Tongtong pursed his lips, thinking with some fear in his heart.If that woman had killed them, it would be impossible for them to sit here and talk to Luo Xiaran now.

"Well, let's think about whether there are any other discoveries." Since Lu Tongtong failed to provide any useful clues, Luo Xiaran bit her lip, feeling very bad.After all, the opponent's attack was aimed at her, and Jun Lie was even seriously injured. Naturally, Luo Xiaran couldn't bear it any longer.

It's a pity that I can't find even a single clue at present, and the lack of clues makes people even more irritated.When Jun Lie noticed that Luo Xiaran's mood was fluctuating, he had already held Luo Xiaran's hand, and squeezed Luo Xiaran's fingers in a comforting manner.

Sometimes the more upset you are, the more difficult it is to find a solution. If you stay calm, you may find unexpected discoveries.What's more, there are two situations in which Luo Xiaran will be attacked. One is to have hatred with Luo Xiaran himself, and the other is to have hatred with Jun Lie.

If there are really no other clues, then Jun Lie doesn't mind acting like he would rather kill ten thousand by mistake than let one go.Anyway, now is the end of the world, as the actual person in power of this security base, this is still possible.What's more, even before the end of the world, Jun Lie would not allow someone to hurt Luo Xiaran while he himself did nothing...

 Scheduled release~ Worrying about how to bring out the identity of the murderer~ There are still 10 minutes at midnight, I'm stuck~
(End of this chapter)

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