Chapter 600 Rose Mercenary Group

In the end, Luo Xiaran made sweet and sour hairtail, chicken stewed with mushrooms, cold mother-in-law, beef brisket stewed with tomatoes, and hot and sour bamboo shoot soup.Both the beef brisket and the chicken are from selected mutated livestock, so as soon as they come out of the pan, the aroma wafts throughout the kitchen.

After sharing the four dishes and one soup for Xiao Erduan to give to Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui, Luo Xiaran put them into the system backpack, including Luo Xiaran The rice produced by supernatural powers is full of a large bucket.

After walking out of the kitchen and waiting in the lobby for about half an hour, I saw Jun Lie walking in from the outside with a smile on his face.Followed by Juncheng, Xiao Zhenyan and others, since they are all in a good mood, they are not affected by the cold at all.

Seeing Juncheng and others were there, Luo Xiaran felt a little disappointed. Originally, she wanted to have dinner alone with Jun Lie.But since a few people came, Luo Xiaran would not be unwelcome, and stood up with a smile and told the waiter to let the cook prepare dinner again.

"I'm back, dinner is not ready yet, sit down and drink some water and wait a while." Luo Xiaran took out the tea and teapot, and before Luo Xiaran could do anything, Juncheng had already stepped forward to take over the teapot. Tea work.

In desperation, Luo Xiaran could only take out a few more oranges from the system backpack, cut them open with a knife, and distributed them to everyone in turn.Each orange is as big as Jun Lie's fist, sweet and delicious. As soon as it is taken out, it already exudes the fragrance of oranges. After eating it, it is even more memorable.

This is the difference between the fruit produced by the inn and the fruit before the end of the world.Even if the inn spawns quickly, not only will the taste not be degraded, it will even be better than it.But thinking of the fruits that were produced with chemical fertilizers or some chemicals to make money before the end of the world, the taste is of course not comparable.

After everyone thanked them, they ate oranges and drank hot tea, and then talked about the big and small things in the safe zone a while ago.Because Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were not at the base in Kyoto at that time, the two of them had no time to listen to these things until now.

What caught Luo Xiaran's attention the most was naturally about Feng Yuman's situation.Since the first meeting, Feng Yuman has become a thorn in Luo Xiaran's heart.Even if it is impossible for Jun Lie to be with Feng Yuman, Luo Xiaran will not be happy if someone covets her man.

What's more, Luo Xiaran didn't expect that Feng Yuman's methods were really powerful. In just three months, he established his own faction 'Rose Mercenary Group' in the safe zone, and even lived in the nearest to them. In the second district, people often ask about Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran.

Even though the news of Jun Lie's proposal to Luo Xiaran was known to all the survivors in the safety zone, Feng Yuman still showed his feelings for Jun Lie to the outside world.Although no one revealed anything explicitly, there were people talking about Feng Yuman's infatuation in private, and some even thought that Jun Lie might as well accept Feng Yuman as well.

After all, after the end of the world, no one will care about how many women you have. As long as you are strong, there will naturally be countless women flocking to you, so as long as a man wants to, he can have a string of women around him, as long as he can afford it.

And a woman who is willing to be raised by a man, why would she care if he regards herself as the only one?There are so many dangers now, women just hope that there is a man who can protect her from bullying, starvation, and sleeping on the streets...

 Scheduled release~15 o'clock in the morning on the [-]th, I couldn't hold it anymore, I went to sleep~ I wish you all wishes come true in the new year, smile often~
(End of this chapter)

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