Chapter 446 Carrying Hawthorn
"Hahaha." Luo Xiaran, delighted by the mutant hedgehog's actions, couldn't help laughing.Awakened by the laughter, the mutant hedgehog turned around and was about to run away, but the zipper of the tent didn't open much, so the mutant hedgehog bumped into the tent first, then stood up tremblingly and continued to crawl outside.

Naturally, it was impossible for Luo Xiaran to watch the mutated hedgehog run away like this. She took out the mutated bitter grass that had been put aside, and then let the mutated bitter grass stretch out its leaves, bringing the whole mutated hedgehog round and round to her. in front of.

After all, the mutated bitter grass itself is sane, so she knew Luo Xiaran didn't want to hurt the mutated hedgehog.And if Luo Xiaran manipulated the mutated willow branch by himself, even if he relaxed his strength, it would probably cause damage to the mutated hedgehog.

The mutated hedgehog that was caught seemed a little uneasy, its paws kept moving, trying to untie the mutated bitter grass.However, because of the mucus on the leaves of the mutated bitter grass, there was no chance of escape.

Due to the spikes on the mutant hedgehog, Luo Xiaran was not in a hurry to touch the mutant hedgehog.After letting the mutated bitter grass pick up the big red apple from the ground, Luo Xiaran gently placed it in front of the mutated hedgehog, and then slowly released the shackles on the mutated hedgehog.

In order to prevent the mutant hedgehog from escaping, Luo Xiaran ordered the mutant bitter grass to block the exit of the tent, and then took out a few hawthorns from the system backpack, and placed them in front of him one by one.

Although the mutant hedgehog was loosened, it didn't move.Carefully staying where she was and looking at Luo Xiaran for a long time, she cautiously walked up to the big red apple, raised her two front paws and hugged it into her arms.

It wasn't until Luo Xiaran released a few more hawthorns that the mutant hedgehog couldn't wait to nibble on the big red apple.After chasing Luo Xiaran and the others all afternoon, the mutant hedgehog was also very tired. After all, he had to be careful not to be discovered by Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie along the way.

The sound of 'click click' was amplified in the small tent.Luo Xiaran watched the mutated hedgehog eating with all his mental strength, until a big red apple was wiped out, and even the core of the apple was eaten, and the mutated hedgehog stopped in satisfaction.

Although it fills my stomach, I also like the red hawthorn mutant hedgehog.It's been a long time since Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie had something. The mutant hedgehog became more courageous. After rolling, he tied up the red hawthorn and carried it on his back.

Seeing how greedy the mutant hedgehog was, Luo Xiaran couldn't help laughing again.After laughing, Luo Xiaran took out several grapes one by one and put them on the ground, and finally took some lychees.

But this time, Luo Xiaran didn't put the lychees on the ground, but peeled off the lychees and Jun Lie shared them.The mutant hedgehog, who had rolled the grapes on his back in anticipation, noticed the movements of Luo Xiaran and the two of them, and couldn't help but walked on the ground a few times anxiously.

"Come on, I'll give it to you when you come here." Luo Xiaran said while shaking the remaining inspirational coin, and then hooked her finger at the mutant hedgehog.The mutant hedgehog is so smart, even if he can't understand what Luo Xiaran said, he should understand his movements.

The mutant hedgehog stood on the spot and paced from time to time, but finally couldn't bear the temptation of fresh fruit, and moved towards Luo Xiaran with small steps...

 Scheduled release~Little hedgehog carrying Guoguo~
(End of this chapter)

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