Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 291 The Rainy Season Is Coming

Chapter 291 The Rainy Season Is Coming

After recording the live fish with the system, Luo Xiaran began to pack all the fish harvested.They were not slaughtered, and they were directly put into specially prepared iron vats or wooden barrels.

After all, the ice-type superpowers are almost exhausted, and they don't have the ability to help her freeze the fish into ice cubes so that they can be stored in the system backpack.And if the fish were put away one by one, they would need to occupy three grids, and Luo Xiaran didn't have so many grids to waste.

Moreover, there must be beast cores among these big fish, after all, so many big fish can use water-type abilities and ice-type abilities.It's a pity that Luo Xiaran didn't bother to clean up by herself. Even though Luo Xiaran liked to eat fish, the fishy smell after cleaning up was annoying, so I had to wait until the team had had enough rest.

By the time Luo Xiaran cleaned up and went ashore, everyone had already rested.Black Mountain and other hounds and King Kong were playing around, paying attention to the surrounding situation by the way, without any influence from the battle just now.

"Have a good rest nearby, and continue fishing tomorrow. After completely consuming the abilities, you can practice faster, so everyone can receive ten crystal nuclei." Jun Lie said to the crowd who were already preparing to set off.

Although most of the crystal nuclei he harvested were handed over to Luo Xiaran, it didn't mean that he didn't even keep any for the team members to practice.What's more, people with supernatural powers can also absorb energy in the air for cultivation, but the speed is much slower than absorbing crystal nuclei.

Because a scenic spot was built by the river, I found a restaurant that used to make fish within a few steps.Everyone started working together, and after ten minutes, they cleared up the resting place.

Juncheng distributed the crystal nuclei needed for cultivation to everyone one by one, and everyone who had already eaten and drank enough found a place to rest and sat down and began to absorb the crystal nuclei to replenish energy.

And as Jun Lie said, after completely consuming the ability, although it will cause some physical fatigue, as long as it is replenished with crystal nucleus energy, it will feel the improvement of the ability.

Several supernatural beings who were stuck at the second level and could not upgrade for a long time had entered a breakthrough state before absorbing all ten crystal nuclei.And Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie, and Jun Cheng have been paying attention to everyone's situation. After they noticed the energy fluctuations of the advanced stage, they quickly added crystal nuclei to the advanced abilities, so as not to cause the advanced stage due to insufficient energy. stage failed.

When the sun goes down, the night covers the earth and it is pitch black.A strong wind began to blow outside the hotel, and the willow trees on the bank swayed their branches that had just escaped from the ice and snow, making a burst of 'whoosh, whoosh' sound, waking up the resting people.

"The weather is going to change, and the rainy season is coming." Luo Xiaran, who was sleeping in Jun Lie's arms, woke up from a peaceful sleep, stood at the window and released her psychic powers, and then said: "Send a message to let us know, Don't cause unnecessary losses due to heavy rain."

Unexpectedly, the rainy season is coming so soon. Luo Xiaran is no longer sure how many days the first rain will fall in the rainy season. Fortunately, she has made full preparations before, so that she won't be caught off guard by the heavy rain.

"Well, good. Are you hungry? How about fish porridge at night?" Jun Lie came to Luo Xiaran's side, wrapped her tightly in his down jacket, and asked Luo Xiaran's cheek.

Jun Lie, who was not in the rainy season, didn't care at all, but felt a little sorry for the big fish in the river.After a heavy rain, the big fish trapped in the ice and snow will probably lose a lot along the river...

 Scheduled release~ If you like it, don't forget to click to add to the bookshelf and collect it~ Daily efforts are being made to save the manuscript~ Merry Christmas Mina-san~
(End of this chapter)

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