Chapter 279

Under the leadership of Yuan Zhongkai, a group of people walked into the underground parking lot one after another.Because there is no electricity, the underground parking lot is pitch black and you can't see your fingers.

After turning on the flashlights that everyone carried with them, they realized that there was not a single stationary car in the entire underground garage.What's going on here?Everyone was a little puzzled.

Luo Xiaran pursed her lips, and finally couldn't help opening up her mental power.Although the unknown is very interesting, Luo Xiaran pays more attention to everyone's safety more often. After all, these people are carefully cultivated, and it will make people feel regretful if any one is missing.

About three meters away from the underground parking lot, there is a large-scale processing factory, and the machines are placed there in an orderly manner, but Luo Xiaran did not find any survivors underground.

Could it be that the people upstairs are survivors from the underground military supply processing factory?Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran turned her energy to the supermarket.

Above the parking lot is a supermarket, and above it are men's and women's clothing stores, shoe stores, children's clothing, luxury goods, catering and entertainment.Through mental strength, Luo Xiaran found that all the survivors were gathered in the dining and entertainment city on the top floor, and there were about 200 people.

However, according to Luo Xiaran's observation, not all the survivors were soldiers, there were men, women, old and young. Luo Xiaran estimated that these people might be the people who were trapped inside the supermarket when the last days happened.

It was probably because the supermarket had all the supplies for underwear, food, housing, and transportation, and there was a lot of inventory, and there were even materials from the underground military supplies factory, so the survivors upstairs seemed to be in good condition.

"There's no one in the ground, they're all up there, probably they've spotted us a long time ago." Luo Xiaran stopped and said to Jun Lie.Since the other party has moved upstairs, it is estimated that life is more important than the underground machine.There should be a lot of gold, silver and jade objects upstairs, and Luo Xiaran felt that even if he couldn't gather them into his team, it was still possible to make a deal.

Because the estimated time for the next trip is not short, if it is only soldiers, Luo Xiaran can also be accommodated in the current team.After all, Jun Lie's people are basically from the army, so there will be no problem in communicating.

But the quality of the other survivors was uneven, and it was impossible for Luo Xiaran to accept people without preparation, so just by taking a look, Luo Xiaran had already chosen to abandon the group of survivors upstairs.

And it seems that they are living well here. Luo Xiaran will leave behind the situation in the safe zone of City H. If he wants to, it won't be too difficult to move there.

"Well, let's go up there." Hearing this, Jun Lie nodded.Although it wouldn't be a problem if they just took the things away, since the guards were still there, they had to say hello.

There was a safe passage leading upstairs from the parking lot, but unfortunately the entrance was also blocked. The last group of people had to exit the underground parking lot and came to the entrance of the main entrance of the supermarket again.

I saw that the closed door had been opened at this time, and ten tall men in military overcoats with guns on their backs walked out of the supermarket on guard.

The leader was a man in his 40s. After looking at everyone, he said, "Where did you guys come from? What's the matter?" Although Luo Xiaran and his party did not hold weapons, they had neat faces and healthy postures. , Only then can it better reflect the strength of the group.

 Timely release~ I feel sick to my stomach these days, my heart is stuffy, I don’t want to go to the doctor~
(End of this chapter)

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