Chapter 239 Ability Core

Leading Jin Feiya, Wu Yan'an walked out of the office with an unchanged expression.The two walked down the stairs step by step, and when they encountered the first familiar body, their expressions changed slightly and they quickened their pace.

Wu Yan'an had also discovered at this time that although Jun Lie didn't make it clear that he couldn't get along with him, the team he brought must have been in danger.

Thinking of this, Wu Yan'an showed a ferocious expression.This time, he suffered a big loss if he didn't check it for a while. The meteorite had an extraordinary effect, so he had to take it back anyway.

But Wu Yan'an is not a reckless person, the first thing to do now is to return to the safe zone safely.It's a trivial matter that the team is gone, anyway, there are enough supplies in Jinfeiya's space, and a bag of biscuits may be able to buy a life these days.

After Wu Yan'an and Jin Feiya left, Jun Lie took out a communicator and sent a message to Juncheng, asking his people to win over Pang Wei to strangle Wu Yan'an.

Of course, the ultimate goal is not to kill Wu Yanan and Jin Feiya, but the supernatural core in Wu Yanan's body.Every supernatural person has a supernatural core in his body. Excessive use of the supernatural power will cause the supernatural nucleus to be damaged, and if the supernatural nucleus is damaged, the supernatural person will lose his supernatural power.

As far as Luo Xiaran knew, the power core could also help ordinary people activate their powers, but the chances were small.In her previous life, there had been incidents where a person with supernatural powers had their supernatural powers removed, so Luo Xiaran planned to let Wu Yan'an also taste the loss of supernatural powers.

Without the powerful lightning ability, Luo Xiaran believed that Wu Yan'an and Wu Yan'an would live a colorful life with Jin Feiya's space ability alone.

The reason why Pang Wei was allowed to take action was naturally to bring hatred to Pang Wei.At this time, Pang Wei's status in the safe zone has risen a lot. Luo Xiaran doesn't want the other party to control the safe zone, so it needs to be resolved.

Wu Yan'an, who has no powers, fell from the clouds to the abyss, and he will probably retaliate frantically.Thinking of Wu Yan'an losing his mind and filled with hatred, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Okay, let's go and pack the supplies in the commercial building. After packing, we should go back and watch the excitement." Luo Xiaran withdrew her mental strength to observe the movements of Wu Yan'an and the two, and said to the few people gathered on the top floor.

Because Wu Yan'an's staff has already moved some of the materials in the underground supermarket, but fortunately Jin Feiya has limited space, so most of them are still inside. What Luo Xiaran has to do is to collect the fruits of other people's labor, and then wait for Pang Good news from Weihe Juncheng.

From the collection on the top floor to the first floor, it took a group of people two full days to pack up the materials in the commercial building.And just when Luo Xiaran was about to bring someone back, the communicator next to Jun Lie rang a 'beep' sound.

"It's done, Wu Yan'an's power core was put away by Juncheng, Jin Feiya was disfigured, and Pang Wei's people threw the two of them in the snow to fend for themselves. Juncheng took the opportunity to inform the previous safety zone Those who slip through the net will not die." After the sound stopped, Jun Lie said to Luo Xiaran.

Although he didn't personally participate in the battle, Jun Lie asked Jun Cheng to entertain Wu Yan'an for him in private, presumably the other party was not just as simple as losing his ability.It's just that Jun Lie certainly won't tell Luo Xiaran about this matter.

 Scheduled release~ The battle scene is incompetent, so I just write the result directly. Without the ability, what else can the scumbag do?

(End of this chapter)

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